8 1/2 weeks w/first - need advice!!


Hello! I am 8 1/2 weeks pregnant w/our first and have been having all the "fun" symptoms of the first trimester. My exercise program has really slacked off since I am either too tired or sick to continue like I use to (6days of cardio/weights/yoga) I do what I can, when I have some energy. I tried on some of the clothes from last summer and they are already too tight. Can this be happening already or is it from too little exercise and too much eating. My eating habits are still healthy but I just seem to be hungry every few hours! Is this normal?
Thanks so much for any advice.
Welcome cks1025! Hang in there! Give it a couple weeks and most people feel back to their normal selves somewhere between 11-14 weeks. I too was "blessed" with a lovely first trimester. I'm pregnant with my first and am 27 weeks. I teach exercise classes and it was so bad that I only exercised when I was paid to (classes only) I had no gumption on my own.

As far as your clothes, everyone has a different "normal" for pregnancy. I wouldn't worry too much at this point. Maybe ask your doctor to let you know if you're gaining to much or too little.

Someone on this site referred me to storknet.com and I LOVE it!!

I hope you feel better soon and I think that what you're doing (a little bit when you feel well) is good. I actually found that I felt too yucky to exercise but when I did, I actually felt better!:)

Just my 2-cents! Take care! jeni
Thanks for the quick reply Jeni! I really appreciate the advice. I will ask my doc a bunch of questions when I go and your right about exercising. When I do do it, I feel so much better!
I also teach classes (pilates & spinning) and am wondering if I'll need to give them up soon. I'll check out stork.com. Again,thanks for your advice.
Hi Charlene,
I am not pregnate myself....but my sister-in-law is and she is having the same problem as you.She is now 11 weeks but when she was only 8 her clothes were getting to tight for her but she hasn't gotten any bigger in the last couple of weeks.She is so paranoid..she never worked out before but now she has started walking because she doesn't want to gain to much weight but then she finds it to hard to walk in the evenings cause she is to tired.She feels bloated and uncomfortable already...I am sure it will get better with time.Right now you are in the in between stage where your clothes are to tight but maternity clothes is to big..Hope everything goes well.
I'm 31 weeks pregnant and although I never had any nausea, I did have fatigue in the first 12 weeks. I gained 15 lbs just in my first trimester because I was just so hungry all the time that I ate like a horse!! But that went away and my weight gain slowed down. I did feel that I was putting on weight much more easily than usual. Try not to worry about it -- I think that what you're experiencing is normal, and your body will put on the weight it needs to for your baby. At least, it happened to me and a lot of other people I've talked to, and my doctor didn't seem at all concerned. You are doing the right thing by continuing to eat healthily and listening to your body when it says it needs to be fed.

I am still working out (Spinning at reduced intensity, weights, yoga) and was teaching hi-lo aerobics until I was 26 weeks, at which point I didn't want to commit to it anymore. My energy levels came back after 12 weeks and I felt almost totally normal from then until 28 weeks. Now I'm starting to get really big -- my belly and 41" (!) waistline and 30-lb weight gain are getting in the way, and my lungs are starting to get compressed which means I've had to reduce my exercise intensity further in order to avoid gasping for air. But I've continued to do what I can, even though that has varied throughout my pregnancy, and I have to say that I feel pretty strong, fit and healthy most of the time.
Thank you to everyone who replied and so quickly. I really value the advice. I guess all I can do is take it day by day!!
Thanks guys!
One more for you!

I just posted something similar a couple of weeks ago. I was having to unbutton pants etc at 9 weeks. This is my second baby. Most of my clothes were too tight in the bust and waist pretty much right away. Since then, I am now 12 weeks, it has stayed the same but I am expecting a "pop" any day now!

Anyway, I felt like I was a ton heavier but went to my 12 week appt and I only gained 3 lbs! So, the size you feel isn't necessarily the weight. I am working out consistently (5-6 days) and like you, had a tough time but kept it up in the beginning. I think it makes all the difference in the world!!

Good luck. I am going to eat an apple, yogurt and some blueberries now...maybe I will throw in a donut hole just for fun!

Just had to pop in and share my experience. I too am about 8 1/2 weeks and am having a hard time getting me exercise in. I used to work out 6 days per week with heavy weights and moderate cardio but am finding that i get winded very easily at this point. I do the exercise when I can--about 3-4 days per week now. There are days when i am just too exhausted or nauseous to do it so I listen to my body and let it go. I have found that i really need to modify my workouts so I don't get my heart rate too high. I figure that even though my intensity and frequency has dropped, any exercise I do is better than none. I at least try to get out for a long walk several times per week and that helps. As for my eating, it has not been out of control because I have been suffering from all day nausea for the past 2 1/2 weeks now. I did get a craving for a cheeseburger the other day and the Burger King granted my wish! My husband has been applauding because I NEVER eat this kind of food--he is enjoying having a partner in crime! Anyway, just do what you can and don't worry about about how much or how hard you are working. Every little bit counts!

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