90 minute step


I usually do my cardio early morning before I go to work. I would love an extra long, extra intense step video, perhaps broken down into 3 parts, that I could choose to do either in one day or break up through the week (depending, of course, upon what time I actually wake up). Something along the lines of Step Blast, which is without a doubt my favorite Cathe video. I do all my lifting & ab work in the gym, but I depend on Cathe for my cardio during the week. If I had my choice Cathe would do cardio only videos from here on out.
I really like the 90 minute step idea also. The 3 half hour sections would be perfect for dividing time ~if necessary ~ and also a variety of types of stepping, such as Step Blast, Bodymax and possibly IMAX.
Susan C.M.:D
Perfect if you are short on time!! I usually do parts of Body Max when I am short on time and it is very convenient to do so. Great Idea!!

90 minutes would be really good!
Good idea! I like to do a killer workout on Sunday mornings.
A gym I used to workout at had a great step teacher that would do 90 minutes every Sunday morning. It was so much fun!
She was obviously a Cathe fan!

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