AB tape suggestions please!


New Member
I am desparate for a good ab tape. I always do the ab sections of Cathe's and now I can do them with my eyes closed. Any suggestions? Thank you! AimeeB
Hi Aimee,
I have a couple suggestions for you. Tony Little's Target Training Stomach Reduction video is great. It's nothing fancy, just basic exercises which hit your abs from every angle. He has a time clock on the screen, so it is good for beginner to advanced. This is one of his older videos (you can probably get in on ebay for about 2 bucks). He acts very weird in his newer videos, but this one is good. :08 min. abs is also a very quick, but intense ab workout. I would say it's good for intermediate to advanced. I have about 90 exercise videos, so I've tried many ab videos, but these 2 are my favorites for abs.
Good luck with whatever you get, Laura
I wish I knew of another one too!! I've tried a ton and none are as good as Cathe's. I wish she would come out with a few all-ab videos! I have tried Trish Muse's Ab Attack which has 2 30 minute ab/core workouts. I heard good things about this video but was disappointed with it. I only did the first 30 minute workout. It was alot of pelvic-tilt type of movements and other small range movements that I'm sure were supposed to work my abs, but they didnt. Maybe my form was all wrong, but I've been working out for years and feel that I have a pretty good base and understanding when it comes to form. Others say that Pilates type of core work is good for the abs and I've tried these too. They probably would be great ab workouts but I needed something faster paced than these type of tapes provided so I just could never stick with them. Also, the end of CIA's PowerBar workout has a decent ab section, actually the entire tape is very good.

Good Luck!!

I heard someone say that Karen Voights Abs and Back is very good. Unfortunately it costs around 24.00 because you have to order it plus pay shipping. Anyway, I would love to hear more about this tape and if it's worth the money if anyone out there has tried it and has an opinion on it.

Also have you tried Cathe's BodyMax ab section? You probably already have tried that one but just curious. It's a killer ab workout!

I love the abs section on Karen Voigt's Firm Arms & Abs.
I just got her other tape mentioned above by Lisa & haven't tried it yet, have heard good things about it though.
I also like the abs on Keli Roberts Real Fitness tapes.
Have you tried Tamilee's I Want Those Abs?
Voight's Body Reform

I have Voight's tape & it is good. It's a blend of Pilates, yoga & traditional ab work. Voight is more relaxed in this video than in her prior videos but that doesn't mean it's an easy workout.

My only criticism of the tape is that it's misrepresented as Pilates.

Personally I have found a mix of traditional ab work & Pilates mat work a good mix & shoot for 2 of each every week.
The Firm 5-day Abs is a good workout. I've been using it for years and, aside from Cathe, haven't found any to beat it. I like it because you have a new workout every day, or every other day, if that suits you. Each day is approx 7 - 10 minutes long. The Firm also came out with More of 5-day Abs, but I do not find it as challenging, however there is a lot of variety in the moves. Check it out.
Do you have a resistaball?

When I want some variety, I'll use my ball for the same workout, making some modifications. It makes the work totally different and challenging by changing the angle and focus of the exercises. :D
RE: Do you have a resistaball?

I recommend Kathy Ireland's ABsolutely Fit. It's in a five day format and has a number of standing ab exercises that were completely new to me. It's an older tape, I think.
The ab tapes I really like are....

1) Abs, Abs, Abs by Tamilee Webb
Includes a 5 minute work out and three 10 minute ab segments
I like doing the entire tape in one sitting

2) Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs by Firm (Tracy Long)
Don't be fooled by the title. This tape is approx 40 minutes
The entire workout is done on the floor
Less than 10 min is devoted to hip/thigh work
The other 30 min is a fantastic ab work out

3) Firm Arms and Abs by Karen Voight (pre-enhancement surgery)
The first half of the tape is devoted to arms and shoulders
Skip ahead to the last 20 minutes for the ab work

4) Eight Minute Abs
Short work out, but very intense
Great addition to the end of any cardio or strength work out

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