A new composition


Someone suggested I rewrite the Flintstones theme, but I did Gilligan's Island instead;)

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
a tale of a motley crew.
That likes to work out hard and fast,
And talk about it too.
The ladies are all shapes and forms,
their leader strong and good.
Each day they talk for hours and hours,
about fitness, health and food………
Sometimes the weather gets real rough,
the ladies fight and spit.
If not for the grace of everyone,
the site would be a pit.
There are some real characters, who make the place a blast,
with Aquajock, and Pinky too,
DebbieH, and Lunacat,
Cathe herself, Boybert and Fit Mom,
here on Cathe.com!.

So this is the tale of our fitness freaks,
they're here for a long, long time.
They always make the best of things,
they enjoy an uphill climb.
Cathe and SNM too,
will do their very best,
to make us all fit as can be,
with the occasional rest.
No carbs, no fats, no Snickers Bars,
not a single unclean food.
We try our best to be real nice,
we’re hardly ever rude;).
So join us here each day my friends,
you’ll think it is da bomb.
From the motley crew of fitness fans,
Here on Cathe.com.
I'll have to get back to you on that. It's an immersion style class so we're into Italian right out of the starting gate. At the moment I'm clueless, but I'm having a blast just the same!! Thanks for asking.

Oh my gosh Shelley! That is waaay too cute! LOVE IT! (Did you know that Snickers is my fav candy bar? Haven't had one in aggggges!) You are really good and always put a smile on my face. Sooo glad you joined Cathedotcom!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Shelley, I'm just chuckling over the no carbs, no fat, no Snickers Bars line. That is so not me.;-) }(

Girl, you da bomb! Thanks for making me laugh.


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