8 New Videos This Summer!

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone. In case you haven't seen our home page yet, we have announced that we will be filming 8 NEW VIDEOS this summer. Although the formats and ideas for these videos have pretty much been established, there are some slight changes that can be considered. Therefore, we would love it if you would take a moment to visit our homepage and read about the 8 new videos. Then simply give us your feedback in the section provided. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts

just in time

Wow Cathe! Thanks for posting. I have a birthday coming up and my husband keeps asking what I want. Sounds like you've just supplied the answer.

YIPPEEE....8 new videos
. To quote Cleda "WAAAHHHhhhhhhhhooooooooooooo!" What a great start to a day.

That will keep us vidiots busy for awhile.

I am in a slight panic and can't find the stuff on the home page
...heading back to search again.

Thanks Cathe and Chris
found 'em:O)

OK, after I stopped hyperventilating, I found the info

nancy:O)...I am blaming all my typos and misspells in the comment section on the excitement of it all!

I love the set of 6!!!!! I heard there were 8 new Cathes coming out, and said- "Oh, better figure out which 5 I want." Well, I want all 8!! I do believe I could be convinced to start with just 6 though. Please, oh please put these on DVD.
Loving the CircuitMax, and I am dying to try your kickboxing after hearing so many people rave about you. BLinda

I'm so excited at the prospect of eight new Cathe videos (will start saving immediately), but I feel like an idiot because I can't locate news of them on the home page. Where should I look/click?

Sharon H.
Don't feel bad Sharon

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-00 AT 10:28AM (EST)</font></center>

I couldn't find them either...they are on the right side under news.

And even stranger...I posted comments, read them..to see my errors, reposted stuff I forgot and now it is gone???? Then I went to the home page from the link on the red bar with that Cathe logo and got the old home page without the new updated stuff, maybe that is how we both got lost...but where are my comments??


OK, sure enough...reposted comments and the old ones showed up too...oh well, maybe a good dose of cardio will clear out the cobwebs...off to the spin bike
Very strange

I think I'm pulling up the old home page - not the updated one. Sob! sob!
Don't give up Sharon:O)

Hit the little blue house from here and look on the right of the home page under the heading "In the News"

nancy:O)..also discovered, for some reason the comments were not updating..even after I went out and reloaded the page, I had to hit my refresh button...info incase others have the same problem. It made me post twice...don't I feel silly
Couldn't have said it better myself......


Thank you Cathe and Chris..... thank you, thank you, thank you.......

Something to LOOK FORWARD to and they ALL look like keepers!!!
I would not have expected anything less......

In case it wasn't quite clear enough (and my excitement did not shine through) allow me to repeat myself:


It's Okay Now

You are so kind, Nancy. Thank you for all of your suggestions. I finally got to see the new tapes even though clicking on the blue house failed to get me to the new home page; Lisa on VF posted a link and I was able to zip in through that and print out the new tape formats. Yay!!!!!

Sharon H.
(who is glad Lisa, unlike me, is not html challenged)
better start preparing...


I saw the announcement on VF this morning that you announced 8 new videos!!! I jaw hit the floor. I can't wait to get them. Now I have yet another reason to get back into shape.

Thanks again for the wonderful selection of new videos. They all sound wonderful.

Oh Goodness ---- This Makes My DaY

Oh, Cathe, thank you -- I am soooo happy to know there will be 8 new videos this summer. Do you think you will make any available on DVD or has that not been decided yet?

I'm off to visit the suggestion section

Be still my heart!!!!!!!!!!! Happy, happy day!!! WOW, "8" new vids! Cannot WAIT to get to that home page and check them out. Cathe you have made my day (week, month, etc)

Bev K.

Your workouts sound awesome! I can't wait to get them! You'll definately see my name on the pre-order list for all 8!

Wendy G.
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Aren't you one ambitious lady? And aren't we all lucky for it?!!!! I am soooo looking forward to these-thank you! thank you!
Got a brown paper bag?

I'm hyperventilating away with Nancy C! I'm thrilled! Love all the formats ... call me crazy, but I'm already thinking about what I want in the next set after THESE!!!!

Yes, Volumes 1-6 really would be so perfect for the DVD format.

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