<--- A new era begins

<---says good evening all
<---just got back from doc & pharmacy for boybs
<---says he has startings of 2 ear infections and bronchitis :(
<---thinks hopefully he will be feeling better in a few days
<---says lots of rest & mommy hugs for sure :)
<---is really enjoying sundried tomato, artichoke, & chicken pasta...yum.
<---yells TTFN!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---hopes Aiden feels better soon
<---thinks sick babies are so pitiful
<---just got done with workout
<---is having yummy beans and ground turkey for dinner
<---still has major clothes to fold
<---discovered i can run for 7 1/2 mins strait
<---wonders what my knees will think if that tomorrow
<---bets those of you training for marathons and such think that is pretty laughable

<--also hope poor, little Aiden feels better and sends him hugs!
<--congrats Jes on 7 1/2 minutes of straight running!
<--tells her we all have to start somewhere and that she'll be running marathons before she knows it!:7
<-- tells Jes 7.5 minutes is a lot!!!
<-- reminds Jes we all have to start somewhere
<-- tells Jes running can be a great thing when there are lots of thoughts in that head
<-- is watching Nancy's jiggy dude dancing as <-- types
<-- is very entertained
<-- went on the Field Trip and got all accomplished 'round the Cirque du Soleil tent in downtown San Jose
<-- thought it was a bit strange to be doing law stuff next to the circus tent
<-- realized that's what we're all really doing anyway!
<-- went to a running store and Trader Joe's on the way home
<-- blew all the money <-- earned today. x(
<-- sighs
<-- wonders who's throwing that scale smashing party and when
<-- is off to do Muscle Max tonight
<---is going to run as much as possible
<---really enjoys running
<---put pics in my trail and posted some into thread about bro leaving
<---is getting more computer savvy!
<---still can't spell worth a damn
<---loves Percy Sledge
<---hasn't found Pinky yet
<---has to go do dishes

<-- is feeling verclempt as a result of looking at them
<-- thanks Jes for sharing!!!!
<-- thinks dishes suck
<-- just gave up at jacknife section of MM
<-- needs dinner first
<-- will stretch, eat, read civ pro, shower, and call it a day
<-- is frightened that tomorrow will be longer!!
<-- sighs upon realization if it's class night, no muscle work
<-- phew!!!
<-- says hi to all who read this tomorrow to catch up
<-- just confused herself by that ^
<-- thinks <-- should cut the stretches short and focus on dinner

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