Ab Hits or Core Max or what?


My abs are in fair shape and fairly strong. I could do Ab Ripper from P90X (I only did it a few times though before I sold the whole series on ebay)... Can anyone recommend a good ab workout that will help me build more definition and possibly eliminate that pouch below the belly button? I've read good things about both of these workouts. What has worked for you? Thanks!
Everyone is so different with what works for their abs! I got great results with Ab RipperX during my P90X rotations. I have both Ab Hits and Coremax, and I do a segment from each 3 times a week...:)...Carole
If your abs are in fairly good shape, then go for Core Max. I like Ab Hits, but I'm only using it to get my abs in shape before tackling Core Max, which (I'm sure) will take my ab game to the next level in dramatic fashion. Core Max looks much tougher.
Ab Ripper X worked very well for me! But of the two Cathe workouts, I'd suggest Core Max over Ab Hits. Ab Hits just didn't click with me (and I have all of the ab segments on DVD anyway, so didn't see a use for it). Karen Voight also has some good ab work. I always feel it when I work out with her.

I like to incorporate a stability ball in a lot of workout, using it as a chair for seated weight work, lying on it for bench work. I also like to incorporate specific core-focused workout in my rotation, and my "recovery weeks" focus on workouts like Core Secrets, which isn't a big muscle/strength-buidiing workout, but targets functional fitness and the core.

As for the "pooch" below the belly button (unless you're a marsupial and actually DO have a "pouch".;-) ), reducing that is less a matter of ab work, and more a matter of reducing body fat through diet, cardio, and large muscle group weight work to burn calories. Also, bad posture can make that pooch look bigger, or even give a pooch to someone who wouldn't have one with good posture.
Kathryn are you saying you like Core Secrets better than Core Max? Yeah, I wouldn't have minded keeping Ab Ripper but I had to sell it with the rest of the P90X series, however, didn't feel it worked my lower abs very well either. I sort of figured that I need to reduce my body fat to help the pouch but lower ab work would help also, wouldn't it?
>Kathryn are you saying you like Core Secrets better than Core

Not really. They are effective in different ways. I like Core Max as an add-on workout or an ab workout (there's really not that much "core" work in in, IMO). I like Core Secrets as more of a recovery workout that focuses on the core (all the core) and on stabilizing muscles. After a week of Core Secrets, I'm ready to get back into heavier lifting and more intense workouts, and I think the stability work in CS--though it's a more intermediate workout--helps me do better with that.

Doing lower ab work can help tighten up the lower pooch area, especially exercises for the transverse abdominus, which is kind of like a corset that holds everthing in. The Transverse abdominus is best worked with exercises that use it to stablize the core when the arms and legs are moving (ie: the "dead-bug" move---actually more like a "dying bug"!--where you lie on your back, tighten your core--think of tying up a corset, and move your arms and legs while keeping your core stable) or in plank-type exercises (on-the-elbow planks, side planks, rear planks, etc.)

One workout that focuses on the Transverse Abs is "Absolutely" by Charlene Prickett. The outfits are cheesy (ballet slippers!), the production is no-frills, but the exercises are effective, and Charlene gives excellent, very precise form pointers (actually, a lot of her workouts give excellent form pointers, sometimes to the point where she seems to talk too much after the first viewing). The video (not on DVD, I don't think) is divided into two segments (I think: I don't have it anymore). YOu move on to segment 2 after you master segment 1.
Thank you all for your opinions and help! I think I'll get Core Max and look for "Absolutely" on ebay.


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