A full CXT check-in

Don't blink...

Or you'll miss my week

Saturday-All Step and the Chest and Shoulder from CTX

Sunday-I did Leaner Legs

The short week was due to one of those pesky colds
...wouldn't you know it would have to arrive around the time I got the new tapes!!!

Anyway...I took Monday thru Friday off..partly because it was the right thing to do when you have a cold...but mostly because..I'm getting older and just don't have the energy to exercise with a cold anymore LOL!

I have re-thunk my routine...going to try to stick with a CTX rotation. Mainly due to the suggestions by Cathe here in the forum. I will tighten it up a bit and do a couple of bodyparts together. chest/shoulder, then legs next day. If tris are not sore from chest work..I will do tri/bi on day 3, then back on day 4..unless bis still feel it. So I'll add recovery days when needed but I have it tightened up into a 4 day schedule. This will let me start the rotation before the weekends. I always feel better getting in 1 1/2 bodys a week.

Cleda...first, I thought you went to the Cape to spend time with me..not Andre
and I am in awe that you are doing that upperbody CTX...and one day with Legs tacked on..well, if anyone can do it...you can..you're my hero
and as far as that &*#@ table work goes...well you know where I stand on that..pun intended

HB..another 4:30 am club member here...and we share the same schedule...I go to bed early too
. And yes on posting that recipe...do you even have to ask
...my DH will love them.

Marcia, hope you had a great vacation and glad you could take advantage of buying stuff here

Jen...welcome back to you too...glad to see you posting at VF as well

Have a good week everyone.

Elizabeth..Me Too

Those darn static lunges! I have the same problem. First I thought it might be my shoes...I did change them and the new shoe is better but...I have a pretty good fatigue discomfort in that back leg while doing those statics. Maybe I'll be stretching more too.

Those have to be the hardest part in Leaner Legs for me, of course..that could be my problem

CTX week here too!

Mountain Biking, only about 30 minutes

Cathe Cardio Kicks (only about 20 minutes – short on time)

Cathe Cardio Kicks (the whole thing)

Cathe CTX - Power Circuit

Thursday (my birthday)
Cathe CTX - Kickbox

Rest -- too much partying the night before!

Cathe CTX - 10 10 10 and Leaner Legs

Jenn C
Hi Everyone

I am still loving Cathe's new videos, but my old videos are starting to look interesting to me again. (Even BodyMax and Interval Max like Elizabeth)
Hope all of you that are sick (or have sick babies) feel better soon!!
Once again, you early risers are incredible!! I don't know how you can drag yourself out of bed that early!!
I've been really enjoying my heart rate monitor - it's been fun to use!

Monday: Bike - 30 minutes, Power Circuit (cardio), shoulders and abs from All-Step

Tuesday: Run - 4 miles, CTX kickboxing, 10 10 10

Wednesday: Run - 4 miles, CardioKicks

Thursday: Run 4 miles, Circuit Max

Friday: Bike - 30 minutes, Intense Moves, All Step (cardio only)

Saturday: Bike - 30 minutes, Leaner Legs and back work from Power Circuit

Sunday: Bike - 30 minutes, Step & Intervals, abs from Power Circuit

Hope everyone has a great week!!
4-4 count

I know what you mean on the slower count on the deadlifts, and I'm so glad you said you'll just keep them all slow! I sometimes amaze myself at my lack of innovation--I don't think I ever would have thought to keep them all slow! After reading your post, that is just what I'm going to do--I just don't feel it on the 3-1 or 2-2 counts.
checking in

Can't get everything I want done in a 7 day week - another day or two would be nice! My husband starts teaching this week so it's going to get a bit more hectic. Summer is over.

Monday: PS BB&A; Cardio Kicks (got some space problems)
Tuesday: Trot 30 minutes; Pilates mat class
Wednesday: PS CS&T; spinning
Thursday: Pilates mat class & planned rest
Friday: Circuit Max; spinning

Saturday: Cycle 45 hilly miles (Husband shot out of the gate. Couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, as I really worked to stay with him. After 10 miles of punishment, he turns & tells me how compatible we are (on the bikes)! Boy that wasn't what I'd been thinking. He just wanted to push the pace.)

Sunday: Unplanned rest day; did Millenium Stretch for the first time.

Have a great week everyone!

First...those &$#@* Husbands

And...how did you like Millenium Stetch? I really enjoy how Scott holds the stretches, it's a very soothing tape. His Tai Chi tape is similar, with a little faster paced stuff at the end that resembles kickboxing combos.
If you enjoyed it..there are rumors that he is coming out with more stretch tapes this fall, one for couples too.


Mon - CTX Power Circuit
Tues - tired, rest day
Wed - unplanned rest day - too many errands, cranky toddler
Thurs - am - Power Yoga for Beginners, pm CTX Kickbox
Fri - out of town
Sat - out of town - 15 min treadmill walk
Sun - Leaner Legs

I got my colonoscopy results back and everything was normal plus I was able to start reducing my prednisone dosage so I had a really good week!

Hope everyone has a great week!
my week

Here is my week everyone:

Mon-All step and step-n-intervals cardio sections
Tue- rest
Wed- CircuitMax and the cardio and abs from All Step
Thur-Cardio Kicks and the cardio from SNI
Fri- CircuitMAx
Sat- upper body and abs from BodyMAx
Sun- a repeat of Monday plus abs

Can you tell which videos are my new favorites? I have been getting great results alternating the new videos in this way along with the BodyMax section once per week. I am more defined and the abs are starting to come through. I will be sticking to this for a while and then start an xpress rotation. LOVE this new way of training!!!!
Have a great week everyone.


Yes, please, please, please give us the Rocky Road Brownie recipe! I've been in search of a delicous new treat!
Back for the checkin

Hi guys

I missed last week's checkin because I went away for the weekend and then got so busy, well you know....

I just received Cathe's new tapes but have not had a chance to even preview them but I know time is on my side and I will get to them. Here was my week:

Monday - 45 minute run/walk (that hamstring is not perfect yet by any means)

Tuesday - PS CST

Wednesday - Happy Hour

Thursday - Reebok the Power Workout

Friday - PS Legs

Saturday and Sunday - played in a co-ed slowpitch tournament. No ball for a month and then whammo - a marathon of ball. Boy can I feel it this a.m. all over and especially in my hamstring. Today is a definite rest day.

Hope you all have a great week.


I see you are from MI. How far are you from Frankenmuth? Where are you located?

I am about 1 hour from Frankenmuth. Haven't been there in ages. Hope you chicken dinner was good.

Since I am here guess I will do the check in thing:

Monday - holiday - did nothing
Tuesday - Power Circuit
Wednesday - Kickbox
Thursday - Step & Intervals
Friday - Shoulders/Triceps
Saturday - Leaner Legs
Did all the tapes.
I may be the only one but I just didn't have much fun with the step & intervals tape. I like the interval section but the step portion wasn't much fun to me, but then it could be because it took up a bit more room than I have room for.

I really enjoy the power circuit, kickboxing, and leaner legs tapes. I enjoy all the weight sections.
I am going to give the cross training videos the 6-8 week rotation and see if I can see a difference. I certainly can feel each body part later in the day after I work it. Such a good feeling.
Rocky Road Brownies

These are s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o easy!!!

Take one box of Sweet Rewards Brownies Mix (Betty Crocker) and mix with 2/3 c. skim milk. Pour in a 13X9 inch cake pan that has been sprayed with "Pam" and bake at 350 degrees for 23-25 minutes.

Then, sprinkle the top of the hot brownies with mini-marshmallows, chocolate chips, and chopped pecans(or peanuts....or cashews! I don't care!). Just fill up the top......use as much of each ingredient as you want. Then stick it back in the oven for 3-5 more minutes till the marshmallows bubble.
Nancy...I had a cold too!

Nancy: I totally understand your frustration. The same day my Cathe tapes came was the same day I came down with this horrendous cold...I was SOOOOO MAD!!!

Talk about frustration...I sat there and previewed some of them but that just got me MORE frustrated.

Anyway, hope you're feeling better now...mine is finally starting to clear up!

Space problems

I had some space problems too with the Cardio Kicks. I'm going to have to figure out a way to substitute some other steps in place of the ones that are on the tape.

Any ideas?
Hi Nancy!

I think 'active rest' just isn't enough "rest" for my poor calves. Funny, static lunges were never a problem for me in any other tapes. Then again, plie squats never made my legs shake like the dickens before either!
Thank you Cathe! Have fun with the tapes, Nancy.

Elizabeth Kelly

Hi Wendy! Normally a 2-2 count works just fine for me, but all those active rests keep me pretty fatigued. Plus, I've been doing the Power Circuit tape with back work the day before and that has those deadlifts for the back, so I'm probably just extra tired. I plan to rearrange things this week so as not to run into that kind of problem. I can't take too much credit for thinking of changing the speed of the exercise on my own. Although I don't believe she says it about this particular one, Cathe is constantly pointing out that you may want to go slower on any exercise in case you have a heavier weight or just get too fatigued by her tempo. Good luck on the tape, sometimes modifying will actually give you better results!

Elizabeth Kelly

Hi Rhonda! Yes, thank you, my chicken dinner was excellent. I didn't even feel guilty for taking seconds, since I had done my Cathe's all week!
Birch Run Outlets are exactely 1 and 1/2 hours from my front door. (Can ya tell I like to shop?) I live in Clinton Township (That's by Mt.Clemens, Sterling Heights, or Rochester if you're not familiar with this area). Where are you from? You're braver thant I am, giving the new videos a full 6-8 weeks. I can't go that long doing only them. I'm giving it 4 weeks, then I'm gonna alternate CXT weeks with the other 2 new ones plus all the older ones. Have fun!

Elizabeth Kelly
All CTX here, too!

I was off work all week, so I had plenty of time to fit in my workouts! It's been a bit of a sad time lately -- my uncle was killed in a car accident on Aug. 31. Strange as it may be, the new videos helped take my mind off things for a little while -- especially that wonderful warm-up music in Step & Intervals. Anyway, here's my week:

Monday: CTX Step & Intervals/Chest
Tuesday: Rest (funeral)
Wednesday: CTX Kickbox/Biceps
Thursday: CTX All Step/Shoulders
Friday: CTX Power Circuit/Legs/Back & Triceps from CTX 10-10-10
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

I liked Millenium Stretch

I bought the tape because of the recommendations here. I wasn't sure I'd like Scott after reading an interview where he came off as a "new age" hustler. But the tape is good & I like his sense of humor. He lost me during the white light phase so I need to focus. The Tai Chi tape sounds interesting. Several of my spinning instructors are getting into it to improve their breathing technique. By the way, the hour with Scott did fly & I felt great.

I think the only way I could get my husband to do a stretching video is if we wore our birthday suits!

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