A couple of PUB questions

On the lat pullovers, I go back as far as I can, but try to limit the range when pulling up. Once I get the dumbell past a certain point, I feel it much more in the chest than in the back.

For whatever that's worth...

Hi, Nancy:

I also recently read that slowing down the eccentric part of the move helps to emphasize the back muscles. That would mean you'd have to turn off the vid and do your own thing during the pyramid workout, but during S&H you could just change the count to 2-up and 6-down.

Don't give up on this move. It hits lots of things that don't get touched otherwise, and if you keep experimenting you'll surely make it work for you. When I finally really pushed it with the weight I felt it.

Yes! My husband was watching me and said I didn't go back as far as Cathe! I'm on a step with only one level of risers, and my husband said I actually need to touch the floor behind my head in order to match Cathe.

BTW, I love the low to the ground step when doing weight work. It feels much safer. I can reach the dumbbells I lay out on the floor without getting up at all. I think I'll do a separate post on this.
>Yes! My husband was watching me and said I didn't go back as
>far as Cathe! I'm on a step with only one level of risers,
>and my husband said I actually need to touch the floor behind
>my head in order to match Cathe.
Nancy, Your ROM might actually be safer. This move can be tough on the shoulders if you go back too far, especially with elbows straight. I bend my elbows about 45 degrees, use a 2 riser decline (as I mentioned before, to keep resistance through more of the movement), and go back so that my hands are about level with my head. If I were to do this with straighter arms, I know my shoulders would possibly be compromised in the down position.

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