A few different questions:


Hi Cathe:

I started to watch fit tv and wow you are wonderful I feel like I am at the gym, I really look up to you I already bought some dvd's and the high step and plan on getting more!!!

Just a few questions: When you are lifting weights and say I have 40 pounds is that on each side on the barbell or 40 pounds in total weight on the barbell.
Also do you have an idea of how many calories are burned during an advanced workout dvd such as cardio fusion?
Also I have been doing about 2 hours per day of your workout is that too much I know I varies with different people but just a guideline I just dont want to over do it.

Thank you, I look at you as my inspiration!!
Not Cathe, but here are a few answers...

As far as the weight Cathe is using (and you too if you are comfortable with this weight) would be a total of 40 pounds. Usually this accounts for the bar plus added weights per side. She usually suggests a weight, but that doesn't mean that you have to lift that amount- go heavier or lighter depending upon your body.

The calories burned during any activity depend upon your metabolism, weight, heart rate, etc. Each person will have different caloric burned rates. Also, this can vary by the day, time of day, how much energy you expend during this workout, etc. A good heart rate monitor will help you track this.

Finally, two hours may be too much depending on your body, how long you have been working out, how often you have been working out, and the type of workout (cardio, weights, stretching). You should see how you feel, if you are more tired or weak, if your muscles ache, etc. I probably wouldn't workout 2 hours a day every day (cardio)- maybe once or twice a week at this time and then 70 minutes other days. You will be surprised at how much you can accomplish in an hour or so. Sometimes too much too soon can cause injury and/or overtraining problems.

Hope this helps until Cathe can chime in. Also, you may want to ask this question in the Open Discussion Forum since many of the posters there are very fitness savy. :D
Dear Fitness Angel:

Thank you so much for the information, truly helpful, and thanks for taking the time to write back!!!

Have a great day:)
Not Cathe, - but wanted to throw in one personal thought here. You asked about how many calories are burned during certain types of workouts. One of the best fitness purchases I have ever made is to buy a heart rate monitor and I wear it during all workouts no matter what the type. It has helped me not just with heart rate but with calories burned. It also helps me keep track of whether I am "working hard" or "hardly working" :) And, it is possible to work too hard (too high a heart rate) and that is important to know as well. Prices for monitors range from quite low to quite high; I got a moderate (less than $80) version and am totally pleased with it.
Hi Katiyak! Thank you for the compliments...you are sweet :)

I see you have already gotten great advice here so I will just add that in general about 6 calories per 60 to 75 seconds are burned during low intensity activity, 10 calories during high intensity activity, and 20 plus during high intnsity interval training. Again this is just a VERY general gauge and ultimately your genetics, age, etc. will hold the final answer.

Two hours a day seems high in general terms but each individual is different. For example, an athlete training for competition would find this amount of time a "light" training day. So you really have to know your body well.

I safely recommend 4 to 6 cardio workouts per week at about an hour in length. You can weight train each major muscle in your body two, but no more than 3 times a week for best results as your body needs recovery time between your weight workouts.

Signs of overtraining are lethargy, hating to workout, chronic aches and pains, overuse injuries, inabilty to sleep well, irritable, catching numerous colds, going through the motions just to say you did your workout for the day, loss of appetite, intestinal disturbances, etc.

You should feel refreshed, excited, and focused for all of your workous. Never enter a workout too sore, too fatiqued, or unfocused. Try to take at least one day off a week.

Good Luck and Take Care!

I read your response which is something I have been wanting to see. When you say weights 2-3 times a week is that included in one of the cardio days? How do you balance that out? 4 days hour cardio/2 days weights(entire body)?

Hi Monica! You can do weights on your cardio days or you can do total body weight workouts on non-cardio days. Here is an example of both:

Sample One:

Mon: Cardio
Tues: Gyms Style Back Bicep Shoulders
Wed Cardio
Thurs: Gym Style legs
Fri: Cardio
Sat: Gym Style Chest and Triceps plus CARDIO right after or at another time in that day.
Sun: OFF

Sample Two:

Mon: Power Hour
Tues: Cardio
Wed: Cardio
Thurs: Muscle Endurance
Fri: Cardio
Sat: Cardio (optional third day of Muscle Max)
Sun: Off


I am so excited you responded to my question. I look up to you so much. I think all my friends get sick of hearing me talk about you.

Thanks for your rotation. I will try it. I will have to alter some workouts with what I have.

How come I feel like I must do cardio everyday? I want to do your rotations but feel gipped w/out cardio and only weights. Give some help to outgrow this mental block.PLEASE!!!

Hi Cathe:

Thank you for your response I appreciate and respect your input!!
I will try to monitor my body and see how I feel, I did buy a heart rate monitor so I think that will help better control where I am at with calories and cardio.

Again you are truly an inspiration, I am 38 and you just motivate me so much, keep up the great work!!!:) :)

Dear Working to be fit:

I thank you for your advice and I did buy one yesterday, a polar heart monitor now I will figure out how to use it!!!

Your great thanks again ;-)

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