6 Monthers, STS, Tuesday


Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.​
Good morning, ladies. I have to go back and read the later posts from yesterday/last night. The quote above is in honor of the 12 year old boy from my hometown who passed away yesterday, after fighting leukemia for almost a year. I grew up with his mom, she's the art teacher at our school, younger DS is friends with this boy's sister. It was a sad day when the news hit me, and I was pretty much in shock most of the day. I had a very hard time even yelling at my kids because I was just glad they were HERE to be yelled at and bickering with each other. When I told my kids the news, younger DS said, "wouldn't it be funny if they buried him next to daddy?" How do you respond to that?

Then after dinner I had my last official PTA meeting and got home later than expected.

This morning was disc 37 (I think) Squat Rack Legs. My feelings are a bit mixed on this, I have to admit. I LOVE the heavy work, but the rests in between just are so long for me. I'm sooooooo not patient. :) Although I felt the weights I used were spot on (and quite heavy), I just felt like this workout was missing something. Now, mind you, Cathe KNOWS what she's talking about so I'm going to trust her and continue on as scheduled. I am anxious to hear what you others have to say about these workouts.

OK, have to dry my hair and get the kids breakfast. BBL

Hi Gayle and everyone else to come.

DH is taking ds to school this morning so I have time to check in with you all before the day takes off too much.

I'm so sorry to hear about the boy who died! That is so hard! And I know what you mean about the being glad your own kids are there never mind how much they bicker and all, I feel that way too, everytime I get reminded how fragile life is.

Jo, the kayaking with your friend sounds absolutely wonderful! I want to do that sometime!
Swim practice is not happening right now, June gloom has hit us bad and it is just not appealing at all to be out, it is even drizzling, which is so unusual for here....

I hope everyone else is doing well! Hi all, bye all! :)
Hi Everyone!

Gayle that is so tragic and hearbreaking. I feel for their family. I'll be interested to hear how the squat legs work for you overall.

I did Disc 26, Plyo Legs. I hadn't previewed this (I should have) as I wasn't mentally prepared for the fast pace of this workout (after Meso 2). So it took me a couple of exercises to get there. But once I did - ZOWIE! It's heartpumping! And it went very very fast! You alternate between a weight exercise using 70% of 1RM and then a plyo move for about 30 seconds. The rests vary between 20 secs and 30 secs. Also, the plyo moves are slow and controlled. So exercises like tuck jumps which normally I do my own halfa$$ed version of I was able to come closer to doing. (I still can't do them though!) I wasn't concerned about my ability to do some of the plyo moves as I'm not a great jumper but at the slower pace I actually impressed myself with how well I did. Improvements abound! I should add, I was getting pretty tired at the end and my form was starting to suffer and I promptly turned and hit myself in the knee with a 12lb dumbbell. :eek: I know I'll have a huge bruise! :mad: I am always very careful with my form so as not to hurt myself. So what can I say?

Cendrine, nice to see you so early! Hope you have a great day.

Hello everyone else!
Good Afternoon everybody,

Well I was able complete disc 19 last night for the 2nd time
. Thank goodness I don't have to do that one again until I start the whole rotation over. I didn't get home until after 8:00 last night, and I made the mistake of sitting down to rest for a few minutes. Half an hour later, I finally talked myself into going downstairs and doing the workout (it was touch and go there for awhile). I know I complained last week about disc 19, and it didn't get any easier for me this week. I have been in a constant state of exhaustion for the past 1 1/2 weeks, and I'm sure it's from the double wave loading. It's getting hard for me to keep up the pace, so the thought of having longer rests on Meso 3 sounds very good to me!!!!

Gayle-I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son. It is so horrible when a young life is cut short. My 11 year old nephew was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer 2 years ago, and the prognosis was not good. Does not respond to chemo or radiation. They removed his kidney, and some lymph nodes that the cancer had invaded. He currently is checked every 3 months and will continue for a total of 5 years, and everytime his appointment draws near, the nervousness begins and stays until we get a good report. My nephew lives down the street from us, and everytime I see him I have mixed feelings of joy, sadness and fear all mixed together. He just had his 3 month checkup last week, and my sister has a meeting with the doctor this week for the results. Keep us in your prayers for a clean bill of health.

Cendrine-We are having the same kind of weather that you are. The weather is cool (60's) and rain coming in later today :(. I feel like I can get so much more done when the weather is warm and sunny. My weekend was very busy so I didn't have a chance to make the cold bean salad yet. I've been thinking of it, just haven't found the time/energy to make it up yet. Maybe this weekend!!!

Jo-I bought a kayak a few years back, and haven't had a chance to use it as much as I would like. We have a lot of small lakes by us, so I really have no excuse. Our friend asked us to store his kayak for him this year, and told my DH to use it whenever he wanted. With my DH on layoff right now, it would be the perfect time for us to get out and spend a little quality time on the water. I may have to pencil that in on the calendar!

Well, I ran out of time, so I must get back to work. I miss spending time with you guys, and am trying to schedule things to better accomodate my time, but I am falling short!! I should have time tonight to check back, if I can get my butt off the couch when I get home. I need a major pick-me-upper!! Have a good afternoon everybody!!

Jo, I'm glad you shared your experience with the plyo legs, it helps to know what to look out for and forward too.... I'm also glad to hear that I am not the only one who is doing her own version of tuck jumps...!LOL!:D You have no idea how good that made me feel to know you struggle with those too... and then also that due to the slower pace you actually can do them better. I am now really looking forward to doing plyo legs, was a bit scared until now...

Mary, I'm so impressed with your willpower! Nice going on the workouts! Now that you mentioned the bean salad, it really made me want to have some... :)
I'll be praying for a clean bill of health for your nephew!

Gotta go...
Hi everyone.

I have my first Avon walk informational meeting tonight. I am kinda excited.

Gayle- so sorry about that young boy. I can't even imagine going through that. It is so sad.
How are your legs doing? I've seen other people post that they don't get the DOMS in meso 3.

mary- my prayers are with your nephew and family. Wishing him good results.

Jo-Kayaking in Montana sounds wonderful. Getting out there with a girlfriend sounds so amazing. Wasn't plyo legs fun-:p. The 1/2 turns with the dumbbell became more like 1/4 turns toward the end. Time flys through that one.

Kim- That is such great news about your son. You guys must be so happy.

I have to leave for my meeting in a few minutes. I may be back later.
Well it was an uneventful day at work. We are catching up with everyone and running out of stuff to do.

Today was d22 second time and I think I was able to do a little better this time than last. After I get past the pushups and the bench presses and the incline bench...well I think you get mey drift! Really though, although the drop sets in the shoulder part are tough, I got through that part relatively well. It is the heavy chest part that I really struggle to get all my reps in. But I think that is the point so I am not fretting.

Gayle-That is so horrible. I could not imagine being a parent and having to go through something like that. Much less being a teacher and constantly being surrounded by kids. That is the saddest thing.

Cendrine-You probably have said this before but where are you? I am assuming that you are up north but a gloomy June?

Jo-Disc26 sounded like it was going pretty good for you until the 12# mishap. I hope you don't get a bruise. When I hurt myself lifting my DH always gives me a scolding look and tells me I should be careful:rolleyes: Like I am in there throwing weights in the air and trying to dodge them!:D
Kayaking----I am so jealous!:p

Mary-I just want to tell you that you are not alone. I think all of us have gone though a point of exhaustion at one point or another. You just have to keep telling yourself that it is because you are getting all that your body has to offer and that it will recover and come back fitter. Way to go on prying yourself off the couch and down to do your workout!

Chrissy- How was the avon meeting? It is always fun to have something to look forward to. I hope you do get to catch one of Cathe's classes. Like Cendrine, I am hoping someday to be able to do that.

Julie-Sorry for the mixup...:eek:The embarrassing part is that my memory is so bad that I have to take notes sometimes just to keep everything straight!:eek: I am really ashamed to admit that! I hope you find some yummy drinks for your son!

Well guys-I feel like I am the most uninteresting person around here lately, just work, home, sleep. I am glad I have this forum to break up the monotiny though! Thanks guys for being so interesting:D

Hi everybody! I only have a minute....boys are washing up and in the shower now (well, one of them is anyway). DOMS are setting in a bit in the bootAY and hammies. Always a good thing. I'm looking forward to Plyo Legs for my repeat week next week. I KNOW not to underestimate Cathe, so I'm putting all my faith into this last Meso.

I'm just saying, too, that I got an urge about 30 minutes ago when the boys were having their dessert. Ice cream and a small slice of cake. I had a lick and it tasted YUMMY and my mind started telling me that just ONE piece wouldn't hurt me. But ya know what??? YES IT WOULD! So I walked away and put some laundry away instead. YEAH!

I've got cardio and core tomorrow....planning an iTread and some Cathe core work.

Chow for now!

Dripping sweat after finishing CC#3, this one was perfect for today. Short and sweet! I'm missing having TBL to watch on Tuesday night! Thanks for all the congrats on ds's vision, we were all pretty excited here! Rachael, ds was doing an arm pump behind the dr's back:p:p as the dr was turned to talk to me.

Jo The kayaking sounds like so much fun!!!! I'm such a Pisces girl (scuba diving, waterskiing, beach, love that kind of stuff!)

Chrissy Glad that you had a nice getaway at the casino!

Gayle That's sad news about the little boy, it's always so heartbreaking to hear these sad stories.

Mary I found that double wave loading week very fatiguing!! The last week is a bit easier with shorter workouts and of course it's easier because you're almost done the mesocycle! Way to go with getting that workout done!

Hi again everybody,

I Just finished up my workout, StepBlast, and I'm sooooo looking forward to bed tonight. Yes, I did have to pry myself off the couch again, but I perked up once I got downstairs. I wanted you all to know that I'm doing pretty good on my eating with this challenge, BUT, yesterday I had my board meeting and one of the members had his wife bake a rhubard pie for us. We had been talking about rhubarb pie a few meetings back and how much we really liked it, SO he had his wife bake us a special pie. It was a real treat, because normally we have just coffee and water during our meetings. I got some looks when I said "no thanks", so I caved and had a very small piece. It tasted fabulous!!!!!! It wasn't a planned cheat, but I felt his wife went out of her way to treat us, and it would have been hurtful to say no :eek::eek:.

Rachel-I had to laugh when you were talking about the scoulding looks you sometimes get from your DH. I get the same looks, as though I am intentionally trying to injure myself. DH is always looking at my heavy weights saying "don't hurt yourself". Sometimes I think he is a little intimidated with the weights I'm lifting (but of course he would never admit that).

Chrissy-I think the Plyo Leg workout will be right up my alley!! I haven't previewed the workout yet, but I do love all forms of jumping. I have those blasted sit and stands scheduled for tomorrow's workout (disc 20). I hope they don't rear their ugly little head in Meso 3!!! I can tolerate almost any leg exercise except for those. I do them, but it is not a pretty sight with me trying to get my butt off that chair. lol!!

Cendrine-Are you on your rest week this week, or is it next week? Did you decide to actually rest, or are you going to try to do cardio each day. I still have 2 1/2 weeks to go before rest week, but I'm already planning on what I will or will not do during that week. I'm hoping I will be content with outdoor activities like tennis, walking and bike rides, but my Cathe dvd's always seem to call me back. My DH has been taking DS to all of his practices, and he has been cooking meals since he is on layoff, and that has helped me immensely. It's giving me a little extra time to relax when I get home at night.

Gayle-Way to go on saying NO to the ice cream and cake. I wish I did that with the rhubard pie, but I ate really well today and I feel good with that. I need a little more of your determination.

Hi Jo-I'm sure you will post after I have gone to bed, so enjoy your evening!!

Kim-That is so good to know the last week of Meso 2 is a little easier! I have given it my all this last week, and I wasn't sure I could up the intensity any more for next week. As Gayle says, One Day at a Time!!!! That is great news about your DS. I can just picture him doing the arm pump behind the dr's back. I'm smiling just thinking about it.

HI Julie-Hope you day is going well!

Well, It's time for me to shower and hit the bed. We will talk tomorrow! Enjoy your evening!!!

Cendrine…oh my word…I won’t get started on the tuck jokes! Oops I mean tuck jumps! :eek: Know that I give everything my best shot, but I am just not very good at some of those moves. But even in my less than stellar form, I work up a great sweat! Oh, and ya know the power scissors? I stink at those too, but because it’s slower I was more successful then when they are in step routines.

Chrissy, but yes, I did love the plyo legs…and like you, I was at 90 degree turns instead of 180’s on the ½ turns! How did the meeting go?

Rachel, I nearly spit my coffee when I read your comment about tossing dumbbells! I think DH thinks I do that to. For example, my everyday dumbbells are up in my regular workout area (including my barbells, etc). But the other day, I needed heavier dumbbells from the big Bowflex Selecttech’s we have and I asked him to bring them upstairs…he got all concerned and wanted to know what I was going to do with them! I just stood and stared at him but I know he thought I was going to attempt something dangerous like balancing on them on my head! I’m like you on struggling through the heavy chest work. For Disc 25 I ran downstairs and used our squat rack for chest presses…so I was running up and down stairs between the chest presses and barbell rows for back.

Kim, I’m a water girl too! I’m a cancer…love the water! Though I stink at waterskiing, I love to kayak and canoe and lounge on the water! Oh and in Hawaii we love to snorkel! I have always wanted to scuba dive, was actually signed up to do that but then had to have sinus surgery so never did it. I’m REALLY missing TBL too! I read that they started filming the new season three days after Helen won so hopefully we’ll have a show again in September!

Mary, sounds like you’re moving right along! I know it’s hard to force yourself to go workout after work but you’re doing it! Yeah! And, I would have had rhubarb pie too if someone brought it in! So don’t feel bad! I do recommend you preview Plyo legs at least briefly before doing it just so you know what to expect. It is way different than what I was expecting so you might find that too.

Everyone have a great day tomorrow! :cool:
I've been meaning to ask...do all of you use the workout manager? I use it and really like it. I know Gayle uses it. Does everybody else use it?

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