>Kathryn are you saying you like Core Secrets better than Core
Not really. They are effective in different ways. I like Core Max as an add-on workout or an ab workout (there's really not that much "core" work in in, IMO). I like Core Secrets as more of a recovery workout that focuses on the core (all the core) and on stabilizing muscles. After a week of Core Secrets, I'm ready to get back into heavier lifting and more intense workouts, and I think the stability work in CS--though it's a more intermediate workout--helps me do better with that.
Doing lower ab work can help tighten up the lower pooch area, especially exercises for the transverse abdominus, which is kind of like a corset that holds everthing in. The Transverse abdominus is best worked with exercises that use it to stablize the core when the arms and legs are moving (ie: the "dead-bug" move---actually more like a "dying bug"!--where you lie on your back, tighten your core--think of tying up a corset, and move your arms and legs while keeping your core stable) or in plank-type exercises (on-the-elbow planks, side planks, rear planks, etc.)
One workout that focuses on the Transverse Abs is "Absolutely" by Charlene Prickett. The outfits are cheesy (ballet slippers!), the production is no-frills, but the exercises are effective, and Charlene gives excellent, very precise form pointers (actually, a lot of her workouts give excellent form pointers, sometimes to the point where she seems to talk too much after the first viewing). The video (not on DVD, I don't think) is divided into two segments (I think: I don't have it anymore). YOu move on to segment 2 after you master segment 1.