A fabulous video on global warming

>If it turns out god doesn't exist, you won't go to hell
>because that would necessarily mean that hell doesn't exist
Ha ha--my bad--I had a typo up there. Pascal's argument was that if you don't believe and God does exist (and of course he's arguing for his particular kind of God) then you'd go to hell. But again, i wouldn't say I agree with Pascal's reasoning--I was just struck by the similarity of the argument, even down to the 4 possibilities.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html
I usually don't participate in Global Warming debates, both sides are usually full of "fertilizer"

The truth is that global warming is happening as it has happened since the beginning of time. We are in the fifth interglacial period (look it up on Wikipedia). At least 5 times before glaciers advanced and the retreated, with no help from Man.

A good debate would not be stopping or qualifying global warming, but conserving our natural resources, being better shepherds of the planet and certainly not adding to global warming.

We could no more stop global warming as we could stop the sun rise or the ocean tide...

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