Ab Hits


What do you think of this Ab Hits DVD. I am thinking I would like to have a DVD of ab work. I have the pyramid DVD adn the Body Blast series, but this looks like it really is good. Any comments?
It's OK, but if you want a serious ab workout go for Core Max. I'm sore for days after I do that workout.
Thanks! Would you know about the stretching DVD's also? Or do you feel the stretch on the ends of other DVD's is enough?
UGH I'm embarassed to say I rarely stretch, so I can't help you there. Since I lift at the gym, I do a lot of light warm up sets, but I rarely do stretching. Except pilates, which I do consider a combo core training/stretching workout.
Hmm, whilst I would never intentionally argue with the lovely and illustrious LauraMax, I do personally like Ab Hits, particularly the plank work. This isn't to say CoreMax isn't a good set of workouts, too, it's just I prefer stuff that doesn't make me feel like I've been hanging from my neck for several hours. :7


(PS: You will eventually own both, so it probably doesn't matter which you start with.)
I have both. Just got core max and did two sections so far. Core max is a great workout! but the segments are 20 min. each. I like abs hits because it lets you choose a short abs workout after a step dvd- or long- depending on what you feel like and how much time you have. You can go for 6 or 7 min. or 15 min. I get a good ab work out from both.
Wanna really "be aware of your breathing" do two core max segments back to back. You can feel every breath later......:D
Thanks you guys! Boy, tough to decide now. Hmmm, could it be both? Oh, do you use the stretching DVD's?
I don't have Core Max yet, but I enjoy Ab Hits for the mix and match features and the shorter and longer workouts. You can choose a six minute workout if you are very pressed for time, or else you can do one that lasts for twenty minutes if you want.
I use a stretching video about once per week. Sometimes in the evening of a busy day when I wasn't able to work out earlier in the day. They can be so relaxing. Other times I'll use the stretch routines when the energy level just isn't high enough for a tough workout usually the day after a long run or extreme workout.
If you have more time, get Coremax. If you have less time for abs, Ab Hits is nice because there are shorter and longer segments. I have both of these DVDs because I love variety. Lately I just leave AB Hits in my DVD player and try to do a short segment after cardio. Ab Hits is also really good if you are plank challenged like I am! One of these days I WILL be able to follow along the entire time with Cathe! :)
I had it and traded it on VF. I just felt like I had enough ab workouts from the segments from the other Cathe videos I have. I have held on buying CoreMax for this same reason.
Thanks everyone for your input!! Not sure what I'll do yet. I do like the Core Max one I think. I'll let you know what I get.

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