9/24 - Monday - What is your exercise for today ?


This morning, while I wait for Verizon to show up to install FIOS, I am doing an older Cathe cardio mix...POWER MAX ! Older stuff, but I like anything Cathe. It is all fun !!

I will only have time for like 45 minutes today but thats ok...I am getting FIOS and will FINALLY have access to FIT TV !!!!!!! Hoooooray !!!!!!!!!!!
Today I'm thinking my 40 min Itrain that I have & abs. I want to get this done and home to shower before picking little dude up from preschool. We shall see ;)


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
I am sure going to miss Cathe for a while....

I am starting P90X workout today, doing Chest and Back and Abs!

Once I am done with the whole 90 day workout routines, I will probably keep the resistance training and insert Cathe Cardio workouts in between.

Wish me luck!!!

Rhythmic Step, Kickmax leg drills and ME abs. I just learned RS so I'm psyched to try it out. That will be the today's fun factor while the KM drills and ME abs are the "necessary evil" parts. I will be swearing at Cathe, I just know it.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I have my fitness boot camp class this evening. I don't know what they have planned but it's "hell week". I'm sure the name will equal the workout.
Stretchmax, Stretchmax, and some more Stretchmax.

I did a 55 mile bike race yesterday and I don't think my body can handle much more than some stretching today....

Good luck!! I sub in one of Cathe's kickboxing (KPC or KM) for Kenpo which I really don't care for!!

I'm doing P90X also, but I'm in Phase 2, so I'll be doing Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + ARX!! :)
>Good luck!! I sub in one of Cathe's kickboxing (KPC or KM)
>for Kenpo which I really don't care for!!
>I'm doing P90X also, but I'm in Phase 2, so I'll be doing
>Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps + ARX!! :)

Yep, I was watching my husband doing Kenpo and thought to myself that Cathe's looked more challenging... I will stick to the routine for the 1st month and then when I am more familiar with it, I can make some slight adjustments myself.


PS: Do you have your picture on their forum board? Maybe I will see you there.

Am 2mile walk with ds(who weighs 35pds:+)in a stroller. then I take a break and eat breadfast. second workout today is Upper body segments in PH and BM2!

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