? about Blackberry Curve 8310


Hello everybody. I just got one of these puppies today and it is my first Blackberry. I have a question and I was wondering if anybody can help me out. How do I freaking change the default ringtone? I've been trying to figure it out for awhile now. It's not in the instruction manual. It only says how to shop for ringtones, but not how to change the default one. Is it even possible? Seems impossible! lol! Please help. Right now it is on vibration mode so I don't hear the ringtone. That ringtone is a little bit annoying. Thanks in advance for your help.
Well, I don't know if this will be helpful or not. I have the Blackberry Pearl, so maybe there's a chance they have the same or similar menus. Here's how I change my ringtone... (and it's not very easy to get to!)

Go to your Applications and select Profiles... scroll down to Advanced. Here you can select each Profile and change the ringtones. So, for instance, select Normal, then scroll down to Phone, then you can select the Tune used for Out of Holster and In Holster and Notifications, etc.

I hope this helps! :)

Yes, this helps me!!! I just got the Pearl and hate the standard ringtones. Where do you go to download new ringtones? I was able to transfer my ringtones purchased on my previous phone with the usb cord. But, I'd like to buy more. It was so easy on my old cellphone. I just clicked on the Get It Now button.

Look for the icon that says "Profiles." Click on that, then select "Advanced." That'll open up your various choices of profiles. You're probably on the default, which is called "Normal." Go ahead and highlight that, then click on the menu button, then select "Edit." Scroll down till you see "Phone," then you'll see something that says "Tune." Click on that, then you'll see the list of tunes you can choose from. You can also change "Tune" to "Vibrate" if you want to turn the ringtone off.

Good luck! And welcome to CrackBerry addiction ;).


PS Oops, someone already answered... Didn't read the thread all the way through ;)
Thank you for the replies. Well, a friend also told me to go to profiles but when I checked advanced I didn't have the option to change the default ringtone. Anywho I started trying other things earlier today and I found how to do it. I'm going to post it just in case. Go to the Media icon then select Ringtones then Preloaded Ring Tones and select any ringtone you'd like to listen to, to play it either press the scroll ball or press the menu button (right at the left of the scroll ball) and select play. When you find the ringtone you want press the menu button again and select Set as phone tune. That would be the new default ringtone. You can also set different ringtones for different users but that's easy to figure out because you select the contact and when you press the menu button it appears as an option. As for downloading new ringtones well I don't know if it is the same for all companies. I have AT&T and there's an icon in my phone where I can go to shop for ringtones. I hope this helps.

Now I have to figure out how to change the ringtone for my text messages. lol!

Oh and yes, just in case I forgot, I really really really love this phone! I am in love with it. Crackberry indeed.:7
I'm glad you posted this info. I am moving this summer to another state and have decided to get a new cellphone to go with my new number. I have been considering the Blackberry Curve (DH thinks it's ridiculous and will most likely get whatever the free phone is lol). I haven't totally decided on getting a blackberry, so I was wondering, what do you use yours for and is it easy? Also, I know it's bigger than the Razr I have now, but does it seem too big?
Hi Eco. The main reason I went the Blackberry route is that I do a lot of text messaging and my old Motorola wasn't doing it for me anymore. If you do a lot of texting I think the Blackberry is one of the best phones for that. I also love the camera, 2MP with flash is great for a cell phone. Sometimes when the phones have 3MP or higher the pictures take a lot of memory and if you get charged for sending those then bigger pictures cost more. The pictures I've taken with my Blackberry look awesome. I took a picture of one of my dogs and he looks adorable. :) The Curve also has GPS so if I go on a trip I'll never get lost because I can always use that feature without paying tons of money for a portable GPS navigation system. In terms of size it's not that big. My dad saw my phone yesterday (he has a Razr) and he got one today in red (the phone has a mail in rebate and he took advantage of the offer). I guess you should check it out in person and see if you like it.
There's a new BlackBerry coming out very soon that is supposedly RIM's answer to the iPhone--it'll have a tuckaway keyboard AND a touch screen, the best of both worlds, woohoo!! I'm up for a phone upgrade in October, and I am sooo going to get that, baby.
Oh, wow. I had wanted the iPhone (I'm a mac user) but couldn't justify the cost. Maybe these will come with a good rebate. Here's hoping!

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