Hi Cathe! I just want to thank you for putting the guide together for the Ripped with Hiit series! I refer to it every time I workout to a dvd. I've always written down the weight amount I use as well as the equipment needed for each workout and this guide makes it incredibly easy. Love this one and the X-Train guide. And for all of your other dvds I have of yours, I've got everything written down on post-its on the covers. But I'm not getting any younger so I'm not seeing them as good as I used to!
Anytime you are willing to put a guide together, I am grateful. 
And the observation I made was in your March 16 newsletter regarding the 5 motivation zappers. Is that a new set and outfits with your cast? I do not recall a park setting before...are you filming again? I hope so I hope so! Or is it just me thinking what I want to think?
Thank you again Cathe! Tracy
And the observation I made was in your March 16 newsletter regarding the 5 motivation zappers. Is that a new set and outfits with your cast? I do not recall a park setting before...are you filming again? I hope so I hope so! Or is it just me thinking what I want to think?
Thank you again Cathe! Tracy