6 Monthers, STS, Thursday



WOO HOO!!!! That alone was enough to get me out of bed this AM! :)

Disc 27 Shoulders, Bis & Tris is DONE!
I'm finding that I'm not burning as many calories as the WM calculates. All the other discs so far (plus the cardio I input at WM) have been pretty accurate, but for some reason I'm just not burning the calories. Any theories on why that is???

Did I tell you all yesterday that DS is out of the boot completely and is 100% HEELED. (or is it HEALED?) No signs of a break AT ALL! Got the green light for anything and everything! WOO HOO!

Time to shower. I'll BBL!

Glad to hear the good news about ds! Just in time for summer. Have a great last day of work/school. We have had major snow this year so my kids go til the end of june.

DS recorder concert this am. DD was up all night. Threw up around 9 pm and basically up the whole night not feeling well. She is finally sleeping.

Today is my first day of recording ds calories and macronutrients. We are aiming for 1500 cal, 75 g protein.

Cleaning day for me.

Good luck and have a great day girls!

Good Afternoon Everybody~

The sun is shining and the forecast says it's going to be a beautiful day!!! Good News, today is my Friday!!! It's been an incredibly busy week at work, so I am looking forward to 3 days off. Work will once again be coming home with me, but I can do it in my free time. My home computer is interfaced with my work computer, so I can play catch up at home when needed.

I took yesterday as my rest day. Normally my rest day is sunday, but I think putting it in during the middle of the week is working better for me. That means I get to do disc 20 (legs) for the 2nd time tonight. Having a rest day still doesn't make doing those dreaded sit and stands any easier for me :confused::confused:.

When I got home last night, in the mail was a thank you card from the gals that I worked out with at the gym. Inside the card was a $50.00 Cathe gift certificate. I was pleasantly surprised!! I think I had told everyone on this forum that I used to work out with these ladies every morning at 5:00 a.m. I stoppped going to the gym when the STS series came out, but I left several of my Cathe dvd's in my locker for the ladies to continue to use. My plans are to go back to the gym, but probably only 1 day a week, and that would be on my cardio days. So now I need to figure out what to buy with the certificate. I have almost everything of Cathe's that I need except the weighted vest, but I have one that is on my want list from another company, and that vest goes up to 30#'s. Decisions, decisions...

Gayle-Last day of school has always had mixed emotions for me. I miss the routine for my DS, but summer has so many fun options available also. I have 2 sisters that are teachers and they get the summers off, and I am always so envious of that. They are always planning things during the week, and they can't seem to understand that some of us still have to work in the summer and can't always do the middle of the week fun stuff with them!! I'm glad to hear that DS is back 100%.

Julie-Hope your DD is doing better today. You were probably up most of the night also! It's always fun having those snow days in the winter, but it's a bummer when the kids have to make up the time at the end of the school year. My DS'S last day is next Wednesday, and he is itching to finish up. He moves up to the high school next year, and I can't believe how fast the time has gone.

Jo-I hope you are finding some relief from your migraine! I am sending healing thoughts your way!!!

Hi Kim, Chrissy, Rachel and Cendrine. I'm sure everybody is super busy now that the nice weather is upon us. I will CBL to say HI to everybody!!

P.S. I spoke to my BIL yesterday and he said that Zack (my nephew) received another clean bill of health from the doctors!!!

Well it's time to get back to work~~~~

Happy Dance for Zack!!! Good news for sure!

Cutting the grass (YUCK) but taking a break to welcome the kids off the bus and to get homework started. Then it's dinner, baseball and the viewing for B-Man.

I'll check in after I tuck the kids in bed. I have some thoughts about Meso 3 that I need to bounce off of everybody!

Hi Guys,

it was cardio day for me today.

Gayle, I wonder why it seems you're not burning as many calories as the workout manager says. I have no ideas why that might be... I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts on meso 3.
Happy summer break to you!

Julie, I hope your son's calorie counting and all will pay off!

Mary, I'm so happy to hear about the good report from the doctor concerning your nephew! That's wonderful! The 50.- gift certificate is awesome! If I had everything in terms of videos or dvds and equipment, I would probably get myself a few of her t-shirts and such... I wonder what you end up getting. I've been toying with the idea of a vest as well, but am not sold yet...

Jo, I hope you are feeling better!

Tonight is school open house, so will be making dinner early and head out to admire all my ds's work! Should be fun!

the next couple of weeks are packed with playdates for ds.... Kind of making the most of the last two weeks of school, I guess.

It will be nice not to have to go take ds to school and back every day... With Kindergarten, it's only 3 hours, you just got into a project and then you have to go back and pick him up already.... :)

Have a good day everybody!
Hello Ladies!!!

Missed you guys yesterday. I just got sooo busy that I did not have to=ime to even check in. Just one of those days. Yesterday I did KPC from start to the abs but I ran out of time. I hope all the punching and kicking and twisting worked my abs:eek:. I will make it up on Saturday. Today was D23 for the last time:(. I really liked this one. In fact I liked this whole meso. I am sure I will equally like meso three but as it is nearing the end (even though I have 9 weeks left counting rest week) I am getting sad. I forgot what I did before STS. I always used Cathe for cardio because I did not have a big selection of her weight workouts but I think I am going to have to get her gym style workout. Do any of you have it? Do you think it would be a good one to stick into my workout after sts is over? I plan on doing sts again when sts cardio comes out but I think I will not do it again before then. That should give me a good couple of months. What are yall doing?

OK on to the eats...So far I have been doing really well. I have all my meals prepared and so all I have to do is come home and throw something in the oven or microwave and I am good to go.This has helped me out tremendously when I get home from work and I am starving and I would normally hit something fast like a bowl of cereal:eek:

Onto you guys:D

Jo-I did not see another post from you after you posted about your migraine so I hope you are not still suffering. I do not know how you handle those. You are such a bubbly person and those things are so nasty. I hope you are feeling better! Do they coincide with TTOTM.?

Mary-I am so glad you got your energy back. I think I am having an extra burst myself. I think mine is that this is the last week of meso 2 for me and it is messing with my head a little and I want to give it everything I have. But I will take it anyway I can get it.
It was sweet of your gym friends to give you the GC. What will you get?:eek: I agree with Cendrine, if you have everything that you want you could get some shirts. They look like the good fittin' kind.

Julie-It sounds like your STBX is used to people handling his business for him. He does not sound responsible at all! Sorry oyu are having so much trouble with him! How did the first day of calorie counting go with DS. Is it hard to get hime to eat? I hope DD is better. You have alot on your plate right now! What a trooper you are!

Gayle-Yeah on the last day of school!!!! Do you have big plans with the kids this summer. Your kids sound like the kind that know how to have fun. (counting the cars that honk:D) I bet ds is doing a little dance after getting that boot off! I know when I was that age I hated to be restricted!
I don't know if I missed it but how were the DOMS from m3 legs? and upper body for that matter? I am looking forward to what you have to say about..our fearless leader!

Cendrine-I think you and I are on the same week...So what are you doing for your recovery week? I did not really enjoy my recovery week last time. There were a couple of reasons. One of which being that I think I was chomping at the bit to get to meso 2 and it also fell on a week that I tend to eat alot more (TTOTM) and by the end of it I thought I have lost all muscle defintion:eek: Of course I had not I was just BLOATED. I have not decided what I will do. Last time I think I left my cardio days the same and maybe did yoga on the weight days.

OK I think I made up for missing yesterday:p I hope I did not miss anyone or anything! See you guys tomorrow. Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEy guys. Down time, finally!

Jo, as Rachel said, I noticed we haven't heard back from you since yesterday, so I'm hoping that it's because you're busy and not still ill with that migraine.

Rachel, BEING PREPARED is a HUGE step in staying clean with our eating. Mentally, I feel tons better when I know there's stuff in the fridge/freezer. Great job!!! KP&C.....I like that workout a bit more each time I do it! I may do it tomorrow!

Julie, how is DD today??? Sorry to hear she was sick....how was DS' concert??? On the BFL book, no rush, just let me know when you're all done with it and I'll PM you my address.

Mary, how AWESOME was that of your lady friends to give you that gift card......awesome AND practical! Enjoy your day off tomorrow.....I'll be home too since I don't work the half days and I'm OFFICIALLY done till September 1st! :)

Our summer plans: my neighborhood and main circle of friends are stay-at-home moms so I have 'company' in the summer time. lol Plus my mom doesn't work and they (my parents) are only 5 minutes from my house so we always have them to play with/visit. But the kids are at an age where we have friends over here quite often or my kids go elsewhere and the adults stay home and get stuff done. It usually turns out even. The last few years my friends in the neighborhood who have pools (I'm not one of them, :( ) hosts the 'gang' one day a week and we rotate homes/pools. The kids LOVE it, as do the adults.

As for vacations, we have a few trips planned, starting with our trip to Jersey next weekend for a few days. Plus N Carolina first week of July to visit my sis. A few other 'tricks' up my sleeve for the kids too! :)

Meso 3. I'm wondering if it IS a good idea or NOT to repeat this Meso as we've done with 1 and 2. The idea behind Meso 3 is to gain 5% over the 4 weeks, as explained by Cathe at the beginning of each disc (so far, anyway). So I'm wondering if stretching it to 8 weeks instead of 4 will have that same effect. Plus, it's a lot of repetition. 4 different exercises, each with 4 sets of 8, with long rests in between (you actually rest more than you work). And it's this SAME 4 sets of the SAME 4 exercises all 4 weeks. No change, other than the weight you use. So now I'm wondering if Meso 3 really should be done just once thru; I know Cathe has suggested doing it only 1 week simply because of the intensity and focus of it. I know you guys haven't gotten there (except for Jo, if you're feeling well enough), but what do you think?

The other thing on my mind with Meso 3 is that now it's Summer Vacation. Our trip to the beach next weekend will be from Saturday (my normal rest day) thru (most likely) Tuesday or Wednesday, with no access to weights. Then the first week of July we're going to N Carolina for several days, again no access to weights. That's the OTHER reason I'm seriously considering doing Meso 3 for 1 month only. Would you guys think badly of me if I decide to do it once??? :)

OK.....I'm finally defrosted! LOL The weather was cool tonight and I was cold at the baseball game. DS was happy to PLAY, but he made 2 errors and struck out twice....timing is all off, but that's to be expected. Hopefully he'll do better tomorrow!

TIme to log off for the night! See you in the AM!


I have had thoughts like yours about meso 3 without even having done it. I read that it is very repetitive because it is so focused and it could get a bit long. Chris who has created the undulating rotation for STS series has also mentioned that he is only doing meso 3 once and meso 1 and 2 twice. Probably for that very reason...
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I plan to be flexible. It seems it would be fun to do it twice because of alternating legs and plyo legs, but the rest might get a bit long.
But anyway, I would never think anything bad about you choosing to only doing one month of it! It sure sounds it would be easier for you to have a different rotation for the summer and it might be that way for me too.

Let me know what you decide.

Rachel, I'm glad all is going well, though busy for you. I am on the same week as you and am planning on moderate cardio for most days. I was feeling better energy wise at the beginning of the week and I think I overdid it because I'm feeling way fatigued to day. So maybe I will just walk and stretch, but we'll see. I always like the thought of burning some extra calories with higher intensity cardio, but maybe I'll shelf that for another time.

Hitting the sack early today because I have a headace and don't feel like doing much...

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