A crowned tooth?????????


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-03 AT 02:08PM (Est)[/font][p]I have got to have a back molar tooth crowned in two weeks time, because I managed to split half of it whilst eating (and you can slap my wrists for this !!!!! :-shy) a sweetie (see, sweets really do ruin your teeth)........

Anyway, I am the biggest wimp in the world, as far as dentistry is concerned :eek:.....so I am wondering what to expect after it has been done ????? Will my molar look like it originally did ? Or, will it look weird ???????

Apparently, this procedure takes about 30 minutes :-wow, which is a long time for someone whose knees knock at the thought of the Dentist... :7

Oh, I'm scared, I'd rather be forced to do MIC 50 times :eek:

Will getting it crowned be worth it ????

Anna :)
yep its worth it! they'll take a mold of your tooth, put a temp. cap on it and then glue your new crown on when its ready and it'll be permanent! takes a couple weeks to get the new crown after they take the mold for it. least for me it does.

doesn't hurt at all...only your pocketbook. *S*
I had a crown put on a while back and it wasn't put on properly so now I'm going back to my new dentist to have it fixed. The first time it was done they did take a mold of my tooth and all that but this time he says it's not neccessary. They have such new and improved ways of doing stuff these days!
I'm a very big wimp at the dentist cuz my nerves are right on the surface so even when they numb me I still feel stuff. I hold on really tight to my seat! :) I recently had all my old filling undrilled then re-filled at the same time. Let me tell ya, that wasn't fun! I am a good model for my children- they don't want to have to go through what I do!! Susan
Anna--I had a molar capped about 10 years ago. They match the color of the crown to your other teeth so it is almost impossible to tell that it is not the original tooth. I have had no problems with it, nor was it painful. HTH
[font color=green]BETSY[/font]
Hi Anna - I worked in dentistry for 12 years before I had my son. I saw all kinds of dental phobics. Hopefully you are going to a quality dental office. You should discuss your concerns with your dentist. He or she should be able to make your visit more comfortable. Suggestions to talk about:

1) Nitrous Oxide (no residual affect)
2) Valium (you would need a designated driver for the ride home)
3) Take a walkman with soothing tunes, some office have them on site.

Again, these are only suggestions and you & your DDS can discuss what one would be best for you. Good luck to you & watch those sweets. LOL, Kisha :D
Speaking from experience (I have 14 crowns) it's no big deal. As stated previously, they take an impression of your current tooth, put in a temp, match the color and no one will ever know it's not a real tooth. For me it's great because I no longer have silver in my mouth and my teeth actually look better!

I was just numbed like they do for filling a cavity. For some reason, everyone thinks it's much worse than it is.

Good luck!
RE: Nitrous oxide (ie: laughing gas)

I had Nitrous oxide when I had two upper wisdom teeth removed that hadn't yet broken the surface (in preparation for getting braces). For me, it really lived up to its name "laughing gas". After I started to see little white spots in front of my eyes, I started laughing hysterically (while the dentist jammed a dental dam in my mouth, cut through the skin and pulled out the teeth---I felt the whole thing, but it didn't register as pain. He could have cut off an appendage of mine with a hack saw and I would have kept laughing!). The nurse assistant started laughing, too, and had to leave the room. (This is a better experience than a friend of mine who began to cry, or some people who lose control of their bladders.)
RE: Nitrous oxide (ie: laughing gas)

I am so sorry Kathryn, I am sat here laughing my head off, so much so my abs hurt :7 :7 :7 :7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna :)

PS: Did your Dentist laugh too ??
RE: Nitrous oxide (ie: laughing gas)

Laughing IS good for the abs, n'est-ce pas?
I don't remember the dentist laughing, so if he did, it wasn't much at all. He was a pro all the way.
RE: Nitrous oxide (ie: laughing gas)

Laughing IS good for the abs, n'est-ce pas?
I don't remember the dentist laughing, so if he did, it wasn't much at all. He was a pro all the way.
RE: Nitrous oxide (ie: laughing gas)

Oh Kathryn, I'm LOL ROTF and the kids want to know what I'm laughing at.

Well Anna, you should feel much better knowing that you may laugh hysterically, cry, or pee in the dentists chair!!!!

I'm still laughing......just to add I had a crown put in, no problem, a few years ago. So be of good cheer, it will quickly pass and you'll feel much better. On the other hand, you better wear a diaper just in case. (still ROTF, LOL).

The secret to painfree dentistry: LOTS OF NOVACAINE. I've had crowns, inlays, and one root canal---no pain at all, thanks to the Novacaine. Ironically, I had a bad dental experience when Dr. Brute Sadist, DDS, pulled four permanent teeth before I got braces at age 11. He had me in a half-nelson and JAMMED the novacaine needle in my gums several times. It scared me off of shots so much that I subsequently had teeth filled WITH NO NOVACAINE (for you fellow Catholics out there, I was "going around the beads" every time I had to get a cavity filled!!!). That lasted until I was in my 30s and went to a female dentist who knew the humane way to administer novacaine. Don't stress. Get it done pronto or you might need a root canal on top of it.
It actually takes longer than 30 minutes to prepare a tooth for a crown and it can be exhausting to spend a lot of time with a light shining on your face, the epinephrine in the local anesthetic, and the fear of any discomfort. In order to get you numb, prepare the tooth,and make a temp can take 90 minutes or more.

Take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen before your local anesthetic wears off if your MD says that it is OK, of course.

Good Luck!

Beth K.
It is the mold of my tooth now that is really freaking me out. If they really have to do that, I will just gag :-tired !

These days they often use a "quad" impression tray, which is just half of your mouth. This makes it seem so much more easy to breathe, etc. but even if they use a "full arch" tray, they load the impression material in such a way that it stays as close to the front of the mouth as possible! You are not the first patient they have so you bet they know what to expect!

Every one of us approaches the dentist chair less than eagerly. Even dentists get dental work done. They really learn the most while they're patients.

If I may inquire, is your tooth an upper or lower, and how far away from the front is it? I can tell you more so you won't have fear of the unknown!

I was a dental assistant for 15 years before going to school to become a hygienist (hygienists here in California are licensed to administer anesthesia-- shots-- as well as clean teeth). Before assisting I used to help my father, who was a dentist.
Anna, I have TREMENDOUS issues with the dentist and I can tell you that honestly, what you need to have done is a breeze. :) I would not lie to you and I cannot stress enough that you can do this!

Let your dentist know that you are afraid. Ask him to explain it all BEFORE he does it so you know what is happening. Ask him to explain what to expect in the future so that you don't need to worry about what to expect. Ask him if there will be pain and when to expect it and if he suggests anything to help with the pain so you can make a decision.

Truthfully, I had a crown put on with no novicaine and it went fine. No issues, nothing. I didn't cry (which I normally do upon entering my dentist's office, no joke) and I was very comfortable.

Good luck!
Yes it will be worth it. Your tooth will lokk very natural.
Tooth pain is my least favorite type of pain, except childbirth. And to get thru it I remind myself that I am not having active labor pains!!!
I have a crown and four naturally born children. I'd rather have more crowns than go thru labor again! Besides you can have pain meds for the crown :eek:

May God grant you a sunbeam to warm you, a moon beam to charm you & an angel so nothing can harm you :-shy

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