A Crummy Commercial?


Okay, I gave up a long time ago on getting a fortune cookie that had a REAL fortune in it (all I've gotten in the past few years are sayings), but here's what I got today:

"Enjoy your meal? Get another one to go!"

Years ago, I had a friend who got two empty ones in a row; his third one said, "Disregard previous fortunes."
My 16 year old daughter Marley got one when she was about 5 that said 'You are loud but quiet and never whisper'. We all thought it was great because it was a very accurate description of her, still is:)

The best one I got was 'your ship is coming in but you'll be at the airport':p

Take Care
A few months ago, my long distance boyfriend, when visiting me, got once that said "An unexpected relationship becomes permement".

I hope he hasn't lost it. :p
Wanna know a way to make fortune cookies more fun?

After you read your fortune say "in bed".

Always cracks me & DH up!:+
<Wanna know a way to make fortune cookies more fun?

<After you read your fortune say "in bed".

<Always cracks me & DH up!

Oh I was just going to post that. It cracks us up too. We just can't say it out loud in front of the kids, but we're both thinking it and we look at each other and laugh.

When it's my 'turn' to read my fortune, I always say "Help! Help! I'm being held captive in a Chinese cookie factory!"

I learned it from my Mom.

I know, I know - it's silly, but it seems to amuse my husband.

Susan L.G.
I once got one that said, "Good clothes open many doors. Go shopping." I have it framed and hanging on my closet door!

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