Abs, core and my aching back


CAn anyone tell me----I am wondering about the routines where one calld "Superman" and others like it. I am tall (six feet) and when I do those there seems to be a strain like thing going on. Or maybe it isn't a strain, maybe that is my muscle working? I am not sure. I had sciatica once and I don't want that ever again. Thanks.
The only thing I can think of is: are you making sure you are keeping good form? Even though yor are on your stomach, make sure your abs are pulled in tight and your back in not arching during the move. Keep your spine straight, in other words, support your spine by using your ab muscles.

Do I make any sense? .....good question?! :)
I agree with Renee. Supermans bothered my lower back, until I strengthened my core muscles. Make sure you are not trying to lift too high, the movement is subtle. You could also try a superman modification on the stability ball. Draped over the ball on your tummy, have your hands and feet on the floor: lift the right leg while lifting the left arm, slowly up and down, 2 counts up and 2 counts down, then switch sides, left leg, right arm. Not too high. This movement is more gentle on the lower back, but you get the same benefits. Just a suggestion;-)
When the spinal erectors are challenged during the Superman exercise, there is discomfort in the back, but it's more like muscle fatigue. If what you're feeling is anything like a "pinch" or a "pain," then watch your form, as others have suggested.
I was going to ask the same question in the "Ask Cathe" forum. When I do the Hardcore core workouts I get a muscle spasm in my left lower back the day after. It seems to happen whenever I do a lots of lower ab work. It feels better after a good stretch in the hamstrings, glutes, and back - but a few minutes later my back tightens up again.

I must admit that I'm just getting back into core work and am very weak in that area. I'm hoping that when I build some core and back strength, this problem will go away...

Just wanted to commiserate!x( And put in a plea for feedback from those of you who may have also had this problem.


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