Active Recovery Week

Does anyone know how much "activity" we're really supposed to be doing during the Active Recovery Weeks? In looking through old posts, some people appear to be doing as much, if not more, than they do during a Meso Cycle! Has Cathe ever given any direction as to what she considers "active recovery"?
Great question, I have the same one :). I've been searching the forums to find the answer to this thinking that surely it's been talked about before but so far I can't find anything.

I can tell you what I've been doing as outlined in my first strength training program I ever did but it was not anything from Cathe and it was still pretty intense. Day 1: Cardio; Day 2: Yoga; Day 3: a circuit type workout with lots of core work and very light weight strength; Day 4: yoga; Day 5: circuit again, Day 6: Cardio Day 7: total rest day or just stretching.

I was wondering that too as I am finishing Meso 1 next week and I really don't want to get out of the habit I guess of working out every day. I've decided to do five cardio workouts and one stretch the day before I start Meso 2 - I will be doing MMA Fusion, Step Moves, MMA KB, Athletic Step, MMA Boxing. I chose those because they are fairly short and not as intense as the other workouts. I certainly won't be touching HiiT or Core Cardio Circuit. I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I really enjoy those workout and don't find too challenging...
recovery week

I found this answer under the STS FAQ page:
During this week you might want to try something like a relaxing Yoga video or a Cathe stretch DVD. Perhaps you will want to do some outdoor activities like walking, tennis or hiking. Whatever you do, it should be a light activity as you're letting your body recover from the previous Mesocycle while getting ready for the more intense Mesocycle to follow.

Next week is my first recovery week and I'm looking forward to it!

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