a question about burning calories


Hello everyone!!!!:D
For those of you who keep track of calories burned during a workout...do you find that you burn more calories with straight cardio (45min-1 hr), or with workouts (like BC or CW, for example) that also incorporate weights with the cardio? Looking at my next future purchase and want to get more bang for the buck!!! Thanks, Pam
well, my personal opinion is that you get more bang for your buck with a routine that really challenges your heartrate and pushes you to new limits, like interal training cardio (i.e. imaxes) or intense cardio/weight workouts (i.e. BC, gauntlet, etc). I'm sure other people will tell you other things.

I agree w/ Debbie. Any workout that pushes your heartrate to the max will allow you to burn more calories. But you don't want to do interval training more than 3x a week because it really stresses your heart. So balance it out w/ longer steady durations of cardio.

Also, don't forget to include weight training. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. Muscle burns calories even while you're at rest. Plus having good muscle tone will allow you to go even further w/ your cardio workouts; therefore you'll be burning even more calories in the process.

i burn more calories with the circuits (bootcamp, circuit max, the gauntlet) than i do straight cardio (including intervals)! i'm not saying that the imax's aren't great workouts.. i just personally burn more calories with the combined/circuits!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Maybe my question seems dumb. I am new to Cathe's. Can you explain to me what is difference between Circuit and Interval?


I'll try my best - if anyone wants to clarify, please do so. Interval workouts (like the Imax's) start with a regular aerobic phase lasting a couple of minutes, move into a high intensity aerobic phase in which you are pushing your heart rate to the limit, and then go into a brief recovery where your heart rate goes back down slightly. They are intended to increase your cardio capacity, thereby allowing you to go longer in your aerobics. Circuit training (like Boot Camp, Circuit Max, the Gauntlet) switch back and forth with cardio, then weights, cardio, weights, etc. I hope this helps! Pam:D :D :D
I keep track of my calories with a heart rate monitor and I burn much more with circuit workouts like Gauntlet (500-550) and Bootcamp (450-475)than I do with intervals or staight cardio. I don't burn as many as you might think with the IMAX workouts (about 300-325)/workout and I think that's because the step workouts between the blasts are not very intense. My heart rate does go up into the anaerobic zone for the bursts and I do burn more calories during the bursts but the bursts are short and so I only end up burning a smaller number of calories overall. I burn more calories with RS (a steady state mostly cardio [400-425 calories than I do with the IMAXes [in the 300s depending on which IMAX I do].
Get a HRM and see for yourself the calories yiu are expending.
Yes, I've been thinking about buying a heart rate moniter. It just seems that they're kind of pricey, and well....I'd just rather buy another Cathe DVD with that money. But I probably will do it one of these days. Thanks for the specific info you gave about calories you burn on the circuit workouts, because these are exactly the ones I am looking at to buy next. thank you for your help! Pam:D
>I don't burn as many as you might think with the IMAX
>workouts (about 300-325)/workout and I think that's because
>the step workouts between the blasts are not very intense. My
>heart rate does go up into the anaerobic zone for the bursts
>and I do burn more calories during the bursts but the bursts
>are short and so I only end up burning a smaller number of
>calories overall.

Intervals are very effective method becasue it keeps you stay in anaerobic zone even after you exercised. This helps you continually burn the extra calories through out the day. In addition, the anaerobic stage burns more fat then any other type of exercising.
Thank you every one. All your inputs help me a lot, and better understanind how to target my workout. I might look into HRM. Do anyone know what is reasonable price? I don't need a state of art type, just enough to keep tracking how effective my workout is.

I still have a question about circuit. Since Intervals bring your HR to anaerobic zone, it help strong your heart and burning fat. What is Circuit doing to our body? What benefits can we get from it compared to weight only traing?


Hi, Anaerobic zone is a zone in which you are at greater than 80% of your MHR. You heart rate quickly drops after an interval in which you maintain it in the anaerobic zone. It is not true that you stay in the anaerobic zone after a workout.The after burn may be greater with an interval workout but afterburn typically does not account for more than about 50-125 calories more over a few hours.
Once I got my heart rate monitor it really opened my eyes. My perception of intensity versus what my HRM was telling me was quite different! I was expecting the IMAXes, for example, to have a higher burn than a straight step cardio but for me they are about the same. I think it's because my heart rate is recovering pretty quickly between the IMAX blasts.

MIC is one that gets the highest calorie burn for a cardio only tape. For me, most of the other workouts that combine cardio and weights don't burn nearly as much as a cardio only. However, the highest burn I've gotten ever is when I paired 30 minutes of PLB standing work with the 2nd 30 minutes of MIC.

If I were to suggest, I would say to get either the Terminator or Hardcore Extreme DVDs (or both!). The Terminator IMAX Extreme, Terminator Gauntlet, Hardcore Extreme Interval/Circuit are a few with a mixture or cardio and weights that do a good job getting the old HRM humming LOL. The routines are a little longer than an hour but you will get a good 'burn' for the buck.

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