<--- A new era begins


<--- waves good morning to all her Cathe friends!
<--- tells everyone that Canada elected a new Conservative minority government last night
<--- says we've had a Liberal government for about the past 11 years, so this is quite a change for us
<--- is interested to see how things proceed now
<--- does NOT like the new Prime Minister but at least with a minority government he will be held in check somewhat
<--- hopes everyone has a happy Tuesday!
<--- is off to the shower to wash away from of this grog
<---says g'mornin shellers
<---wishes canada good luck w/ new prime minister
<---says if you don't like him maybe we can try him out ;)
<---is sad <---boy has a really bad cold
<---says he had coughing fits most of the night :(
<---will probably be visiting the doc soon
<---is working on first cup of java
<---hopes everyone is having a good start to their Tuesday
<---says TTFN

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<--- sends healing vibes Boybie's way
<--- says g'morning to Debberella
<--- is throwing away her scalex(
<--- is now officially in a bad mood
<---waves morning to catheland
<---is in a royal mood this morning
<---is mad about clogged toliet,viola coloring on rug and walls,and just life in general today
<---doesn't know much about canadian goverment but hope it goes well for our canadian brothers and sisters
<---hopes this bad mood will pass b/c everytime stress like this comes up(upon everything else i already deal with) my stomach gets real achey
<---hopes you all have a better day


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<---joins Shelley in sending the good health fairy to wave her magic wand over Boybeeboo's head
<---askes Shelley if the new prime minister is the one that hates the US?
<---wishes Canada the best of luck with new direction in government
<---had to play with pee-pee today
<---says Yip-pee!
<---off to plug in coffee pot
<---identifies herself as the one MIA so much lately.

<---wants you to know that she thinks of you all everyday. :)

<---is sad that Deb's lil' one is sick, that Shell-Belle hates the scale and Kassia's stomach aches.:-(

<---knows the Sun will come out tomorrow! :)

<---needs to type fast because <---has to shower for her class this morn.

<---is enjoying a great cup of hot, steamy coffee.

<---wishes ^^^ & vvv a great day and will try to pop in later to see what's uuuuup!

<---waves a sad goodbye for now.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
<---yells Howdy to DebbieH, loud enought that she can hear it in the shower
<---hopes kassia's day gets better
<---understands frustration with child - it's so hard to love them when you hate them
<---well, maybe hate is the wrong word, but <---think kassia may understand the last statement
<---shucks, gotta go do some work
<--- hope debbies boy gets well quickly!

<--- congratulates all Canadians on the new gov't and hope it is positive for all

<--- shouts a big hello to Mama Deb!!!

<--- emapthizes with Kassia on Viola's art work.
<---Recalls a 15 month old Sammy ironing my linoleum floor!
<--- also later thanked him when floor got replaced with hard wood and home insurance helped!

Judy "Likes2bfit"


<--sympathizes with hating the scale
<--hopes Boybert starts to feel better today
<--really hopes that Kassia's day picks up!
<--is not liking work lately
<--can't wait for irritating boss to leave for his 3-week vacation!
<--just finished bowl of oatmeal that had too much nutmeg in it
<--is starting on extra-strength coffee now.....

<---waves good morning to all the Cathietes while enjoying 1st of several cups of java
<---knows what Deb is going thru with Boybs ((((HUGS)))for you and healing vibes for Boybie
<---thinks we should have a "burn all the scales bon fire" and Shelley can light it up!
<---hopes Kassia can turn that frown upside down
<---wonders where Robin is watching the superbowl
<---says "great to see ya!" to DebbieH! hopes she has a good class
<---hopes Nancy's boss gets the hell out of there QUICK!
<---tells Judy "THANK GOD for insurance!"
<---isn't traveling to the Beyond today; going to Dick's to buy a new step and to the Arena to get Nickelback tickets YEAH!!
<---is off to workout! says TTFN Girlies!

<---likes the idea of a Burn Your Scale Bonfire
<---thinks we could market the idea and make it an international event
<---well, maybe a national event, since the good old U S of A seems to have to most problem with weight, self image, blah, blah, blah
<---tells kali will probably watch Superbowl at home, since next morning is a work day
<---suggests to Nancy that boss may be irritating because he needs a 3 week vacation
<---wonders if insurance would pay to replace cat smelling carpet with hard wood floors
<---wonders how Judy's foot issues are today?
<---waves to Shelley, Debbie, Robin, Kassia, Mamma D, Judy, Nancy and Kali!
<---hopes everyone's troubles disappear!
<---hopes the new Canadian government doesn't tick Shelley off!
<---wonders if Kali is going to a Super Bowl party?
<---'s DH is going to a Super Bowl party.
<---and DS are NOT! :+
<---will probably go hang out with <---'s mom that day.
<---hopes Boybs feels better FAST!
<---wonders where Sandy's been?
<---needs to email her about a Cheescake Factory GTG soon!:+
<---is always so surprided by how quickly this thread grows
<---Hopes everyone who is cranky or in a bad mood cheers up quickly :)
<---inc;udes herself in that comment above
<---asks Kali are you ditching work to get the tickets? :)
<---Tells boybert that <---hopes Boybs feels better fast
<---Tells SHelley to not listen to scale and to throw it away!
<---suggests to SHelley to throw it at some of those people in her dreams
<---Got new work out shoes in the mail yesterday and<---Loves them!
<---asks Wendy if she is preparing for Monday yet;)
<---took her dog to a self service grooming place yesterday and is so thrilled that Doggie smells better :)

<---shouts out a big hello to all of her Cathe friends
<---can't sick around today because she is in the throws of House Cleaning Max and is just taking a small break
<---would like to suggest a new olympic sport: Scale Catapulting:eek: :D
<---hopes the new Canadian government truly works for the people;)
<---tells Robin she thinks this Prime Minister is USA friendly :)
<---hopes Boybie is better soon
<---hopes Kassia's stomach feels better soon
<---hopes Kali gets her tickets
<---says "oh crap", she can't remember what the other posts were about but wishes you all a super great day!:D

<--- confirms that our new PM is a Bush wannabe
<--- doesn't want to offend anyone so will stop right there
<--- is having the worst day EVER
<--- maybe be slightly prone to dramatic exaggeration here;)
<--- hopes Kassia's day gets better
<--- thinks she would rather have a Scale Smashing Party - BYOSH (bring your own sledgehammer)
<--- sympathizes with Kali about having to endure Nickelback}(
<--- wonders if Kali knows that Nickelback are good ol' Canadian boys
<--waves to everyone today :)
<--is feeling icky today so <--will probably not check in too much more today
<--hopes the day gets better for everyone :)
<--needs to lay down now ... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)

Cath :)
<--waves madly to all <--friends in catheland today!!
<--has been drowning in work the last 2 weeks and there is no end in sightx( x(
<--wishes <-- Canadian brothers and sisters good luck with this new government
<--sends healing vibes to the Boybster
<--sends hugs to wendy and says hey, when are we getting together again??!!
<--is SUPER sore today, but is happy about it:7
<--asks Terri what kind of new workout shoes did she get???
<--must get back to work now, ughh
<--holds breath and disappears under pile:-(
<---Tells Sandy they are saucony's 66036
<---also tells her they are pink rasberry and white
<---says they are very pretty and comfy!
<---says hey SHelley they would go great with that pink running suit you been wanting}(

<--asks Terri if they are cross trainers?
<--will be on the market for new shoes soon; have freddy's and LOVE them, but cannot buy anymore in this country;(
<--is happy to be here before thread reaches 50 replies;-)
<--has sore hamstrings but isn't sure if that's because of MIS Sunday night or 4 inch heels <-- wore yesterday
<--never had sore hams from MIS before
<--knows it's going to be a long day because boss is gone and co-worker is on maternity leave which means <-- is alone in web dept.:-(
<--wonders if Sandy has still been running and how it's going
<--will gladly join Shelley's scale smashing party b/c <--'s scale hasn't budged in a while despite super clean eating:-( x(
<--hopes Kassia feels better quickly
<--also hopes Deb's son is better real soon!
<--would love to take one of Mama Deb's classes one day
<--waves and is trying to talk herself into doing work

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