A decent rotation with only MIS & Joyce Vedral?


I'm fairly new to weight training. The only videos I have are Cathe's MIS and Joyce Vedral (Weight Training Made Easy 1&2). I'm not sure how to rotate these.

Any suggestions on how to do this would be GREATLY appreciated! My goals are strength, muscle definition, and weight loss (5'3" & 140 lbs). I'm over 50 so bone density is an issue too.

I'm planning to buy Cathe's Pure Strength series also. Any suggestions on rotating MIS with PS would be appreciated too.

Thanks, Lynn
I'll give this one a go, although I do not know the Joyce Vedral tapes.

If you are looking to lose weight and increase strength and gain muscle you should do a rotation that works each muscle two times per week with at least 48 hours of rest before working that muscle again. You need to include cardio too. For weight loss I think four to five times a week of various cardio activities should do the trick.

The Pure Strength series is fabulous. Incorporating it into the MIS you already own, here is what a sample week might look like:

Day 1: Pure Strength Back, Biceps, Abs
Day 2: Pure Strength Legs
Day 3: Pure Strength Chest Shoulders, Triceps
Day 4: Cardio only
Day 5: MIS
Day 6: Cardio only
Day 7: Cardio or rest

You could throw in another cardio on Day 1 or Day 3. I don't usually do a cardio on Leg days because I am too fried.

As you can see, the above rotation gives muscles at least two days rest before you work them again. For example, you work the Back on Day 1 and not again until Day 5.

If this rotation is suitable for you, stay on it for about 10 weeks to 12 weeks. Then, for the sake of variety and avoiding boredom, you should create a different rotation for awhile, such as the Slow and Heavy series, which was created to use in shorter rotations to keep things fresh.

Always use the heaviest weights you can with good form. After a few weeks you will find that you can safely increase the poundage.

Let us know if you incorporate any of this into your routines and how you are doing.

Good luck.

I have both of those tapes. They are both quite different. You could do MIS total body one day, then rest a day or two then do WTME day1, day2 then rest.

You could create a rotation where you just do MIS 2x for 3 - 6 weeks then WTME. Since WTME uses the pyrmaid system this would be a nice change for the muscles.

You may notice that you can lift a little heavier with Cathe than with Joyce - I don't know why - maybe the muscles get fatigued faster with Joyce?

The previous post was excellent also. That would be a great program. There are so many ways to rotate the tapes depending on your goals.

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