Aching Shins ?


Hi All,

Does anyone else find that after step, or floor aerobics, their shins ache, like your arms ache after lifting weights ? Is it quite normal for shins to ache ?


Anna :)
You may have shin splits or be developing them so be very careful. Do you stretch good before exercising? Stretch your shins and calves especially good if you are feeling aches after working out. The only time my shins get sore are if I do something new I haven't done in awhile, i.e., started running again with my dogs and the first two workouts my whole body ached including my shins, but by the third workout I was fine. If it is shin splints icing will help the ache.

Hi Colleen,

Just had a quick glance on the www for info on shin splints and alot of websites are indicating that this condition mainly affects runners ?
I have to say that I have worked out tonight and my shins aren't aching at the moment, but they were this morning after working out last night ? Very odd, maybe I have done too much cardio in the space of 3 days. I did a Cathe step workout tonight and Monday night, and on Tuesday night I did a 40 minute low impact aerobics floor workout ?

OMG, I am now worried, I don't want my shins to ache !


There is another post somewhere on here about this. I talk about my problems with this. I have always had problems with this, even when I am used to a certain exercise. Maybe tight leg muscles contributes?? I will try to refer you to the correct post..


The post is for "running and leg pain". This shin splint thing is not only a running ailment for me as you will see in the other post. Today I did Cardio Kicks and man, my shins were on FIRE.

I can press on my legs and it hurts, almost like if you were pushing real hard on a bruise. Pretty much my legs stay this way all the time, obviously getting worse with increasing impact. But all the time, if I touch them in the right place, I can get that "Ouch!" feeling. And I am pretty sure there are no stress fractures.

I try to stretch my legs but to no avail. Weird, because this week I did IMAX on Mon. Could feel my shins Mon. night but not too bad. Tues, did PH and was up during the night with this achey feeling you speak of. Used to think weights did not make shin splints worse, but I am now thinking they do, cuz when I did CK today.....oooooohhhhhheeeeeyyyyy!!!

I do all that alphabet stuff with my toes and stretch the front of my legs but nothin works except pure rest. And, as I said, shin splints seem to be somewhat chronic so once you have them they are very hard to get rid of. After a weekend of rest I can feel good, but it only takes a few high impact workouts to bring it right back..

Well, atleast I shared my story if not any good advice. Again, I am glad I am not alone in this one!!!

RE: Hi Janice !

Hi Janice,

I will zip over to that posting at some point this morning (got to take DD to school). I have woken up to day, and my shins feel fine, though I have a crick in my neck ! :-rollen
Where do you get your shin ache ? Mine runs down the front of the leg.

RE: Hi Janice !

Hi Janice,

The day is coming to an end here in the UK (10.15pm) and I am posting to report that thank goodness I have had no shin ache today. Phew ! Maybe my shins were in overdrive mode the other day ? Maybe I tried too hard with my Wedding video ? I think, though I am still going to invest in a new pair of sneakers (trainers) !

RE: Hi Janice !

Wait till your next hard cardio day before you assume your shin splints are gone. The muscle in the front of your legs I believe is your Soleus. Maybe you just had a sore muscle. My legs ache in the front, but kindof to the interior down by my ankle. Definitly lower leg...

RE: Hi Janice !

If it is just DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) a good stretch is just to kneel down, on the floor, with your weight on your heels. Try it!

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