ab hits


Hi, can any one who has ab hits tell me besides the 12 ab work outs listed what the additional 5 ab work outs included are?

Is it new bonus ab work filmed for ab hits?

Thanks, Brigitte :)
Hi Brigitte,

I have Ab Hits. I enjoy adding these on to the end of my workouts that don't have any abs. There are 12 total workouts.

On the main menu there are the original 7 (that were apparently in the VHS version). These are 2 ab workouts merged together (usually traditional abs and then planks). And '5 more' in a separate area below on the main menu. So 12 total. The '5 more' are just the 1st part (traditional abs) of 5 of the 7 original workouts. Ranging in time from 6 to 10min. So not anything extra (no new workouts) but good when you're short on time. The 7 originals range in time from 10min to 15min.

I hope this makes sense.

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