Addictions - just for fun


Okay, so what can't you live without? Maybe there's a certain kind of cookie that you would rather die than never have another one. Or french fries.

For me, it's Second Cup (a Canadian coffee shop similar to Starbuck's) hot chocolate, made with skim milk, just one shot of syrup, with no whipped cream or foam. I have one pretty much every day.

Also, Ritz Crackers. I can't buy them because I'll eat the whole box.
Homemade chocolate chip cookies. Hands down. Without a doubt. Would rather die and be sent to hell than live without chocolate chip cookies. I am not obsessive. Really. :9

I am a huge fan of all baked goods and my other favorites (which all take a backseat to chocolate chip cookies) are brownies (with nuts!), pumpkin pie, and german chocolate cake. Oh yeah baby! Bring it on! ;)
Oh, Emily, I have the BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe which includes shaved chocolate along with the chips. Let me know if you'd like a copy:)
I know that this isn't in the way of food, but THE thing I cannot live w/o is my garden! I love my garden! I love flowers and colors and smells and getting my hands dirty and weeding and watching it grow and EVERYTHING that has to do with perennials! It is so relaxing and rewarding to watch it grow!
I HAVE to have my diet DP every day. Also, 10 M&Ms per day but I'm currently weaning myself off of them. (Just having 5 lately...) ;-)
OMG!! POPCORN & PEANUT BUTTER! Which I am eating right now! Celrey w/peanut butter & a mini bag of popcorn for my snack. Life is good, Baby!!:9
One! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My daily addiction is soft drink. I crave coke & cherry coke. I really would like to stop it, but I've tried several times without any success. Hopefully one day I will be able to say that I kicked the habit.
Okay, I admit Peanut M&M's too! Can't buy them very often because I eat, eat, eat til the bag is gone!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers. They call me "Wimpy". I also am addicted to diet cola. I can give it up for a little while, but it always worms its way back into my life.

I would say nicotine but I am living without it, but it ain't easy. I don't consider myself an ex-smoker. I consider myself a recovering nicotine addict.
Emily - I'd like that recipe!!!! I love making cookies with my dd when the weather is bad. I always send most of them to school with her, but it's the process I really enjoy and am happy with only 1 or 2 of the cookies.
Shelley - if you do not send me your awesome chocolate chip cookie recipe, I will hunt you down and force you to do 300 plie jacks! }(

So, sure, I'd like a copy of the recipe! :9

[email protected]

Thanks! (And I wouldn't really make you do 300 plie jacks. Maybe 100, 150 tops.)
I will never give up coffee again! I have for various reasons, ranging from insomnia to tinnitus and it never made a bit of difference except to make me appreciate how much I love that acidic, oily brew! I like it freshly brewed although those wonderful carafes keep it fresh and tasty so brewing it freshly is not necessary if you have a great coffeemaker. I drink it only early in the day because I do have sleep issues but a morning without coffee is like a day without sunshine. Sucks, baby! I am using Starbuck's Sulawesi right now but I love Sumatran and Kenyan and I am working my way through the world of gourmet coffee and it is good!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver related I'd have to say ice cream/custard. Oh, and Starbuck's soy vanilla latte. Non-food-wise I'd have to say books. I hardly go anywhere without a book.


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