Ab work during Mesocycle 2 rest periods ok?


Active Member
Cathe, I can't tell you how much I am enjoying STS. I just started Mesocycle 2, and am wondering if light ab work during the rest periods on the upper body workouts is ok. I'm not talking pikes on the ball or planks or anything that involves upper body, but just 15-20 crunches, side crunches, bike maneuvers... still leaving 20-30 seconds for true rest.

Thank you!

Wow, ladies, I am so impressed. All I can think of on the rest periods is bringing my heart rate down so I can get through the next exercise.
I admit doing anything except gulping air during the leg workouts in Mesocycle 2 is out of the question for me, but a couple of crunches during the upper body rests helps divert the pain from muscles ever so briefly :D

Thanks for responding ladies!

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