Hi Everybody!
I did Imax 3 today, it really worked me good, and I finished off with stability ball ab circuits. Tomorrow I'm doing legs disk 12, yeah!
Maggie, I had the same doms too, in the armpit back area....

My 2.5 year old looses it over simple stuff too. THe other night she woke up crying as if she had a nightmare only to tell us that her hair scrunchie had come off which she called "my hair fall down" These things are very important, it appears....
Jo, way to go on doing Imax 3 yesterday despite your lack of sleep. and thanks for sharing what you do for eats.
Kim, funny, that your husband gets a little territorial or possessive as well...

Guess what, he actually used his HRM yesterday! I wonder if me picking it up made him feel like he better use it or loose it?
Julie, you have great numbers, at those numbers you can't look all that bad, in terms of having someone take your picture....

15% body fat is excellent! If I ever reach 18%, then 15% will be my next goal. However, my face is so thin and long that people think I'm starving even when I'm still above 20%... So, I'll have to wait and see. As far as body types go, I think I kind of started narrowing it down once I looked more closely at my eating and the correlation of fat loss. Based on what I have seen I do think I'm at least partly endo with some meso. The thyroidism could be something completely separate. Keep me updated on your body fat% loss, and I'll do the same! It's fun sharing this journey.
Belinda, thanks for the specifics on the HRM, that was very helpful! When you say you watch carbs, what does that look like for you? How many servings of complex carbs and how many simple carbs do you allow in a day.
I'm going to experiment with two simple and two complex carb servings in the mornings and then stick to fibrous carbs the rest of the day. I always have at least 20g of protein with each of my 5 meals, that part is working well.
So, question, now that complex and simple carbs are out in the afternoons, what kind of meals ideas do you have, I know I can add more nuts if I go lower on carbs, but too much of that is not ideal either. Do any of you have any creative ideas? (What my plan is so far is make more dinner than I eat and eat it for my number 4 meal and then cook more dinner again and so on. Dinner is always lean protein and veggie only.)
Ok, enough said. My triceps are hurting from disk 11 but I'm looking forward to doing 12 tomorrow!