6 Monthers, STS , Thursday 3/26


Just a quick post to get us started. I'm working through lunch today, so no time to talk. I will post again when I get home from work. Hopefully it will take this time.

Have a good one!!!

Hi ladies--I was hoping to do personals, but I have a 3 year old having a melt down because she can't find her "beautiful baby" (read not beautiful;)).

I have the weirdest DOMS from disk 10--my shoulders, yes, makes sense, but the muscles below my arm pits (like the very outside of my lats?) hello, this was a ch, sh, bi workout? I didn't even know I had these muscles and am at a loss to know why they are so sore....

I did disk 12 (legs) yesterday and it was not as hard for me as disk 9. I'll do cardio today (ankle feels pretty good) and disk 11 tomorrow.

Looking forward to meso 2.

take care all

I did some cardio today on the elipse for thiry minutes. My goal was an hour... I have almost all my ORM redone!!! Just bis and back left to go. I made an appointment with the hypnotist for next week and two more sessions after that.

I am still trying to get some pics done. It is not easy trying to figure out who I wnat to take these photos. I got on the scale today and apparently I lost one pound. I am not want to lose weight per se just lose body fat, not muscle and get some really great definition.

Good luck to everyone!
Hi ladies--I was hoping to do personals, but I have a 3 year old having a melt down because she can't find her "beautiful baby" (read not beautiful;)).

I have the weirdest DOMS from disk 10--my shoulders, yes, makes sense, but the muscles below my arm pits (like the very outside of my lats?) hello, this was a ch, sh, bi workout? I didn't even know I had these muscles and am at a loss to know why they are so sore....

I did disk 12 (legs) yesterday and it was not as hard for me as disk 9. I'll do cardio today (ankle feels pretty good) and disk 11 tomorrow.

Looking forward to meso 2.

take care all


Hi Everyone! We're all quick noting today...I'm at work but wanted to tell you I did Disc 12 today (for the last time!).

Maggie, I had the same thing happen to me with Disc 10 with the under the arm pit outside lats. I think both the 6 count sitting shoulder raises and the leaning on the stability ball exercises did that! But I'm not sure.

Later, Jo :D
I have the weirdest DOMS from disk 10--my shoulders, yes, makes sense, but the muscles below my arm pits (like the very outside of my lats?) hello, this was a ch, sh, bi workout? I didn't even know I had these muscles and am at a loss to know why they are so sore....

I did disk 12 (legs) yesterday and it was not as hard for me as disk 9. I'll do cardio today (ankle feels pretty good) and disk 11 tomorrow.


I got DOMs under the arm pits also from disc 10 (although I got it from disc 1 too) I think it is from all the pushups. Pushups use the whole upper body.

I also found disc 12 was not as tough on my body as 9. But the 2nd time I did 9 I did not get nearly as bad DOMS as I did from the first time.

I have chest to do tomorrow then I am on to my recovery week. I think that is going to be hard- not doing STS for a week. I am very anxious to start meso 2. I have been reading great things about it.

I got my squat rack on tuesday and I bought lifting hooks (?- to help aleviate forearm fatigue) today. I am all set and ready to go and I have to wait a week. Anyone going to skip the recovery week?

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I did step blast today. That was fun. I have had that one for so long and I have only done it twice.

I am thinking about getting Cathe's old step routines with my 20% coupon.
Hi Everybody!

I did Imax 3 today, it really worked me good, and I finished off with stability ball ab circuits. Tomorrow I'm doing legs disk 12, yeah!

Maggie, I had the same doms too, in the armpit back area.... :) My 2.5 year old looses it over simple stuff too. THe other night she woke up crying as if she had a nightmare only to tell us that her hair scrunchie had come off which she called "my hair fall down" These things are very important, it appears....:rolleyes:

Jo, way to go on doing Imax 3 yesterday despite your lack of sleep. and thanks for sharing what you do for eats.

Kim, funny, that your husband gets a little territorial or possessive as well... :) Guess what, he actually used his HRM yesterday! I wonder if me picking it up made him feel like he better use it or loose it?

Julie, you have great numbers, at those numbers you can't look all that bad, in terms of having someone take your picture....:) 15% body fat is excellent! If I ever reach 18%, then 15% will be my next goal. However, my face is so thin and long that people think I'm starving even when I'm still above 20%... So, I'll have to wait and see. As far as body types go, I think I kind of started narrowing it down once I looked more closely at my eating and the correlation of fat loss. Based on what I have seen I do think I'm at least partly endo with some meso. The thyroidism could be something completely separate. Keep me updated on your body fat% loss, and I'll do the same! It's fun sharing this journey.

Belinda, thanks for the specifics on the HRM, that was very helpful! When you say you watch carbs, what does that look like for you? How many servings of complex carbs and how many simple carbs do you allow in a day.
I'm going to experiment with two simple and two complex carb servings in the mornings and then stick to fibrous carbs the rest of the day. I always have at least 20g of protein with each of my 5 meals, that part is working well.

So, question, now that complex and simple carbs are out in the afternoons, what kind of meals ideas do you have, I know I can add more nuts if I go lower on carbs, but too much of that is not ideal either. Do any of you have any creative ideas? (What my plan is so far is make more dinner than I eat and eat it for my number 4 meal and then cook more dinner again and so on. Dinner is always lean protein and veggie only.)

Ok, enough said. My triceps are hurting from disk 11 but I'm looking forward to doing 12 tomorrow!
Good afternoon everybody,

Hope your day is going well. Today is the last day of my work week, but I brought home 3 large crates of files to work on during my free time this weekend. The take home work comes with having Fridays off, but it's well worth it.

I did CCV6 this morning on the treadmill. So far, that is my favorite, but I still have 4 more to try out. I love running, but I would get so bored, and had a tendency not to push as hard as I do with the coach. The people on the treadmill next to me thought I was nuts when they heard me talking back to my ipod (and it wasn't a very nice conversation I was having at the end of that last challenge):eek:

It sounds as though many of you are finishing meso 1 either this week or next. I still have 3 weeks to go, but eventually we will get there!!! Please check in during your rest week (Gayle are you out there???) and tell us how the "no lifting" week is going, and yes Chrissy this means "no lifting" for you also

I am absoulutely no help in the food do's and don'ts category. My diet consists of the basic food groups, and a few extras in moderation. Whatever I'm doing, it's working, so I guess I will stay on that path and see where it leads me!!!! But, if you need a good dessert recipe, let me know :p:p:p.

Belinda-I also wanted to say thank you for the info on the heart rate monitor. I'm going to head over to Walmart this weekend and look for one. I was going to wait for awhile, but I feel I may be pushing a little to hard on the treadmill, and would hate to injure myself before getting to meso 2 & 3.

Julie-How are your DOMS doing? I'm still feeling my bi's from Mondays workout. Are you on for Legs Disc 9? I don't think I'm going to look at my workout card until tomorrow morning just before I turn the TV on. If I look at it tonight, I might not sleep out of fear/excitement.

I am beginning to get afraid of all the talk I'm hearing with the armpit thing going on with Disc 10. I don't mind bi's, tri's and legs hurting, but ARMPITS!! Only Cathe would find a way to work the "Pits"!

I would love to personalize more, but son has homework that he needs to use the computer for, so I need to sign off until tomorrow.

Jo, Gayle, Maggie, Chrissy, Julie, Kim, Cendrine, Belinda and all others, EAT HEALTHY, WORK OUT HARD AND HAVE A WONDERFUL EVENING!!!!

I still have DOMS in my biceps! I am on track to do disc 9 tomorrow! My fat percentage is not high, however it is primarily in my hips thighs and butt!! Saddlebags!!! Yikes. I just can not get rid of it. In the past I have done a lot of cardio and I just can not get below 15%. I am hoping STS will get me there. I took some measurements today. My waist is down half and inch! I know disc 9 is going to be tough. But I will do my best. I just keep thinking August... when the rotaion will be done. I preordered sts cardio and hope to start sts back up in Sept with the cardio.

Good Luck to everyone.
Hi Everyone! :D

Another long day for me! Lets come back to Disc 12. I really struggled with this today but for different reasons than you’d think. (And this was disappointing because of it being my very last weight lifting workout for Meso 1!) Anyway, I have a pin in my right foot in the bone above the big toe knuckle. So lunges and calf work where I have to bend my foot a lot can be challenging sometimes. I cannot bend my foot with my right foot as far as I can with my left foot. (I can’t wear heels higher than 1.5 inches.) Anyway, when I do lunges for example and my right foot is back, I have to have it at a very slight angle as I can’t bend it too far but can bend properly over all my other toes. It doesn’t really put my leg out of alignment but it is slightly off. Well I did something to my foot yesterday…no idea what…and that whole knuckle area was swollen and I was in great pain trying to do any lunges. I was fine for the calf raises as they don’t cause as much bend, the lunges and the paper plate moves were difficult. I had to compensate more than normal and go a little lighter on weights on a couple of exercise. Bottom line, it will be fine as this has happened before, but it was not the way I wanted to end Meso 1! Overall it took me much longer to get through the workout but I did get it done. Once, I’m not bending that toe, there’s no pain, but it is swollen (I have ice on it right now.) So it’s good I’ll have a recovery week next week and I plan on doing CC7 tomorrow. There, now do you all feel properly sorry for me??? DON’T I just wanted to whine! :p:p

Chrissy, I was thinking about skipping the recovery week as it looks like I’m going to have travel in three weeks…but changed my mind. I need the week of pure cardio! Like Mary, I need to test out the rest of my CC’s! Also, I think you’re right about all the pushups causing the arm pit DOMS. Mary, it’s not really in the arm pit, it’s like in your wing (I know because of have chicken wings!) I love Cathe’s older step workouts; they’re more athletic but not easier!

Mary, I do plan to continue to check-in during recovery…I need you guys! :D

Julie, I LOVE it when I have DOMS in my biceps…it doesn’t seem to be very often but I really love it! I’ll be curious about the hypnotist; I don’t know anyone that’s ever done that.

Hello Belinda, Gayle, Kim, Maggie, & Tracy (if you’re out there!). :p

Cendrine, I’m rereading your menu question and if you're interested, I’ll type out a sample menu of how I eat (a couple of days worth). I don't know if it's anything close to what you're doing, but when I stick to this I drop body fat. (When I’m being pure!). :D Well, this along with exercise!

Ugh! Cendrine, I did a Mary (just kidding Mary!). I typed up the menu post to you and my computer locked up and I lost it all! :mad::mad::mad: I've got to go to bed so I'll redo tomorrow! :D


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