Ability to make notes on video cover


I would love to see a space on the back of the video cover or DVD cover where one could make notes about the workout. Like I note the length of the workout and type of weights needed so I can run though the workout better. I have almost all the Cathe videos and I sometimes forget the format or time on the videos and make notes on the boxes to help me rememver

Just an idea... Thanks Cathe and all for all you do.
An option to keep things straight for each video would be to make notes on an index card and either tape it to your cover or insert it inside the cover/case. Just an idea for people like me who like my covers too much too write on them! :p How sick is that???
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
What about a card insert in the videos, with the exercises noted, and the weights that Cathe uses noted, and several columns for us to put in our own weights?
Myself I just got a notebook and I record everything I did along with calories burned, fat percentage, average heart rate, time spent in my excercise zone, and length of work out. I wear a Polar heart Monitor which was very inexpensive and it comes in really handy when doing your work outs daily to keep track of which videos burn the most calories and ect. I love it. It gives you a chance to go back and do a review. Well just a suggestion.
I'm still fairly new to Cathe's workouts - have been using them a little over two months now - and I noticed I'm able to use much heavier weights than I ever used with the Firm or FitPrime. I now keep a notebook next to me when I do a workout of hers which involves varying weights, and I record which weight I used on which exercise. Since I have 22 of her videos (and plan to buy more!!), I tend not to follow any specific rotation, and I forget which weight I used last time on some videos. By writing them down, I can look back and see what I used last time. I also make small notes as to whether or not I felt I could go heavier next time, or if the weight I used felt just right. I know it slows me down a bit, but in the long run, I'll have a quick reference for each workout, and I'll be able to see my progress as I get stronger.

By the way, I just love this forum, and I absolutely adore Cathe's workouts!! I've tried so many other things, and hers are the BEST. I will never go back!! :)

That's what I do --
I have over 100 videos and DVD's -- and I went through a whole package of index cards to label what exercises are included, what body parts are worked, the length of the cardio segments, etc. for each tape/disc
That really helps me... A few videos I may not have touched for months, and I need the reminder of what I'm in for.
I've even thought of laminating the cards... But I haven't done it yet! :)

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