A horror story with a happy ending



I'll try to condense this as much as I can. I'd mentioned that I'd dropped my Y memembership and joined a local Bally's because they had more equipment and better hours for a little bit less cost(I THINK I mentioned it). WELL, what I didn't mention is the bad experience I had with their routine "new member fitness assessment" of me done on Thanksgiving day morning.

Keep in mind that on two previous occasions I'd had my bodyfat percentage tested at my old Y....in 1999 it was 17.3, in Feb. of this year it was 19.1. These reading were done by different people, and the second reading was done by averaging 10 spots, the first was four spots. Both were done with calipers. At Bally they did a reading and they told me my bodyfat percentage was 29.9 percent! I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach, I was so shocked! Another trainer came in the room and listened to my dismay about the wide difference with no big change in my weight and lots more weight training. She said, "you look like your bodyfat is in the mid to high twenties to me. I've done this a long time." They then tried to sell me a personal training package for an ungodly sum to solve my "problem" with excess weight and high body fat.

SO, I've been walking around for three weeks feeling horrible and fat and wondering what in the world I'd done wrong. I went to the ACE website and found a personal trainer close to my home, explained my dilemma with the widely varied readings, and saw her this morning. Her measurement of my bodyfat percentage (taken in the same spots as Bally's) was 18.7 percent. Needless to say, I feel a whole lot better now. She laughed at what Bally's had come up with.

She gave me a new leg workout routine (7 exercises in super sets of three and four, 3 sets each and high reps), and sent me away happy. Her verdict was to keep on doin' what I'm doin' (two leg workouts per week), and varied cardio. Her one suggestion about cardio was maybe try mountain biking to add to my mix.

Wasn't that awful? I'm going to the manager of Bally's and complain about their trainers scaring me and making me think I was terribly out of shape. I love the facility, and hours and the equipment, but I DON'T like being lied to, which I feel I was.

Deb H and Aimee....no, I didn't tell you about this because I was actually ashamed. I'm so glad I got this second opinion.

I'm going to eat out tonight to celebrate! Not pig-out, just eating someone else's cooking is celebrating enough.
Great story? What is the ACE website - I would love to have a couple of form sessions with a personal trainer.
I used to work at Bally's, and the PT manager measured my bodyfat... 31%! I'd had a baby 3 months before, but he grabbed this huge handful of loose skin on my waist and measured that. I was 5'5" and 155 lbs at the time, and I wondered how accurate the results were. The skinfold from my leg and arms wasn't very thick, but my ischial {sp} measurement was horrible... 40 mm or something like that...

I am supposed to get a DEXA scan (kinda like an x-ray that measures body composition and bone density) for a research study in a couple weeks... they keep rescheduling my appointment. But when I finally get an appointment that holds, I will get a very accurate idea of my body composition (and bone density, too!)
They must really need the business, Honeybunch! The rotten rubber ducks! That's really a sad testament to the hard sell they do in some of those places! Fortunately, my educated friend, you are not an easy mark!
RE: You are probably in better shape than the trainers

who I would think purposedly mislead you. Good for you on getting a second opinion and shame on that gym for being dishonest. I don't know you and I have never seen you and I KNOW your bodyfat is not 29.9% just from the workouts I know that you are capable of doing, the weight that you lift, your diet and the consistency of your workouts.

I am presuming you will not be giving that gym any of your hard earned money in the future.

RE: You are probably in better shape than the trainers

I love the facility, the equipment and the hours (open Sunday 8-8pm)but as far as hiring a personal trainer, forget it! I'm going to complain to the folks in the main office wherever it is. I get loud when I get hosed, and I have already broadcast it to a big audience of potential clients.

It's great to wake up knowing that they screwed up and I'm not borderline obese like their measurement indicated. Boy, am I steamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the ACE website:


I interviewed two potential trainers, and picked the one who LISTENED to me. The other one just talked about herself and how wonderful she is, and ignored my needs. It was a great experience, and I'd recommend it to anyone.

This gal had competed in fitness contests like our Aimee, and she said I was working as hard as she did when she compeated (did I spell that right?)! So I think I may ease off just a little. I DID think I was overdoing it, and now I know.
RE: You are probably in better shape than the trainers

Honeybunch, first off, if you had told us about this, we would've told you there was NO way that ws right!! Second, you post what you do here, anybody who works that hard will HAVE to have accecptable levels of bodyfat, providing the diet is clean pretty much too! Woman, you blow me away with your workouts!! I'm glad you didn't fall for the scare tatics that Bally's put you through. MAN!! It makes me angry what some people do to turn a buck!


Chiming right in with Aimee! I'm reading your post and thinking, Deb, you must not have been a listener the day we all met up because I didn't remember you saying anything about the problem. Like Aimee, I wish you had spoken up and we could have helped alleviate any doubt. I don't know anyone who eats cleaner then YOU! You put ME to shame! That being said, I am sooo glad everything turned out happy:7 and that all your hard work and discipline has not been in vain. Can't wait to talk to you about your leg workout routine. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK because it DOES SHOW on you!!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Grrrr!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-01 AT 08:47AM (Est)[/font][p]I didn't say anything because I felt like a failure! I was REALLY ashamed that I work so hard and I come to find out that it was seemingly for nothing! I was depressed, and told NO ONE! Not even Sweetie Pie. It was really horrible, and a terrible weight to carry around for 3 weeks. I'm really angry at what they put me through, and I will let the Bally's big boys know about it.

Thanks for being so supportive.

Check your E-mail. I am so sorry they put you thru that and even sorrier (is that a word?) that you didn't say something to us so we could have helped. I am so glad that you didn't take it sitting down and went & did something about it. We all know how hard you work and your faithful discipline. Keep up the good work!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey!

I hope you do speak up LOUDLY! If they did this to you, can you imagine all the other people (victims) who have gotten the same treatment?
RE: Hey!

Excatly - imagine how they would treat someone who was obese, or had health problems, or was just a beginner and didn't have the fitness knowledge!!! They could turn them away for life!
Debbie sent a picture to me of your get together, and you didn't look very happy. I'm glad you unloaded. Like the others, just from reading your workouts, I know you are not at a high bodyfat. If you are, I must be 50%!

Body Fat Analysis

Hi Honeybunch, I'm so sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with the "personal" trainers at your gym. I had my body fat analyzed recently for a story I wrote about hybrid workouts. The trainer weighed me on a Tanita Body Fat Measurement scale. She plugged in some numbers -- my height, gender, and age -- and I got a digital read-out of my specific body composition. The scale is attached to a computer, which provides the intelligence. With this kind of scale, I learned my BMI, my actual fat weight, my fat-free mass, my total body water (how hydrated I am), my basal metabolic rate, and my fat percentage. I was kind of sceptical - I mean, all I did was stand on the scale! -- but this trainer bases her entire profession of training people on this information. She is also a nutritionist, which is why she gets these kinds of details. I really don't know how much more accurate this is than the fat calipers (which I've had done, too), but I think there's a lot of room for human error with the calipers.

RE: Body Fat Analysis

Well, since I've had it done three times with calipers (Y and my PT) and got similar results (17.3-19.1 over a three year period), I tend to believe it. The Y folks weren't out to sell anything, either, so I believe what they told me. So much depends on the skill of the person doing the measurements.
maybe it sounds trite...

but the story reminds me

We really need to have faith in our own opinion about ourselves and our efforts.....
RE: maybe it sounds trite...

You are right.....funny how someone hurling a number at me sent me into a tailspin! It totally changed my self image. I KNEW I worked hard, I KNEW I couldn't be that much out of shape (shoot, I wear a size 6!), but that number nearly destroyed me.

Even tho' I had that second opinion from the PT I hired, I still have tiny lingering after effects from the Bally's experience. I'm going there this morning and find myself wondering what to wear and how much to cover up.
RE: maybe it sounds trite...

Don't let those pathetic, money-grubbing people at Bally's make you doubt yourself! You're a size 6! You're dedicated to your workouts! I bet you look fabulous. Debbie H and Aimee confirmed this. Don't cover up - show off! Let us know what happens after you speak to the management.

Fat Calipers

I belong to 24 Hour Fitness (which is a similar establishment to Bally's, though not quite as widespread) and have had my body fat measured twice with the calipers. I trust my personal trainer, but they must be trained weird or something. I got 29% both times, and it also pretty obvious that I am not overweight. I don't know what's going on; I'm dismayed to hear (and relieved for myself) that I'm not the only one.

http://www.plauder-smilies.de/pyth.gif Gretchen

P.S. My husband's comment about the body fat percentage is, "If your body is 80% water, how can you be 29% fat?" ;-)

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