
I'm a glutton for punishment, I know, but I'm actually looking for the Cathe tape that has the hardest Abs segment. The old stand-bys have gotten ... old. I need Cathe to kick my abs to the next level.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-01 AT 07:01PM (Est)[/font][p] Cathe didn't make a tape with easy abs!:p Seriously, they are all hard! I like some of her newer ones, because they incorporate planks, and core stabilization. Circuit Max has a really good ab section, so does Power Hour(currently my favorite strength tape). HTH!!!
Thanks firmbogie :) ... Anyone else want to chime in???

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-01 AT 05:47PM (Est)[/font][p]Great suggestion Firmbogie :). Anyone else want to add their favorite Abs segment with Cathe?
RE: Thanks firmbogie :) ... Anyone else want to chime in???

I think MIS has a tough and thorough abs section.
RE: Thanks firmbogie :) ... Anyone else want to chime in???

I agree, the ab section from MIS is very good. I also find any of her ab workouts from the CTX are also excellent, especially the ab workout at the end of CTX Kickbox.

Power Hour has a tough ab segment (those planks... !) and I agree that MIS is tough too. Especially when you add pec flies and chin-ups to the crunches... wow! The oblique work in S/H Chest & Back is hard too. Expecially the move where you lie on your side, and bring your legs up to meet your hand. I always feel it in my obliques the next day, and also in my glutes - a bonus!


I still think BodyMax has some very tough and thorough abwork.

Also, the abwork in CTX is exceptional - the abs on the end of Leaner Legs is unsurpassed.

Have you had any luck with FIRM tapes? Their "More 5-Day Abs" is very good. At the end of their Cardio Step Mix is a 6.5min ab section that just demolishes me everytime.

Karen Voight has some great abwork, too - the 12min in StreamLine Fitness is very very challenging.

Keli Robert's Abs & More is very good.

I always have to put in a plug for an oldie-but-goodie, Kathy Smith's Ultimate Stomach & Thighs. Outstanding.

Good luck!

Dawn P.
Currently, my two fave Cathe ab workouts are from CTX: from Power Circuit and Kickbox. They fry my abs because both use a combo of plank work and traditional ab work, so you get that good pre-exhaust effect, and then finish them off! :D
If I might add my .5 cents here...I love Christi Taylor's Hi/Lo Heaven ab section. You do reps, reps, and more reps with a few plank sections in-between. I also like Keli Robert's Straight-Up Sculpt ab section that includes planks with knees rising and lowering. My abs shake every time I do this one and I flop onto the floor when I'm done.

Happy abs!

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