Abs after C-Section??



My name is Denise and I am 34 years young, I have 3 children and I have had 2 C-sections, the last C-section was almost 9 years ago..Yes, I have a set of twins...LOL!!
I was wondering how many of you have had C-sections? If you have had a C-section, how do you feel about your tummy now??

My abs are in great shape(there is a 6 pack in there someplace...), however I have a lot of extra skin and a scar that is stuck. There is built up scar tissue over my scar, so there is a bump directly over my scar...Looks awful:-( I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem??

I am a Registered Nurse and I work in Labor and Delivery, and our hospital just opened a new unit. All labor and delivery RN's are trainning to work in the OR, as we are doing all our own C-sections now that we have our very own OR rooms!!I have scrubbed into about 15-20 sections and I have not seen one old scar that looks anything like mine.....;(

Just curious if I am the only one
Denise:7 :) ;)
Hi Denise,

I had a C-section, 12 years ago. My scar is a fine line, not very visible. I do have a little extra skin on my abs from my pregnancies, but overall pretty happy with them.

I have a friend who has a thick scar that is bumpy from her c-section and the doctor called it a keloid or something. I think that was the word. ;)


I have also had two c-sections, with the second being just over six years ago. I have a definite scar, although it is not raised in any way. My problem is that my lower abs seem to stick out above the scar. It's almost like a tiny upside shelf. It seems like everything was pulled very tightly there making everything above stick out a little. I don't know if that makes sense or not. My core is strong and my abs are in decent shape, not like Cathe's, but I'm pretty happy with them nonetheless, but it just seems that no matter what I do, I cant get that very bottom part to flatten out.

Anyway, it's probably a different issue than yours, other than, as I said, I do have a definite scar.
Hi Denise,

I've had 2 C-Sections also - my first with my 10 year old twins.:) The second with my 2 year old daughter.

My scar is vertical (I had an emergency C-Section with the twins due to a placental abruption) and looks HORRIBLE. When I went for my 6 week postpartum check-up, my ob actually told me that I should have something done with it when I'm done having kids! (no bedside manner) I went to a different ob with my daughter and this doctor said that she would use the same incision for my c-section and try to fix the original scar. I was hopeful, but it doesn't look any better. It's very thick and bumpy and itched for a long time. I went for an abdominal ultrasound recently and forgot about my scar and the technician commented about how bad it looked (she said it in a nice way).

Hope this helps!

Hi Denise,

I've had two C-sections. The last one being 3 almost 4 years ago. I had a lot of bleeding and they had difficulty suturing me. I ended up with a Seroma. Now my scar is lumpy and has not healed like it did with the first one. My lower abs are squishy. I hate this. But my upper abd are more defined. I know how you feel. I hope with consitant core work I will diminish the squish.

I guess I'm trying to say your not alone.

I had a C-section with my first son 7 years ago, then a "VBAC" with second son 4 years ago. My incision is VERY low and just above the hair line. They told me at that time they were going to do it there because I would "be able to hid it later in life". They were right. Nobody can see it, unless I WANT them to...LOL. Fortunately, I don't have any problem with extra skin or bumps at the site.

However, my best friend had 2 C-sections, 7 and 5 years ago, and she is in very poor "belly shape". She has herniated abdominal muscles, which kept her from healing with a flat tummy. Today she complains about all the 'wrinkly extra skin' that she's got.

Do the best you can with what you've got.

Hi Denise

I have 3 children and 2 of them were delivered by c-section.
I am 34 years old as well. My last c-section was performed 4 years ago and no i dont have the six pack abs inside yet, but im working on them.(hopefully soon).

Yes, I have scar that is stuck. My scar sounds just like yours. Mine acts up ever know in then where it gets real irratible and itchy.

I had 3 c-sections and my stomach is just plain disgusting. I am extremely self concious about it. I don't even like my husband to touch it at all. I have a lot of belly fat and it sort of hangs and is all wrinkly and gross.
That is my largest problem area, I am only about 8 lbs too heavy for my height(5 ft.) but It looks bad.I am trying to get back into exercising and really lowering my carbs. I am a sugar addict, but going off of it makes me feel so good, I don't have headaches when i'm off of it. But I love the taste so much , it is a real battle for me.
I often wonder if my stomach will ever be somewhat normal looking.
I had 2 C-sections. My kids are 14 months apart so I really didn't give my initial incision enough time to heal when he had to cut me open again. I am thankful that my doctor knew what he was doing though, because he gave me a bikini line incision and there's little scarring. However, I think (like in most C-sec cases) the traverse abdominal muscle is now shot and it's going to take a lot of work to flatten my abs again. My abs look pretty good because I don't have much abdominal fat, but I want a six-pack so bad. I think eating cleaner will be the ticket. That and lots of Cathe!
Hi Denise,

Sounds like not many people are happy with their abs after a c-section. I have to say that is probably the area of my body that I am least happy with also. I had a c-section 10 years ago, and even though my abs and core are very tight underneath, I do have wrinkly skin over my scar, lots of stretch marks, too, which does not help matters. My scar is pretty low and the only way I can describe it is that there is a "pucker" of skin above the scar that never seems to go away.

I guess we will all keep working on it. I will say that working my core and doing planks has helped a teany bit. However, even doing those is depressing, because sometimes that skins seems to "hang" down when you are in that position.

I find it surprising since you are in the medical profession that you have not seen a scar like yours.

Hang in there! You are not alone!!!

Sandra S.
I've had 2 c's as well, and no, I'm not happy either. I don't think that will ever go away, no matter HOW much Cathe. There's always a tummy tuck... If I ever have to have another surgery, I might have them tack that on (or off, as the case may be)...
Hi Denise,

I have had two C-Sections, my first was exactly like what you described. With my second one, I spoke to my doc about tidying it up and she did a wonderful job - my abs are nowhere near perfect but at my fighting weight my abs are almost flat, though the skin over them is a bit loose. Maybe you could enquire about being re- done - my doc cut out loads of scar tissue and I massaged my scar to prevent adhesions.

I will never have Cathe abs anymore, but I am happy with how my second doc improved on the first incision.

Thanks to everyone who replied:) :)

It is nice to know that I am not the only one that has this problem. NO matter how thin I am, no matter how strong my abs...no matter how much I work them... the problem will never go away unless I get a mini tummy tuck...But the tummy tuck scar would be twice as long, and a lot thicker than my low transverse scar I have now...Not to mention the cost of the surgery and time off work, recovery time, No Cathe workouts until recovered (I might die!!!LOLOL)...Etc..

My plan is to get into the main OR at my hospital, and scrub into a few Tummy tuck surgeries...just to check it out..That way I will have a better idea what it is Really all about..:9 :+

Anyone else think of getting a tuck??

RE: Tummy tuck Abs after C-Section??

Actually, a plastic surgeon is probably much better at scars than an ob. I had 2 c-sections (2 v-bac) done by ob dr.s and supposedly they did a great job. However, my c-section incision ruptured from an accident 2 years after my last c-section and I went to plastic surgeon to fix it. I'm telling you, the plastic surgeon KNOWS how to fix a scar!!! I got a mini tummy tuck and you CANNOT even see the scar, even though it extends from hip to hip. I could wear a string bikini and you wouldn't notice my scar. Its as thin as a hair and barely white. She said there was also underlying scar tissue which she cut out and recovery was really about only about 2 weeks. I'm SO glad I did it! I'm tempted to post before and after photos. I LOVE my abs now, in spite of my stretch marks.
Hi I had 3 c-sections ,my last one at 40 . I have a bad scar too ! .with the little pooch above the scar. I have that layer of flab ontop of well not so bad abs , I can see right where I would cut it off if I could . I'm just gonna keep working at it . No tummy tuck here LOL. I too have tons of strech marks !!They actually get worse as I loose !!!
RE: Tummy tuck Abs after C-Section??

Oh my gosh I would love to see before and after pictures! are you game? - it's ok if you aren't :) , but would love to see if I should start a tummytuck fund...:7
RE: Tummy tuck Abs after C-Section??

I had a tummy tuck...I don't think it was your usual though. My stomach muscles split when I was pregnant and when they were going in to fix them,I was told I would be out of the hospital the next day with a small 3" incision. I woke up to tubes, a massacred belly button and a 19 1/2" incision!!!:eek:

When they went in they discovered it was worse than they thought - my upper abs were 4-6" apart! So they opened me right up, lifted the skin up, sewed me back together, pulled it down REAL tight (it felt funny to lift my arms for about the first year!) hacked off all the extra, cut around where my belly button had been and sewed that together...And I look terrible! A plastic surgeon did it and the scar is VERY noticeable. I can't even wear short shirts or tankinis because of you can see the top ends of the scar and it's kind of bumped and rippled. I have limited feeling all through my abdomen since the surgery (10 years ago) and my belly button is a sad mess - a complete embarrassment.

So thanks to the tummy tuck I can see my abs...but no one else besides my dh ever will. All I can say is be careful. Do your homework...the end result might not be what you imagined. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

RE: Tummy tuck Abs after C-Section??

Trish, sorry you had a bad experience. You are right that you really have to do your homework.

Amy, it would be great if you shared pics. My SIL had a tummy tuck about 5 years ago... her procedure was featured on the the local news... crazy lady. OMG, it looks fantastic. The plastic surgeon used her c/s scar... he got rid of most of her stretch marks... her abdomen is beautiful. I know some people believe the scar from a tummy tuck is horrible, but it depends on the skill of the surgeon and how your body heals. I would love a flat belly... never had one... but I have some hypertrophic scarring so I am hesitant (just look at my pregnant belly pics and you'll see an example :).
RE: Tummy tuck Abs after C-Section??

I have had 3 c-sections w/ my first one following a very long labor (I actually had to request a c section after 37 hours of labor) Anyway, it was 14 years ago and I had a terrible keloid scar that hurt if I wore pants that pressed against it (keloid). I do not ever get keloid scars so I knew it was the dr.'s technique. The next c-section I had a wonderful dr. and he said "I'm going to cut out all of the scar tissue both inside and out and give you a better scar. What an improvement! The new scar is flat, thin and pain free. With the next c-section, the dr. asked "Is there anything you want to tell me?" and I just kept repeating "Just give me another good scar" and I got exactly that. BTW, I'm an attorney who handled healthcare disability cases for dr.'s and lawyers. The first dr. who gave me the horrible scar had been denied his disability insurance claim years later and his file was given to me. I went to my boss and told him to give this case to someone else. (I didn't trust myself to do a great job on his case) /karen
RE: Tummy tuck Abs after C-Section??

Okay, I posted some photos. The picture that ends in #192 is a good side-by-side before/after shot and then there are some other ones from now. There is one that is just my tummy with my waistline of my pants slung low. If you look for the scar, you can barely see it on each hip, but I'm actually showing about 4 inches of it on each side.

P.S. Trish, I'm sorry yours was a disappointment!

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