Hi Cathe...
Just a quick question about abnormal EKG I am a 53 year young insstructor. I teach at least 2 very high intensity classes a day, and run one mile every day. I recently scheduled a surgery, and was turned away because of Sinus Bradycardia with t abnormalities?
Have you had an EKG lately? I would be interested to know how slow your heart beats. My afternoon heartrate was 47 beats per minute. I would appreciate a comment from you as I believe you are an extremely conditioned athlete.
:) Maria
Maria, not Cathe,but a CCU nurse.In veryveryvery fit people,the heart is very efficient and will often have a brady(i.e. slow rhythm, yours is still sinus - meaning the contraction starts at the atrium of the heart - normal, some are so slow that the ""middle "" of the heart kicks in for what is called junctional - that's abnormal unless you're a super athlete, which I've seen)- given your age, they are being cautious and likely will want to see you on a stress test and/or wear a 24 hour monitor to see how your heart behaves...maybe an echocardiogram too to check valve function and contraction of the heart - all these are reasonable for a gal of a "certain age" :)....Likely as not, assuming no family history and no personal history of badness (smoking,drugs,obesity)-you'll be cleared for surgery...if you have symptoms of dizziness, weakness - they might be afraid that you're having electrical mischief in your heart, i.e. "sick sinus" -which happens randomly and is easily treated with a pacer...I doubt that in your case,based on what you've said,and not knowing more of your history...let us know!
>Maria, not Cathe,but a CCU nurse.In veryveryvery fit
>people,the heart is very efficient and will often have a
>brady(i.e. slow rhythm, yours is still sinus - meaning the
>contraction starts at the atrium of the heart - normal, some
>are so slow that the ""middle "" of the heart kicks in for
>what is called junctional - that's abnormal unless you're a
>super athlete, which I've seen)- given your age, they are
>being cautious and likely will want to see you on a stress
>test and/or wear a 24 hour monitor to see how your heart
>behaves...maybe an echocardiogram too to check valve function
>and contraction of the heart - all these are reasonable for a
>gal of a "certain age" :)....Likely as not, assuming no family
>history and no personal history of badness
>(smoking,drugs,obesity)-you'll be cleared for surgery...if you
>have symptoms of dizziness, weakness - they might be afraid
>that you're having electrical mischief in your heart, i.e.
>"sick sinus" -which happens randomly and is easily treated
>with a pacer...I doubt that in your case,based on what you've
>said,and not knowing more of your history...let us know!

Thanks for your response!!! I have been working out for as long as I can remember!!! Always stayed in shape. Have had 7 healthy sons, ages 19-34. I have a blood pressure of 90 over 57 (always have been on the low side)My resting pulse down in the 40's.
The thing that I wonder about, I had some surgery done 6 mnths ago, and I found out(I got my records from the surgery center) that my EKG was abnormal then ...same diagnosis as this recent one..same abnormalities in v1 and v3...Why did that doctor operate? and why would he not tell me about the condition, if its dangerous? I wonder if this new surgeon is just being too cautious? Whatever is wrong with me now, was wrong with me 6 months ago!!! I am 5'3 and weight 125 lbs...no drugs, no alcohol and no smoking!
Ahhh - v1 and v3 - lateral and anterior part of the heart -your T waves probably looked odd because of the low rate...the first doc, obviously very trusting of you and your history,not seeing any other wacky thing is assessment, figured, you're extremely fit, low b/p, and ok to operate...this new doc, obviously is running scared because in the unlikely bizarre event that something goes wrong, he's afraid of being sued...7 kids is alot on a woman's heart - as long as you are working out with strength and energy, waking refreshed, not out of breath - odds are extremely in your favor that you're just fit...you might have some slight enlargement due to the strain from so many pregnancies, but the beautiful heart has compensated from your fitness and clean living (and again,that's only a remote possibility).....If I'm not being too nosy - what's with all the surgery anyhow??? Orthopedic?? :)

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