A sweat Tooth!


I have found that a piece of fruit or cup of tea with a little sugar in it can kill a craving for sweets. A small scoop of peanut butter will also do the trick. The p/b may be fattening, but it's good fat, and I don't eat a lot at once...far better than the alternative, right? lol

I am not even close to perfect though...TRUST ME! I definately eat my share of "BAD" sweets also! Sometimes, I just gotta have the real thing! }( ;) Besides, anything in moderation is okay as far as I am concerned...just gotta be careful not to over-do it!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Well one thing I can say is that I rarely eat anything sweet during the week, how ever I do drink orange juice in the am and I have my cappuccino in the mornings and it is instant.....
Besides that my sweets are on the weekends and I drink ALOT of water close the a gallon a day.... I do eat alot of citrus as in grapefruits and some oranges, but thats natural sugar..... not that we don't have some stuff in the house like pop-tarts, I just don't touch them anymore, and we don't buy candy and we don't buy ice cream..... we only buy diet coke and I know thats not the best, but it will have to do... we only drink it on weekend nights.... Rhonda:7
I realized my typo and though, if only I sweat during my mass consumpation of sweets, which means I am lossing weight. Only in my dreams.

Since I am older (35YO) and giving birth to my beautiful daugther, I find that my metabolism is much slower. I feel so frustrated when I have been faithfully working out for about 6mts now and the scale has not dropped. My weight is about the same.

I have been eating cereal with skim milk and cheese sticks as an after dinner snack. It is probably pre-mature. I stepped on the scale and I dropped about 1 lb. Well, I have to find motivation and benefits of decreasing my sweets intake.

Godivahtt is a username I developed when I was in my early twenties. I used to love godiva chocolate. The last initials "htt" is initials of my maiden name. I really do not like godiva anymore and recently had a taste after years of not having any. I find them too sweet, funny.

thanks for all the great comments and suggestions.

Mrs. HTK
You are reaching the age where we start to lose muscle mass and gain weight if we don't exercise faithfully. Stepping on the scale and seeing it down a pound can be motivational, don't you think? :) But only weigh in weekly, same time, same place, or you'll drive yourself crazy! I like to think of eating as how I fuel my life. Most of my play involves activity so most of my food intake is designed to keep me lean and energetic. I have less time for more sedentary activites. They are like sweets, occasional and good that way. Reading and rest including sleep are one aspect of my balanced plan; housework, mothering and exercise are a second and planning and executing a balanced diet, and cheating just a little are the final piece of the pie. The whole is a healthy lifestyle. Giving consideration to the whole, keeps it all in check. Too much of any slice and I get neurotic! :)

Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
I am also crazy for sweets of all kinds. I used to give up sweets once a year for a little over a month, and I can tell you that the first week is so hard, but once you get the excessive sugar out of your system, the cravings usually subside greatly. After a couple of weeks with no extra sugar, I could even watch others eating desserts and not hate them for it. Once you get over the hump, you will gain momentum...

I do the same thing: think of eating as how I fuel my body. It really helps more than anything to keep me on track, (to the extent that I'm on track). I use a lot of mental imagery. When I eat sweets, I actually try to picture all the sugar going into my blood stream and slowing my body down.
Mrs. HTK-

I was a lifelong sugaraholic until I tried a low carb diet. The honest truth is that the first 3 days were horrible. I wanted to quit so bad, but DBF and I started together and I didn't want to be the one to wreck it. That was 15 months ago and I have remained faithful to my low carb eating all this time. However, now that I am in maintenance weight range I do have treats now and then.

The problem is the first time you kick the sugar habit-it's tough! It's an addiction like caffeine and is not easy. The only thing I can say is to hang in there and hopefully you'll end up like me---finally in control of what I eat once and for all!

I'm not advocating you go low carb; that's a personal decision. I'm simply saying that the longer you go without eating sugar, the less you will crave it, IMHO.
:) Good luck!

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