6 Monthers, STS, Thursday


Good THURSDAY morning everybody!

Cendrine-congrats on the progress!!! See what a difference it makes to take the measurements??? Pictures help too, but they're scary sometimes! LOL GREAT JOB!

Jo.....AWESOME on passing up the cookies last night. "That little devil".....teach him a lesson, will ya? I love Mahi Mahi. YUMMO!

On the cheat front....funny story (to me, anyway). Kids went to bed, I fiddled around the house with my scrapbooks. Went to bed around 10pm and when I crawled into bed and turned to set my alarm clock, there was an empty bag of M&Ms. I panicked! My first thought was, "the girls are going to kill me". My second thought was, "wait, when did I eat those". And my last and CORRECT thought was, "oh, it was just DS"! LOL WHEW! Wasn't me.....I SWEAR, but if you had walked in my room at that moment, the evidence would have been against me! LOL

This morning: Disc 18 Back & Biceps. WOWzers. Not sure how I lifted some of those bicep weights, but I did. Then the Extended Stretch, which just lulls me back to a relaxed state! LOL

May 9th. No biggie. One Day At A Time. Plan ahead. Name a reward for yourself WHEN we all hit the mark!!!!!

OK.....got a busy morning. Our Principal is hosting a Volunteer Breakfast, and as PTA Pres, I must be there. Then it's right across the hall to work. We have a baseball game (injurred DS) and practice (younger DS)....good thing is that they're in the SAME PLACE! That, like, NEVER happens! LOL I think I'm going to go for a walk, maybe just 30 minutes, while they're at the fields. I don't feel too guilty doing that because a)older DS isn't playing and b)younger DS does much better at practice when I'm not sitting on the sideline.

I'll be back after work to see how you're all doing and to post my meals!


The sun is shining and it's the last day of my work week (YIPPEEE). The forecast is showing a beautiful weekend with the temps. in the 80's!!!! I am so ready to start wearing my summer clothes.

Good news is that I have stayed with my healthy eating plan all week
and I feel stoked. I also have the calendar marked for the 9th and WILL STICK TO OUR HEATHY EATING PLAN. For selfish reasons, I want to look really good for the party, and you guys are a great incentive. Hey, if any of you are in Michigan on the 9th of May, you are invited to attend our "BARN PARTY SQUARE DANCE". I can see some of you rolling your eyes, but my sis and I put on a square dance party every year, and it's a blast. NO, I do not wear the ruffly skirt, cowboy boots or hat, I'm strickly shorts and t-shirt kind of gal, but it's a night of lot's of laughs and just a good old fashion party (I think last year I laughed so hard, I almost peed my pants :eek::eek:).

I don't have much time this morning for personals, but I will this afternoon when more time is available. HAVE A GREAT MORNING ALL YOU WONDERFULLY FIT 6 MONTHERS!!!!!

Mary- I'm crashing your party, it sounds like a blast. ;).
We are all with you Mary. I finally feel like I am back in control. Those M&M's were tough. So I removed everything.

I am so sore from disc 17. My butt is really talking to me this morning. Last night I didn't really feel anything. I thought I wasn't going to be sore-NOT!! It is an awesome feeling though:D.

Mary- we are going to have summer temps this weekend. It finally stopped raining. Its been raining since monday. But now it is going to get warmer as the week goes on. Sat, Sun, and Mon will all be close to or in the 80's. I can't wait. I love the heat of the sun!!!

This is the bathing suit I want but in green. http://www2.victoriassecret.com/com...89&page=1&cgname=OSSWMBIKZZZ&rfnbr=1232&atb=C

There are some other one's I really like but I need something with good support. :p

Good Morning to all that follow.
Good morning to all!!!

Just another day on STS train! I did second week of disc 14 today and I really tried to go as low and deep as I could on everything. By the the second set of trisets I was thinking maybe I should ease up or I am not going to make it to the last triset...Then I said lets not ease up and see what happens. The result shaky legs and quivering butt cheeks:eek: I love it!!!
My reward...A yummy sweet protein shake that tastes like dessert no matter how many times I have it.

But you guys have to help. I want to get on this may9th thing with ya and I always do really good all week long because I have work and no time to think about cheating. THen the weeked comes and there are all these temptations and I always crack and find myself catching up at the first part of every week. So help me not to crack. I must be held accountable for my actions. So I will treat you guys like my old personal trainer that I used to have and confess if I mess up. Maybe the embarrassment of that alone will help to keep me on track.

BBL for personals.

Have a great day guys.

Okay I am with all of you on this May 9th thing!! LOL. What is it that we are doing??

I did some cardio today. Got the heart monitor all set up. DD woke up at 4am so I am a little wiped out. I only did 12 minutes with HR at 153, but it is a start. Right?

STBX is gone for the day! WooHoo!!! Any of you girls want to come over for a party?

I am off to the shower and go about the day.


Good Day Girls!

Gayle, I did Disc 18 today - oh my gosh -I love this workout but really struggled on the concentration curls today. I had to drop down in weight as my arms were fried from the alternating curls! So for my 12 reps, I only made it to 7 reps and dropped down.

Mary, I'm all over coming to the party! That sounds like so much fun! You are doing GREAT on the eating! You can do this - NO PROBLEM! How is your recovery week coming? Are you counting down the days to Disc 13? :cool:

Chrissy, that suit is adorable! I'll bet it'll be really flattering on! Nice lines. I haven't worn in two-piece in a very long while. Actually I haven't been anywhere to wear one. Isn't 17 great? You'll hurt a leetle bit more later! :p

Rachel, you can do this! Stick to the plan! I passed up the chocolate chip cookies last night; and they are sitting on the counter staring at me as I type this. I think about how awful I'll feel if I put that sugar in my body! Use reverse psychology on yourself! :eek:

Julie, I'd come over if we weren't three thousand miles away from each other! You know it's a straight shot from here to Boston on I90! (That's where you are right?)

Okay, I'm off to the shower! Have a great day everyone!

Jo :p
OK, I have a little more time to post!

I HAVE 5 MORE DAYS BEFORE STARTING MESO 2 :p:p:p:p:p:p. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm cardio'd out. I NEED MY WEIGHTS AND MY DOMS!!!! I rec'd my confirmation from UPS that my order will be delivered tomorrow. I am flying high, warm weather, package from Cathe, and MES0 2 coming up (What more can a girl ask for????) I ended up ordering the slanted risers, 4 addt'l risers and a replacement dvd. I had Muscle Indurance Cardio on a VHS tape, and I dropped it and it broke, so it was time to replace it. I love getting stuff from UPS, especially on my day off when I can open the door for the UPS man with a big smile on my face!!!

Gayle-Hope you had a good time at the volunteer breakfast. It's nice to be recognized for doing a great job! I like that "WOWzer" description for Disc 18. That pretty much says it all!!! With all the talk about Cathe's older workouts, I dug out Power Max yesterday and what a blast from the past!!! This is the dvd where you do the "party arms". I've been to a lot of parties in my time, and I have never had the opportunity to use the party arms for any of those occasions. LOL!! Maybe I'm not going to the right parties????

Chrissy-CUTE SUIT!!! I have several suits from V.S., and the Body by Victoria brand fits my body the best. I like/need the full coverage, even though I have smaller ta ta's since losing weight a few years back!! We have an outdoor swimming club about 4 miles from our house that we joined about 7 years ago, so I'm usually in the pool when DS is doing his tennis lessons. We are still on the fence about joining this year. It's expensive and not sure what's going on with DH's job (GM). I need to cut back somewhere!! Glad to know we are in this challenge together! I'm sure that suit is going to look fabulous on you!

Rachel-Gotta love the quivering butt cheeks
. I am so with you on eating great during the week because of work. Weekends are tough, but we are going to be tougher!!!!! I will hold you accountable. I also will be honest about any cheats, and that will definitely be a factor before putting crap in my mouth. I told my DH about the challenge and he is a little skeptical, and that makes me want to stand firm even more. WE WILL DO IT!!!!!!!

Julie, Julie, Julie!!! - I need to say that I think you are much to hard on yourself!! If I remember correctly, you are in your 40's and have 2 children. Do not compare yourself with 16-18 year olds, especially when shopping at Victoria Secrets!!!! Remember this, you are strong, your birthed 2 children and you have much more to show in life than these younger gals! Embrace the good (Just the knowledge of taking on STS, says so much about you). I'm proud of you. P.S. - If I lived closer, I would be over your place in a heartbeat. We would go out and show those younger gals a thing or 2!!!!
May 9th is our goal date to eat healthy!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

Jo-You will find that I LOVE putting on parties!!! My younger sis and I have been told by our older brothers and sisters that we have never really "grown up"!! My take on things is to work hard and really enjoy life. Some of my siblings have grown "old" and they don't find a lot of enjoyment in lifes simple pleasures. I find that very sad
. Laughter is so good for the soul... PS - I put the bug in DH's ear about the spin bike. Time will tell!!!

Cendrine - What an accomplishment with the new body measurements
. It's nice to see all your hard work work paying off!. Are you getting lot's of compliments from your DH?? I bet you look awesome in those short skirts!! Your menus are very impressive. I am going to incorporate some of your meals into my plan. Thanks for posting them!!!

Kim-It's nice to know we have a Marathoner among us!!!! Very impressive!! For myself, I'm really happy with a "slow" 6 miles. Hope you are seeing nice weather, and not the white stuff!!


Hi, everybody!

Just wanted to give us Clean Eatin' 6 Monthers a

SHOUT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chrissy-I WANT THAT SUIT! I WANT IT! I LOVE it!!! Gorgeous!

Rachel, we're here for ya, girl, this weekend. What I find really helps ME is to plan my weekend meals, exactly as I would plan my weekday meals. Just because it's Saturday or SUnday doesn't mean the rules change, or that calorie counts change in food, right??? Same ol, same ol....that's the attitude I try to take and it's been WORKING! We'll take it one day at a time, PROMISE! As for your leg workout...I did this same thing this past week with disc 17...went as low as I could and I think that's why I was just SPENT after the 2nd tri set!!! But oh, it hurts so good, doesn't it? lol

Mary, I'm crashing the party also!!!! It sounds like a BLAST! Take pictures, okay? I want to see all this fun!!!!!!!!!! OOOHHH, and just you WAIT for disc 13.....it will wake you up and make you beg for mercy! LOL You're gonna love it. It ALMOST makes me want to go back and redo that week with you! HA!

I looked at my Cathe Calendar this morning during my STS breaks (yeah, that 1 minute FLIES) and May 9th is only 17 days away (including today). That's it. Count down. I'm going to make myself a reward for when I hit that mark. Let me think about it........I'll let you know what my reward will be when I hit May 9th without diverting from my clean eating plan. Maybe something scrapbook-related, or a new book. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Jo-yes, those concentration curls are KILLER at the end. Last week I dropped my weight, but this week I kept the weight my card told me to use and I did as many as I could and then did the "forced reps" that Cathe talks about in that segment. OH MAN!!!! How I'm loving these workouts!

Julie, I'll come over to party while STBX is gone.....if you promise to tell me where he keeps his shoes so I can super glue them to the floor! LOL (bad Gayle, just BAD!)

Back again with today's menu:

M1: EAS Myoplex Lite shake with Glutamine powder
M2: 3 egg whites, 1/3 C oatmeal with 1T ground flax seed
M3: 2 lite string cheese, banana
M4: spring salad mix, 1 T EVOO, 1 T balsamic vinegar, can tuna, 1/2 ww pita
M5: 3 oz grilled chicken, small baked sweet pot, whatever veggie I can find in the house!
M6: BSN Protein shake

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Must remember...ACCOUNTABILITY!:D

Sorry I am belated on the birthday wishes But HAPPY FRICKIN BIRTHDAY:D I mean that in a good way...of course!:D:D
You at 40 and still picking out Victoria Secret swimsuits is soooo inspirational. And I love the suit too. Also glad you got rid of the devil m&m's that conspire to keep us out of suits like that. How can something so small be so damaging.:p

That square dancing party sounds like so much fun. I can hear it now...Swing your partner round and round, Dosy doe and curtsy to your right:) Something like that anyway.:eek: Do you have someone that does the calling for the dance?
Now on to that accountability...My DH is kind of skepticle too. He is kind of my inabler. He thinks I look great and should eat whatever I want, but does not understand that if I actually did eat whatever I wanted, I would not look great! But my goal is to look tremendous. I know that without very strict dieting and some airbrushing, I will never look like the girls on a mag. cover but I know I could get closer than I am right now if I stuck to a clean diet...Even on the weekends. But can I at least have one glass of red wine on Fri. and Sat. ...OK maybe even Sun. I love a glass of wine when I am experimenting in the kitchen. Is that going to far? Did I fall off the wagon and get drug by it?:D;)

You and that m&m story...very funny. It kind of reminded me of when I quit smoking (a long time ago) and used to have dreams that I smoked. I would wake up totally dissappointed and then realize it did not happen. Then I would be relieved.:eek: I am embarrassed that I ever was a smoker now. No offense to anyone who does but I just can not believe after all I know now that I would ever do that.
I do want to say that I for one am glad you are a 6 monther, Gayle, because you are such a good cheerleader and are always so upbeat and you put a smile on my face everytime I open the thread and see your colorful post cheering us all on for the day. Thanks for that...and let me know what you are planning for a reward. I am almost willing to bet it is not food related.

You need to find somewhere to go so you can put on a swimsuit and show off all the hard work you have put in with STS.:D
You are also always so positive and upbeat with everyone. I have noticed that on other posts too. Always encouraging:)

Today DH and I went to chinese for lunch. I made sure I would not be starving because it was going to be a little later than we normally ate so I drank about a liter of water and had an apple. I tried to stick with broc. and the green beans and chick on a stick. I trick myself also by selecting the smaller plates that they have so it looks full but really is not too much food. When I was full I quit and did not get any dessert except one bite of the fortune cookie for luck;) I need it to stay slim. I am not sure if that is going to work though.
I know that I left it to the chef as far as what is added to my food. Which I know was not the cleanest option for sure but it is so hard when it is just DH and I and he wants to eat mexican, chinese, italian and so on and does not understand that just because I am not overweight, does not mean I want to pile junk in my body any more.

Shoot sorry guys...That got way longer than I intended.:eek:
Gayle, Love the idea for the STBX! What else have you got for me?

Chrissy what I great suit!

My gf coming over tonight for wine and bikini try ons! She is even going to take my pictures for me.
Hi Everybody!

I did Step Blast cardio today. I wanted to add abs but I'm still sore in my obliques from doing weights and plates, and I didn't feel like it, so decided to skip...:eek:

m&ms...lol, Gayle, I just bought a baggie of m&ms for my son's playdate. We are making vanilla ice cream and throw in m&ms to make it fun... So hubby sees it sitting in the pantry and he's asking me: what are those doing there? Lol! I made sure he knew I wasn't going to sneak them in when no one was looking....:)
We got PTA appreciation things going ontoo. I just came back from Costco with stuff for the lunch we are putting on. It's that time of the year!

Mary, great job on stickig to the eating plan all week! You are keeping me on the straigth and narrow since I comitted to your challenge! Thanks for that! We can do this! Your party sounds fun!

Chrissy, and Mary, our California heat wave must be heading your way, because we are overcast here! No more 90s around here for now...
Chrissy, I love that bathing suit! It looks very nice! Good job on getting rid of temptation!

Rachel, we are on the same week! I went deeper too and I'm feeling it! But it's great and I'm not as sore as last week!
You are on, we will hold you accountable! Start by planning out your meals for the weekend before you get to the weekend, I know that helps me stay consistent!
I'm not sure what to tell you on the wine. I don't usually drink, so it's an easy one for me to bypass. I guess my advice would be that you factor in the wine in the calorie budget and make up for it by leaving something else out that day? How does that sound?
As far as eating out, you can almost always make a clean choice if you aks for things on the side or ask for substitutions, it's amazing how bossy they actually let me be in restaurants. You can order a mexican salad and leave the shell, for instance or order fajitas instead of enchiladas and stuff like that and you won't mess up your efforts.

Julie, I'll come party! :) Good job on the cardio! Anything is better than nothing!

Jo, as always, way to go on staying away from those cookies! What a sweetie your hubby is to cook for you so well! So, did you measure with the calipers yet?

meals for today:

m1 banana chocolate protein shake and 1/3 cup oatmeal
m2 strawberries, greek yoghurt, 1/3 cup oatmeal
m3 mushroom soup, chicken and flaxseed (needed something to warm me up)
m4 leftover macadamia crusted cod and mixed veggies in leftover curry sauce
m5 tempeh and a big salad with veggies
Here are two crock pot recipes, sorry they were so long in coming!

Curry Beef

1 lb lean or extra lean ground beef
1/2 cup beef broth
1 medium onion, chopped
1 TBSP curry powder
1 tsp cumin powder
2 cloves of garlic minced
1 cup sour cream (I use nonfat greek yoghurt to make it clean)
1/4 cup milk (fat free for me)
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 chopped walnuts, almonds or pecans

Brown beef in skillet (I am usually too lazy, so I just throw it in the crockpot raw) Add broth, onion, curry, cumin, garlic slow cook on low for 4 hours (I do on high since I added raw meat) Stir in sour cream (yoghurt) milk and raisins, cook for 30 min more. Serve with brown rice and top with nuts.

Chicken Curry

2 chicken breasts cut into pieces
1 cuup coarsley chopped apple, divided
1 small onion
3 tbsp raisins
1 tsp curry (I use a lot more)
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/3 cup water
1 1/2 tsp chicken broth granules
1 1/2 tsp flour
1/4 cup sour cream (i use greek yoghurt)
1/2 tsp cornstarch

Combine chicken, apple, onon, raisins, curry, garlic and ginger in crock pot.
Combine water, chicken bouillon granules and flour in small bowl stir until dissolved, Add to slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 4 hours.
Combine sour cream and cornstarch in large bowl. Turn off slow cooker, remove insert to heatproof surface. Drain all cooking liquid from chicken mixture and stir into sour creamm mixture. Add back to insert. Stir well. Place insert back in slow cooker, cover and let stand for 5-10 min or until sauce is heated through. Serve with brown rice and top with 1/4 cup raw chopped apple . If desired, sprinkle chicke with green onion slivers just before serving.

They are both very yummy!
[ [/ATTA

Hold onto your hats everybody, this is a picture of Clyde our Square Dance Caller :eek::eek::eek::eek:!!!!!! Ok, I know what you all must be thinking, but do you know how hard it is to get a 30 or 40 year old "studly" to call for us??? Next to impossible. Clyde is a sure thing!! I believe he has over 40 years of calling experience and he's the kind of caller that makes me wet my pants because I'm laughing so much :p:p:p.

Though you guys could use a little funny!!!!!!!!



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Oh my gosh Mary! He's da man! He LOOKS like a square dance caller! Exactly what I would imagine! :eek: That's a hoot! (and a holler!) :p I''ll bet he's a sweetie pie!

Cendrine, thanks for those recipes! They look fantastic! Okay, yes, I did the calipers this morning (forgot to mention that earlier!). So I did the Omron first and it reported 20.2% (it was 20.4% on Sunday). And the calipers came in a little below 20% - I was in the middle between a couple of the lines. So my guess is I'm like 19.5 or something. I thought tonight I would do the actual math to be more exact. So I'm happy with that! My goal was 18 by end of Meso 3 and I have been such a good, good girl that I don't see that to be an issue! (Maybe I'm closer to 19!).

Jo :eek:
Cendrine I also had meant to comment on your new stats! I think you're doing great! And 17.6 BF WOOHOO! Another reason we have to ignore the scale! Anyway I think you're doing awesome! (I'm trying to catch you with the BF!) :p It gives me a good goal!

Jo :p
Just did disc 16 for the first time and I don't know how much I can type ;) I read everyone's posts and there sure seems to be lots of parties going on :D:D
Busy day here as we had parent-teacher interviews at the school, ds had a hockey game and super busy day at work. (those darn patients just keeping injuring themselves:rolleyes:) so not much time to post even if my quivering shoulders allowed me too.

I have tomorrow off work (and the kiddos are off school) so will plan to post a long personals to catch up while I sip my morning coffee Good-night! :D
Ladies--I feel so flaky about checking in. I meant to get back for personals Monday and I haven't gotten down here until today, late Thursday.

I dealt with poop all day long. Our middle child has down syndrome and is potty trained, but has trouble not making a mess when his bowels are "loose", so, it's been do laundry, clean the bathroom, put boy in the shower--repeat and repeat--looks like we are on the downside, but I did end up eating chocolate chips and marmelade right out of the jar.

I did disks 13 and 14 Tue and Wed. I have a little doms, but nothing like last week. today I did 40 min of the 62 min BM2 all cardio premix. My ankle felt great, but I decided not to push it and do the whole thing. I am determined not to reinjure. Last week I did 30 min per cardio session. This week I'll do 40 and next week I'll add a little more if I'm feeling good.

I ate pretty well, except for today.

Okay I'm going to have to read old posts to figure out the May 9th thing--I am soo out of it:p

Gayle--you are doing so incredibly well with your clean eating--good job!

Mary--your square dance party sounds fun. I haven't done square dancing since grade school--it was on Fridays and it was called "Rythms" I'mloving meso 2. I thought it was going to be easier than meso 1 because of the longer rests, but it isn't--not at all.

Chrissy--that swimsuit is so cute. I'm in desperate need of a new one, but I think after 7 kids, my bikini days are over. I think I'll check out some of their tankinis and one piecers, though.

Rachel--disk 14 is a killer. Those tri sets are like--whoa. There's a cardio factor despite the 1 min rests between for me, at least. I'm seeing great results (or feeling them rather under my fat:p)

Cendrine--thanks for the recipes and congrats on the measurements!

Jo--way to go on the BF measurements!

Kim--I'm off to print out my disk 16-18 cards. I can't imagine lifting more weight. Good job on the typing;).

Hi Belinda, Julie and everyone else!

Hi Maggie! Glad to see you! Good job on the cardio! I'm so glad you're ankle is behaving for you! :D

Hi Kim! You are a busy busy girl! Wasn't Disc 16 great?! Heh heh, I know how you feel!

Okay, I have to report...I know you all will think I'm a nut job, but I did the calipers in the wrong place. DH wanted to do it and we redid mine...it looks like I'm 17.9 per the calipers. So who knows! But, since my goal was 18...I'm already there. But according to the Omron, I have 2% to go! What to do, who to believe???? Decisions decisions! If nothing else, this inspires me to continue with the clean eating!

Jo :eek:

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