A sweat Tooth!



I am fairly new to Cathe and was introduce to her workouts sometimes last summer. I have a hugh problem, which is my sweat cravings! It can be really intense at night. My weight has been about the same since I started working out again (last summer). However, I do see muscle definition in my upper and lower body. The problem is the rolls of fat around my belly area. I also have a toddler (2 years old). I do take protein shakes in the morning and started to take another one afer my morning workout. I just started keeping up a journal of my food intake. I am also doing the fat loss rotation for March. I am looking for any suggestions and guess some motivation.

Mrs. HTK
I too have a sweet tooth & need help trying to bust past it! Chocolate doesn't tempt me, it's stuff like jelly beans & peeps!! HELP!
I found being really stringant about added sugar is amazing. I look for 6 grams or less listed under carboyhdrates. Over 6 and it's an indulgance so it can't be eaten frequently. I also look 5 or 6 grams of fiber in my carbs and you can get up to 14 at times. Fiber nips cravings in the bud. Keep jelly beans and Peeps out of the house. I know Easter is coming but you may have to get rid of your kids. I can't believe I've suggested THAT twice this week. No, you can keep them but practice telling yourself that a craving pasess in moments whether you give in to it or not and have a way to distract yourself until it does. Drink a huge glass of water or drop and give yourself 10. Being aware of how your mind will talk you into a sweet goes a long way toward killing it before it makes you feel bad.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
I also have a sweet tooth and I found that if you take fruit tea, like blueberry and add a little splenda or honey in it can curb my sweet tooth without doing a lot of damage to my diet. If I am craving some candy or junk that the fiance brought into the house by the time I brew myself I nice pot of fruit tea and drink it the craving is usually gone without any guilt. :)
I am a sugar hound, myself. It is not so much chocolate but the sugary items like jujyfruits, gummy bears, etc. x(

I know, not a good habit...
It's just so easy to pop that junk in my mouth when every person has candy on their desk at work!! Why can't they just keep it in their desk drawers!! Darn people who share anyway!! x(
Don't you mean craving sweating? My son used to lick me when I was sweaty and I could tell he liked it a lot. I believe he may have craved it after awhile. He'd make the sound that Hannibal Lector did when he did the line about liver and Chianti. Imagine being really hot and sweaty and being attacked by a toddler with a sweat tooth!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
LOL! I was amazed no one had commented on that yet!!}(

Okay all you sugar addicts, you just need a attitude adjustment. You start telling yourselves that health is more important to you than candy and you become a sugar snob. When a coworker offers you a sweet you turn your nose up to it and act like it's an insult...which it is. It's much cooler to eat healthy snacks then crappy ones. You are a better person because you CAN say no.

Liken it to someone who is quitting smoking. What if another smoker offered that poor struggling ex-smoker a cigarette? It takes alot of willpower for that ex to say NO.

Quitting the sugar addiction is just as painful and requires just as much dedication and willpower. But, unless you try, you'll never kick it. And think about your kids, they eat what they see you eat. Do you want your kids to have the same addiction to sugar that you have?

Sweets are supposed to be eaten occasionally, not daily. And certainly not 10 times a day. Think about what you are doing to your bodies with that constant sugar overload.

You need to rise above it and become a sugar snob. Be proud when you turn down that donut. Sneer at coworkers who keep candy jars on their desks. Those people are not your equals because you treat your body like a temple and they are peasants drowning in pools of high fructose corn syrup.

Okay, end of motivational speaking post. Now get out there and purge your homes, cars, desks, purses and diaper bags of Satan's sweet ambrosia.
That's the way to lay it on the line 40something! Don't um...sugarcoat the truth for these people.

I love being a snob. Yes. I. Do. }(
Thanks for the suggestions and great motivation! Sorry, I mistyped "sweet".

My sweet cravings are intense at night. For example, I can indulged on a a honey bun and several cookies a night. I find myself getting an after dinner dessert daily like ice cream (love the strawberry flavor).

On a brighter side, I decided to be a sugar snob and had no sugary sweets for almost two days now. I just have to see about tonight.

I agree that I have a sugar/sweet addiction. I guess I am too harsh on myself and discount the severity of the side effects/difficulties to quit the sugar/sweet addiction.

What motivated me to finally admit and write about this problem was the entry regarding clean eating.

Thanks for listening.

Mrs. HTK
Being a snob is great. I save myself for dark chocolate, the last bastion of the health conscious and very snobbish if you sniff and crinkle your nose at the milk variety. Candy is dandy but if it tips the balance of the diet, it's important to learn to control the tendancy because it makes you miserable to blow it constantly and cravings set you up to do that. Miserable stinks because when you're miserable you say, screw it, give me your Easter Basket NOW! Eat the good stuff first. Think lean, think complex and you'll BE both and if you take any flack for being a snob, at least you'll be a thin, energetic snob with good muscle tone, clear skin, sparkling eyes and good teeth! You may even come up with great puns because you think more clearly too!

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
What do you eat for dinner when you get cravings? If the godiva in your name refers to the chocolate we could need to work with you! If it means you like to ride horses naked, well, it's better than too much sugar! ;)
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
Got to agree with 40something! Need to give up the sugar ladies. It is very hard, however I have a suggestion. Sweet sugar cravings come from higher insulin levels in your body which can be caused by yucky carbs. What I mean is white flour, pasta, breads, potatoes will cause you to crave sweets. Also, caffeine can effect your sweet tooth too. It took me a while to get past the sweet tooth. If you are craving an after dinner sweet, then look and see what you ate for dinner. When I indulge with a 1/2 potatoe with dinner, I notice the sugar monster. Not even hungry, just want ice cream or something sweet. Sugar free gum helps, even a sweet piece of fruit is better. However, one you are past about 2 weeks, anything that has sugar in it is just way too sweet. Okay, I'm off the lecturing now...I sure hope I helped, not just jabbered.

I love your typo! I wish my cravings for sweets were cravings for sweat! Then I'd be working out instead of eating sweets! :D
>Don't you mean craving sweating? My son used to lick me when
>I was sweaty and I could tell he liked it a lot. I believe he
>may have craved it after awhile. He'd make the sound that
>Hannibal Lector did when he did the line about liver and
>Chianti. Imagine being really hot and sweaty and being
>attacked by a toddler with a sweat tooth!

My cat Scooter must have a sweat tooth: he likes to lick me sometimes when I'm doing (trying to do!) abs!
Mrs. HTK, pat yourself on the back for taking the first step in taking back your health from the sugar fairy.

Seriously, this is a subject that I could preach on all day long. It's really sad how American children are being raised in today's modern world...a bowl of Cocoa Puffs for breakfast, a pack of gummy worms on the bus to school, cookies with their lunch, and then when they get home in the afternoon they're greeted with Hostess cupcakes, candy bars or they sit down to yet another bowl of sugar laden breakfast cereals. Kids are being raised over-consuming so many sweet food items and we see it everywhere. Even in church, what do parents use to keep a child quiet during service but a bag of candy, sucker's, or a bag of Fruit Loops. And kids are eating like this because their parents are eating the same way. It's just madness. And our health as a whole is declining. We are living longer but with more health problems due to the diet most American's eat...and lack of adequate exercise.

It's just common sense that we do not need to eat sugary items on a daily basis. Fresh fruit is a far better replacement. And I'm not saying that people should never eat brownies or cookies. Moderation is the key. Save that special dessert or treat for on the weekend when you are more relaxed and can actually enjoy a delicious piece of chocolate mocha cheesecake. It's far more pleasureable then slamming down a Snicker's bar on your 15 minute coffee break at work.

Someone sent me a delicious sounding recipe for a coffee drink made with ice cream. I'll make it this weekend because I only have desserts on Sat. and Sun. AND I keep my portion's under control. I have one piece of that cheesecake, not two or three. And plenty of weeks go by sometimes where I don't even indulge in a single dessert because I'm just not in the mood for it. I am really dedicated to my health and the health of my family whom I cook for. I know, I can't tell my kids not to eat candy bars or chips while I stand there sowing down half of a cake and a bag of Dorito's.

When I make desserts at home they are almost always fruit based, a fruit crisp, or a buckle or a rustic tart. I love those types of sweets. We save cake for special occasion's like birthday's. You know, if you eat cake all the time then it isn't special anymore.

I'm rambling on but I'll just say one more thing and be done. I love to cook so I have a different attitude about food. Food to me is about love and sharing a great tasting meal with family and friends. And somehow eating has become so distorted in this country to the point that food is just something most people shove in their mouths without really giving any thought to what it is, where it came from or if it has any nutrient's. I know, everyone's lives are so busy today rushing here and there and everywhere that people don't take the time to cook a proper healthy meal...or even just make a decent salad for crying out loud that isn't covered with trashy croutons and a pint of sugary dressing. Convienence foods are the norm and this is what kids are being fed today. Anything that can be bought in a box and microwaved. Who gives any thought as to what is actually IN that box and eventually ends up in that child seven days a week.

But I digress...we were talking about sugar addiction. It would be interesting to see if say 20 people on this forum agreed to stop eating all junk and crap foods for 30 days and start eating at least three healthy well-balanced meals a day...how much body fat would they lose???? }(

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