A picture of me at last !!

RE: It didn't work!?!

If you click on your bio icon, your picture shows up there.

Does that help?

RE: Thanks !


Do you see on your post where your name fitnik is, next to it is an icon of a letter and next to that is an icon of a head, pick the icon with the head and there will be your picture.

Let me know if you find it!
You are gorgeous! It's so nice to put a face to your name. You'll have stunning children!

WOW! I have to agree with everyone else. You are beautiful! And how cool is it that we can "talk" to someone in London!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-01 AT 03:55AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-01 AT 03:54 AM (Est)[/font]

I’m blushing furiously now - thanks you guys! The picture was taken at work for our new website hence why I look so intense/serious.

BTW - DH has no idea I’ve put this picture up here and would go mad if he knew! But I figured that my picture was already on the internet on my work website so what’s the difference? Would rather share with my on-line fitness buddies any day!


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