Ab Solution Diet in New Fitness RX


I got my new Fitness RX for women zine yesterday and see that there is a ab solution diet and exercises in it. I was sort of interested until I saw it was strictly low carb :-( which is a plan I feel good and lose well on but don't like very much. After I've been on it a while things improve somewhat. I don't eat sugar at all now, so I wouldn't have withdrawls from that.

I have abdominal fat I want to get rid of (no thin layer either) but I wonder if a clean diet (which I practice anyways) and increased cardio is really the solution in the long run. Along with smaller portions I'm afraid could be another part of the answer.

I have to admit that if I really thought low carb would actually do the trick on the abs area I'd seriously be considering trying it.

Anyone any thoughts on this?
I have read so much about the low carb thing and decreasing body fat and I have also thought about trying it.Actually it is on my mind right now to.
But I also wonder would I have enough energy to get through those work outs and would I be hungry all the time.
I still have a problem with the sugar.I am CRAZY about anything sweet.I wish I could give it up....oh dear, I don't know the answer to anything anymore..I thought I always knew what to eat and what not to eat but all the hype about different diets and how they work got me totally confused.And the way that I am eating now is obviously not doing anything for me. I f you want some one to try it with you , i will. We could post back here to see how it working? Just a thought. I am in one of those moods where I will try anything.
I have to say I'm very tempted but not sold on it yet however maybe I will be pretty soon (like in another week). I have not had sugar in almost a year now so I know that's a huge hurdle with the adjustment to low carb in the 1st place. This article claims the people who tried it have had good energy for their workouts. When I tried it b4 I was also kicking sugar at the same time I went on it so it didn't work for me then. I did feel GREAT mentally however. :-jumpy

The food plan and exercises (which I think any ab workout would do it) is in the latest issue. I want to mull it over a few more days first. I need to take off the abdominal fat for health reasons more than appearance.

Hi there -

I tried the lower-carb diet and it did decrease my abdominal fat. Please keep in mind that I am quite lean everywhere and very small so the fat I do have seems to migrate to my middle. I'm not sure what the article you read recommended but I tried to eat between 60-100 grams of carbs per day. I usually ate closer to 100 grams per day.

I follwed the lower-carb diet, but could only stand it for two months. I saw great results, but I just got bored with the food.

My energy levels seemed fine on the lower-carb diet. In fact, I was exercising most days using Cathe's videos. The only problems I experienced on the diet were headaches the first few days when I started. I think my body was adjusting to my diet. I normally eat lots of carbs so I'm sure my body was mad at me for limiting them.

As for hunger, I was hardly ever hungry. On a high-carb diet I am usually hungry every 3 hours, but when I cut carbs I wasn't hungry for at least 5-6 hours between meals.

I didn't gain any weight back when I quit the lower-carb diet. And my abs still look the same so the lower-carb diet did work for me. I just got bored.

Good luck!
This food plan was 50 carbs per day. I tried one b4 that was limtied to 150 per day and that worked well for me. I don't know if I could tolerate the 50 or not. 100 would be as low as I think I could go.

ss's girl,
I picked up a copy (I think it's the very first issue but I might be wrong) at Brooks Pharmacy--I don't know if you have one where you live. They also have it at Borders Book Store.

So far I really like this magazine. I don't take any given article in any magazine (Ab Solution, for example) as "bible". You have to take some info and leave some. Like Cathe says about advice "It's just a suggestion--take it or leave it". Different things work for different people, and you know, next week you just might read the opposite of what another article says.

Anyway, you only asked where you could get this magazine! :) If you can't find it and want to subscribe, you can call 1-888-841-8007. It is $17.95 for one year.

Another really great magazine that is similar is Muscle and Fitness Hers--I love that one! They have a website/forum, but I haven't visited it yet.
The issue out now is the 2nd issue. I got mine at a little convenient store in Michigan. Sort of suprised me it was there.


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