60 Day No Sweets/Fast Foods-ose


Good Morning all:

Day 12 for me.

Carrie: here are the ingredients for the Kashi bars I eat once per day: I don't see any "oses" , but I am worried about "evaporated cane juice syrup" and it's sugar content. The bars have 6 gr of sugar total, which is much less than some cereals that people eat as "clean"! Knowing I can have these after dinner is what keeps me on track..


Kashi® Seven Whole Grains and Sesame™ Blend (Whole: Oats, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Rye, Barley, Triticale, Long Grain Brown Rice, Buckwheat, Sesame Seeds), Evaporated Cane Juice Syrup, Natural Roasted Almond Butter, Expeller Pressed Canola Oil, Chicory Root Fiber, Soy Protein Isolate, Almonds, Honey, Rice Starch, Wheat Germ, Evaporated Salt, Soy Lecithin, Natural Flavor, Sodium Bicarbonate.
Hi everyone,

Day 16 for me. Doing well. I find that fruit can usually satisfy a sweet craving now. But I did go to a party on Saturday and while I managed to avoid the sugar, I ate way too many chips, which I never do. So am trying hard this week to undo the damage!

Also, bathing suit and shorts weather is coming!:p

Just an add on to my ealier post. I am really dissapointed that I haven't lost more weight. I truly thought that after SIXTEEN days with no sugar I would have dropped more than TWO pounds! Makes me wonder if its really worth itx( !!!!!


It's worth it, Linda!!! You could have gained those two lbs. and then the difference would have been four lbs. (I'm not even sure I made sense)?????? But, you know what I mean, lol.

I've been PRETTY good too although I did try three dark chocolate M&M's today. I'm counting points on WW these days so staying away from sweets is really helping me stay on program. 10 LBS. BE GONE!!

Okay, gotta get to dinner. I'm so tired of making dinner that in my next life I'm going to have a personal chef that only knows how to make clean foods. (He's going to be buff and handsome too)}(


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