A Novel Notion's Aerobic Step Cube


I am thinking of getting this for the PS series as well as my Firm videos. I did a search and couldn't find any reviews. Does anyone have this? I am specifically interested in the stablity and durablity with all the problems with the new Fanny Lifter.
I know there was a post about making a mini-topper but I'm hopeless at that :)

Thanks for any help!
Hi I bought this recently. I admit I have not actually used it to its full capacity yet since I am 8 months pregnant and my Dr. wants me laying off weight work right now. So for now I am using it for cardio step mix with just the 4 inch step part.
BUT I can tell you it seems wonderfully stable and the pieces lock in really sturdy. I am really excited about using it full force once I have my baby. I bought the FIRM kit since I wanted the tapes and I even had the replacement box the collage sent out to replace the defective ones. I ended up selling the box, keeping the tapes and buying the novel notion step. If you go to videofitness.com there are several reviews. In fact I had posted similar to yours over there before I made the final decision to buy it. I have not heard one bad thing about it.
Hi AmyNicole,
First of all, congratulations on your baby. My stepson is graduating from high school today and I was talking with his mom about how fast the time has gone.
Second, thanks so much for your input. I'll search over at videofitness.com but this sounds like a winner:)
Thanks for your good wishes. Time does go fast. It seems like I just graduated high school last year and it was 15 years ago. This is my 3rd child I am expecting and I can't believe how big my first 2 are getting.

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