A fabulous video on global warming

I'm still not convinced global warming is a fact. Back when I was in grade school we were warned of a mini ice age that was coming. That never happened. The ice caps on Mars are beginning to melt too so possibly this is caused by activity going on with the sun. My DH's boss is good friends with a climatologist (sp?) who works at Wright Patterson Air Force Base and he says he can't find any evidence of global warming. I think that many people are using this fear to further themselves politically and I'm just not quite ready to jump on the bandwagon.
Did you actually watch it? Because that's the whole point of it. It doesn't matter whether you believe it's going to happen or not.
Shelly - it is a really good video - thanks for posting the link! I certainly cannot poke holes in his theory. Sounds to me that whether there is global warming or not, the cost of NOT preparing for it and having it happen far out weighs the cost of preparing for it and having it be false.
>I think that many people are using this fear to further themselves >politically and I'm just not quite ready to jump on the bandwagon.

I agree.
>>I think that many people are using this fear to further
>themselves >politically and I'm just not quite ready to jump
>on the bandwagon.
>I agree.

WATCH THE VIDEO!!! Like Shelley said, it doesn't matter whether you're on the bandwagon or not. The video is not above proving whether global warming is true or not. Please watch it before you post here.
I love this. I'm sending it on to my family and friends. I hate it when people just write off global warming because they think it's a political thing. Even if it's not as dire as I believe it is, what harm could taking better care of our planet do? What harm could lowering our carbon emissions and the amount of energy we expend do? I'm all about taking preventative measures and being proactive instead of waiting to see what happens and then trying to be reactive. What kind of mother would I be if I took that approach when it comes to my children's future on this planet??? (OK, I'll jump off my soapbox now...) Thanks again, Shelley!!
Interesting video. Funny that it sounds a lot like Pascal's Wager which argues for believing in God because if you believe and God exists, you go to Heaven; if you believe and God doesn't exist, you go to Hell; therefore you should believe. Pascal's wager also has a handy little table (see the table on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal's_Wager)

I am still studying what to think about global warming. I am not convinced it is entirely due to human actions, but I am still an environmentalist and believe it's best to have a clean earth for a variety of reasons.

Edited to add: I'm not throwing Pascal's Wager in here to start a God argument--just comparing the two arguments in method.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

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>Lanie, Interesting comparison! Michael Crichton describes
>the environmental movement (which, of course, includes global
>warming) as a religion. Earth is an Eden paradise where man
>is united with nature, global warming is one of the reasons
>for man's fall from grace there is even a coming judgement if
>no action is taken, etc...
>Here's a link to his essay on the subject:

Elaine, thanks for posting this link. I've been hearing a lot about Michael Crichton's philosophy on the environmental movement and I've been interested to know more about it.

Interesting video, Shelley. :)
Great video Shelley. His logic is airtight, regardless of where you stand. To those who disagree that global warming exists, the video isn't trying to convince you one way or another-it's just presenting the problem in a clear and logical way.

I agree - I'm sure the atrocious air-quality in places like Los Angeles, Denver and Asia (where you see people regularly walking around in face masks because it's so bad) happened all by itself. Man had nothing to do with it. And really, it's all just cyclical anyway - remember the last time the polar ice caps starting melting and breaking off in chunks the size of small states. Fun.

(If it turns out god doesn't exist, you won't go to hell because that would necessarily mean that hell doesn't exist either) However, the article was fascinating when taken with the counter-theorists, non-Christian religions, etc. and a very apt comparison of reason to the global warming issue. Very good reading.
Hi Carola,

I'll give it a try. Others will hopefully fill in anything I miss. The gist of the argument is "what's the worst that could happen?". Basically, the guy in the video presents 4 scenarios and their consequences.

1. Global warming turns out to not be real problem and yet we end up taking action against it. Worst possible consequence: wasted money and damaged economy, possibly economic recession/depression.

2. Global warming turns out to not be a real problem and we take no action against it. No bad consequence.

3. Global warming turns out to be a real problem and we take action against it. Consequence: we have spent money and made sacrifices, but we have done all we could to lessen the damage and it turned out to be a good decision.

4. Global warming turns out to be a real problem and we have taken no action against it. Consequences: global economic, political, health, and environmental catastrophe.

His argument is that we have to choose what to do based on risk/benefit. Basically, regardless of what happens, we risk too much by taking no action. Even if global warming turns out to not be a problem, we are gambling our entire planet by not taking it seriously.

He does a much better job explaining this! I hope I did it justice.


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