A video that combines all


Active Member
RE: 60 minutes

Are there any plans for future total body workout tapes in a 60-minute time span? As a mamma, I'm interested too! OH--and in case you didn't see :) (sorry!) a low impact one? Mammas who tandem nurse tend to be a little top heavy for jumping around sometimes. :) Sandi
RE: 60 minutes

LOL! That's a funny and something I can relate too...I'm a tandem nursing mama too and am on a constant quest for the perfect sports bra. Can hardly wait till Lucy.com starts shipping to Canada!

Anyway...I'm sure you've heard this before, but I find the tapes I'm using very easy to modify. I don't modify all the time, since I really enjoy high-impact, but sometimes I seem to be having a bad joint or bad bra day ;-)...so I modify. I just use larger, more exaggerated arm movements to keep the intensity up, or go deeper into the leg movements - tougher for the muscles, but easier for the joints.

As for time...I rarely have more than 60 min to work out too (usually do it after the kids go to bed) so I love the Cross training Express series. Even if the cardio is only 30 minutes long, it's so intense I really feel it's done something for me, and I enjoy the concentration on one body part. As long as I get through all body parts in the week, I'm happy.

I've also broken up her other videos - eg. done just the first 2/3 of Body Max, or combined part of MIC with the last 1/3 of BodyMax, etc so that I get what I'm looking for and am still done in about 60 minutes.

I find her workouts well worth the extra effort in breaking down and combining the tapes, and I find I can get just what my body needs to do that day!

The only thing I sometimes wish is that she had an "easy day" tape...but I guess I can use other tapes for that.

Have fun...nice to "meet" another tandem nursing mom! :D
RE: 60 minutes

Hi! Actually, I have not given any specific thought to a future video format but will put your request down in my file. Thanks!

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