Ab question for Debbie


Hey Debbie - I was posting in the Open Discussion Forum in the General Hospital thread when my daughter came in the room and saw the picture of your abs.

She is 5'7" and about 140 pounds. Over the summer she has gained about 10 pounds and a "belly pooch."

She wants to loose the belly flab and no matter how much I tell her to weight train, do cardio and stop eating the junk - she still doesn't listen. When she saw your abs she wanted me to ask you if you have advice.

If you could pass along anything else she could do that would be great.

Thanks Debbie!!!!
I'll give her the same advice you gave her :)

#1 - Weight Train
#2 - Do Cardio
#3 - Eat clean and no junk food
#4 - Lower the carbs

Consistency is the key

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