Ab Circuits


Let me start with this - I hatehatehatehate working abs. It has to be my least favorite thing ever. I find it boring, uncomfortable (in a bad way), and just yuck. And they're an easy thing to skip if I am short on time. I know I need to do it, but I always find myself skipping. "I'll do them tomorrow" I say, but that tomorrow never comes.

I decided if I'm going to get all the *bang* I can out of STS, I need to do the ab work, too. So far I've done the med ball (no partner), yoga, and pilates abs, and I LOVE it. I normally am not a big fan of yoga or pilates, either, I need more action in my workouts.

I normally can't do the bicycle abs bc they are very uncomfortable, but the slow pace in this works for me. The side planks in the yoga I only did 2 of the 3 sets, and couldn't do the side planks in the pilates, I couldn't get situated on my elbow right, but I'll eventually work it out.

Cathe, I don't know what you did in this ab DVD, but it completely clicks for me and I am looking forward to the rest of the DVD. Thanks so much. After I get thru the STS series, I will try to look at my other abs workouts in a new light, and actually do them, instead of putting them off until "tomorrow".

Great big THANKS!:D:):D:):D

Nan, I am like you I hate abs. I did a few in ab circuit and love it. There is something different about this program. I did do abs from KPC and seem to like it just a little bit better but I prefer abs circuit.
I personally LOVE working abs, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I've previewed so far. I only got my set this past Monday and my schedule being what it is, I will only be starting on the series tomorrow. I'm going to try the Pilates-inspired routine first.

One of the things I've noticed is that traditional supine crunch work, for the rectus and the obliques, has really been put on the back burner on this series of core routines. I'm wondering if traditional crunch work is on its way to becoming almost obsolete. And that's fine with me; crunches long ago lost their effectiveness for me anyway.


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