AC: Love it or leave it?

Shannon and Bunbun, I've noticed that you have a lot in common in that you both don't like to sit or be sedentary for long periods, and you both prefer natural environments.

I am completely the opposite. I adore AC, and look forward to it all year because it's the only time the air is truly under my control. Weird, huh? And as a child I dreamed of someday working in an office, probably also because everything in my office and on my desk is orderly and under control. Hmmm. Control theme here. I love small, orderly spaces and detest the open outdoors. I guess that means I'm a control freak.

Anyway, I LOVE LOVE AC. :D
OK, that's really odd, Nancy!! :) I am absolutely compelled to get outdoors every single day. I don't care how hard it's raining or snowing, or what the wind chill is--I have to get outdoors. At work I go for a 15-30 minute walk at lunch every day no matter what (I don't care how damn busy it is at work--I get out for a minimum of 15 minutes.) In the summer, it's even more important--I have to get out of the office and into the sun to 1.) return the feeling to my fingers and feet, which are completely iced over by the AC!! and 2.) feel like I am actually having a summer!
Well,I've just came back from walking my dog in this hot and HUMID morning. It was like walking in the soup. What a relief was to enter my nice and AC cooled house. I'd miss it terrible if I would not have it. Probably cold not sleep either. Maybe where the heat is dry, but not here in NJ.
I know it's weird, Bunbun, but I love that everyone is different. :) That's what makes life interesting. I do admit, however, that the AC in the office sometimes gets to me too. Sometimes I have to go outside for a few minutes just to warm up.
I love my a/c at home because I don't keep it too cold. But at work and in most public places (malls, restaurants), it's usually sub-arctic and I'm wearing a sweater.
Wow, Macsa--did you just get that thunderstorm blow through by you like we did here in NJ--sideways rain? Looked like we were in the middle of a carwash!

Also, I have discovered a new reason that I may just keep the AC running this summer--when I open my windows lately, the mosquitos are invading my house.
You have to wonder why they keep it so cold--such a huge waste of money, isn't it? In stores, it makes shoppers complain. At work, it's kind of counterproductive to be so cold that you fingers are numb.
Boss keeps AC down to 71 in the office. Then sits at his desk with a big fan blowing behind him. Me, I am in my office in a sweater with my space heater on!

I was in Vegas this last weekend and it was about 109 ish outside. All of the casinos were freezing. If I had a glass of water with ice in it, I got goosebumps! It's crazy.

I do use the AC at home, especially if I am working out. I don't like it below 78 though, and I don't like it to blow on me. I get too cold.

My sister has been living with me and has complained about the heat constantly. When I got home yesterday, from Vegas, she wasn't even home and the AC was turned down to 73!!!! Geesh!

I, too, think it is incredible that people are so different. But man I hate to be cold. I don't mind being too hot, but to me, cold just hurts!
Evidently those of you who hate AC don't live in Florida.


I do live in the Sunshine State and the only way we function is with AC.

I'm in Texas, with 100+ temperatures, so I love my AC, but I keep it on 79-80 & use my ceiling fans to circulate the air. I do shut off the AC & open my windows a good bit too, in the early morning or evening, to let some fresh air in. I am very warm natured & would prefer to keep my AC at lower temp than I do, but I'm too cheap to pay a high electric bill. :D
It's become a necessary evil at our house when it's really hot and humid. We have it in our bedroom only and keep it on low.

I hate going into offices and restaurants where it's theaters are the worst. I usually bring a sweater and wool socks to the movies. :)
Leave it - even though I don't really care for those extremely humid days, I can't stand being cold. My company keeps it too cold, all the stores and restaurants keep it too cold. I too have a little heater fan under my desk that runs more in the summer than in the winter. I refuse to go anywhere without a sweater because I know I'll end up freezing. I don't pull out my shorts until it's at least 80 out - and I live in CT, not in AZ where 80 is cool.

I have a continuing battle with DH. I say only turn the AC on when you FEEL hot. He comes into a room, looks at the thermostat. If it reads over 74 in the room, he turns on the AC - regardless of whether he's comfortable or not!! I keep threatening to cover all the thermostat readouts with duct tape. I swear we would save by at least 50% on our electric bill.
It's a love hate thing but here in Arizona I think it's a must. We have "dual cooling" which means we can switch back and forth between air conditioning and evaporative cooling which is a pump, a motor and a fan with cooling pads which are dripped on and pumped into the usually incredibly dry atmosphere and works beautifully and cheaply when it's dry and our humidity averages something like 9% in early summer. But we have a wet season when it clouds up and storms, or so we hope, each afternoon of summer from July through August, sometimes into September and when it's around 100 degrees even humidity in the 30's is nasty and the "evap" quits working efficiently. Some Arizonans don't have AC. We didn't for years but having had it, I would hate to not have the option of using it during the monsoon season. My dad loved to joke that it was 110 in the shade and no shade and that feels true. This has been a particularly hot summer so I am happy to have AC in AZ. :)
Tell me what it is you intend to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

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