8 New Videos This Summer!


Cathe: thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!! All the tapes look absolutely phenomenal and I can not wait to get my greedy little hands on them *teehee*.

I think it's amazing that you will be able to put out so many videos for us--and believe me, I am more than thrilled

Thanks again for always coming up with even better tapes!!
8 new tapes!!! Hooray!!!

I'm so looking forward to the eight tapes, I can hardly contain myself!!! Then I won't have to keep cheating on you, Cathe! Whenever I do a tape that's not yours, my daughter always comments, "Oh, you're cheating on Cathe!! I'm telling."

The formats sound great. The cross-training videos sound like fun, and they will fit into my fitness goal of working out a body part a day with weights.

Keep coming up with the good ideas!

Cathe! Cathe! Cathe! You never cease to amaze me! I have yet to post on your forum but just can't help myself now!! You are a wonderful, amazing woman. Once again you've kicked me back into gear!!

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