6 Monthers, STS, Friday

Give me a D

Give me an O

Give me an N

Give me an E!

What does it spell?

As in STS is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the BAG!
Jo, HIGH 5s!!!!! (how did you make out this AM?)

I’m only a bit sad, as I’m ready to move on. I LOVED this rotation and will DEFINITELY come back to it as soon as Shock Cardio is out.

Plyo Legs rocked this am, and I tacked on the core work from the original Boot Camp. My fave. Every Plyo Leg workout starts out slow on that first set of whatever exercise we’re doing, as my body warms up and I start to just talk myself thru the workout one move at a time.

It’s Friday and the weekend is upon us. Do you have any plans this weekend?
We’ve got a quiet weekend. DS has basketball on Sunday, but that’s it. Depending on the weather, I may do something with the kids tomorrow, not sure what, but something!

I agree that cellulite looks better when you know it’s better than LAST time. But I’ve been wondering something, or maybe PONDERING is the better word. Why is it that women that are larger than me have smooth legs, while I still have those dimples that are not as cute as my DS’ on his face. When we were at the beach last week, I noticed a few women in bikinis and if I were that size I wouldn’t wear it, however they looked okay because their skin was smooth. Am I making sense?

Food-wise…..how have you all been doing??? I have only a few servings left of prepared stuff to get me thru today, and I have this week’s batch of veggies to work with so today and tomorrow I’ll take some time to prep some of that.

Ex-Fiance. Yes, something’s brewing! lol I’ve talked with him twice on the phone, and I’ve told him I’d give him some space FOR NOW! He’s been non-stop since he got home 2 weeks ago today. He has become the sponsor for his interpreter from Baghdad, so he’s been showing him stuff in the US that he has NEVER seen, like the woods behind his house, his automatic garage door opener (this guy was amazed), and they (the fiance and his kids) took this guy to NYC yesterday to show him the Statue of Liberty. Apparently, the Statue is one of those things that they talk about (over in Baghdad) ALL THE TIME. Isn’t that cool? ANYWAY……He’s been bombarded by his kids, his Interpreter, and just generally getting back to THIS way of life again. We are going to get together before I leave for N Carolina (which is on the 5th), and I’m super excited about that. He said he really wanted to talk when we could do it openly without our kids around. I’ll keep you posted.

(edited to add:)
Oh, and last night I bought Cathe's weighted X Vest at WalMart.com. Yeah, I know the 'controversy' with buying it there, but like a few others, those several $$$ I saved by buying it and having it shipped to my store is worth it for me. Cathe has gotten a LOT of my money over the years, so I don't feel guilty! ;)

Also, My plan for the next few days sounds like Jo's. Tomorrow is CCPP day and then Sunday will most likely be a rest day.

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Way to go on completing Meso 3. High Fives to ya both.

you guys must feel so accomplished right now. I have 2 weeks left. I did plyo legs this morning and I had no energy. I felt drained. I did the best I could. I did still work up a good sweat though.

I am off to the nutritionist, then to my son's school to play kickball, then home, then camping for the weekend. So I will not be checking in after this.

Gayle- I know what you mean about the cellulite. I suffer from it badly and I know someone who is about 200 lbs and does not have any!!! It is definitely genetics and in my case where I carry my weight. I am a pear shape. I know it is very frustrating, although I'm sure when I finally get to goal it will look alot better than it does now.
Good Luck with your ex. I hope everything works out the way you want it to.

good morning to everyone else. I have to get busy

Have a great weekend
Hey Chrissy, did YOUR Plyo disc this morning have those half turning jump squats with weights? Know which ones I mean? OMG! I know there are only 15 in each set (each direction) but MAN! By 12 I'm dying and my form on the last 3 was actually FUNNY! I started laughing at myself and totally lost my balance. Good thing my workout area was cleared of anything that I could trip on.

Give me a D

Give me an O

Give me an N

Give me an E!

What does it spell?

As in STS is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the BAG!
Jo, HIGH 5s!!!!! (how did you make out this AM?)

I’m only a bit sad, as I’m ready to move on. I LOVED this rotation and will DEFINITELY come back to it as soon as Shock Cardio is out.

I'm with you GIRLFRIEND! DONE says it all!!!!!!! I feel great and I gave it my all! High 5's right back at cha! WOOHOO!!!!!

Okay, on a cellulite note...Gayle, I know exactly what you're talking about! I suspect Chrissy and I are built pretty much the same. I weigh 111 pounds, pear shaped and the cellulite is there! I know it's genetics and it is what it is and it will probably always be there...but it annoys the crap out of me to see very large people with smooth legs!!! Oh well...we must have SOMETHING we don't like to work on!

Chrissy have a great weekend! And Hello to everyone who follows! I have company coming tonight for the weekend so my checkin's may be spotty this weekend!
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Real quick-my husband is telling me lets go.

Those 1/2 jump turns turned into 1/4 turns at the end. And I also lost my balance quite a few times...mostly on lunges. I had a rough workout but its over.

gotta go,
Hi Guys,

just a quick post. I did LIC cardio with added blasts at the end and core.

Gayle and Jo, great job for finishing!
Jo, the rotation I posted is nothing much to speak of, I just wanted to have a 4DS rotation with cardio that I could add with one click in the future so I don't have to do it over again day by day every time I plan on doing it.... LOL! I'm lazy, what can I say!

About Cellulite, other people may be bigger and smoother, but that doesn't mean they are in better shape! I guess there is really nothing much we can do about things we can't change, but we sure can make sure we are in our best shape.

Congrats Gayle and Jo!! You guys did great!
I hope I'm that happy when I finish STS ;);) I'm sure I will be as I've timed it to finish just before holidays.

I did finish disc 30 yesterday and even upped some of the weights and then got up early and did 4DS HIS cardio and STS stability ball abs this morning. We're supposed to go camping for the first time with our new tent trailer this weekend as all the activities have finally calmed down.After 2 weeks of super hot weather it's supposed to rain all weekend:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: The kids are super excited and still want to go so just going to a provincial park about 1/2 hr drive outside the city so will see how long we stay. We'll pack lots of board games/books.

This morning I went to watch dd in her school play, Charlotte's Web. Very cute. This is their last full day of school. They do go in Tuesday for the morning only and then summer holidays for them.

Jo. I'm so glad that you had a nice day at the ball game!

Gayle That's a great running time! What half marathon will you be doing??? I probably look like those ladies at the beach. Don't hate me, but I don't have any cellulite BUT I do have a big belly that I can't get rid of. When I lose weight I get really skinny arms/legs but I keep my gut, it's impossible to get rid of. So we each have our issues.

Chrissy Have fun camping!

Cendrine I'm skimmed that article looks very interesting, will try and have a closer look later.
Hi, Kim! Have fun with the new trailer! I love camping...I'll be taking the kids sometime this summer! Wish I had a tent trailer too, though! ;)

I've got a pot of yummy soup on the stove right now! Cendrine's Super Energy KALE Soup has now been turned into Cendrine's Super Energy SWISS CHARD soup! LOL I had a bunch of swiss chard from the farm this week so I swapped it out for the kale. I also got a pretty big head of cabbage, 2 zucchini, and a bin of snap peas. YUMMY! Any suggestions/recipes for the zucchini or cabbage? I have plenty of things to do with them, just thought I'd see if anybody else has anything NEW!

Kim, I'm doing a race called the Lehigh Valley Health Network Marathon for Via. This is the first year they're having the individual half marathon distance. In the past it's been the full, 5K or the Team Relay (which is 5 team members, each running a leg, doing the whole marathon course). I've done the team and it was a BLAST! So much fun! This year, my friend's DH, who has been saying for a few years now that he wants to run longer distances, is running with me. His goal is to run the Disney Full (I forget which year he's talking about), and I may train for that with him between now and then.

OK...it's hot here. About 89 and humid. I still haven't put my A/C on....I don't like all the windows and drapes shut; I prefer the breeze and fresh air. We'll see how long I can hold out. I'm fine...it's older DS who complains (oh, and my mom doesn't usually come over mid-summer cuz she's grumpy that it's hot in my house. lol).

Gotta go stir the pot! :)

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Hi Guys,

Kim, have fun camping this weekend! I am amazed how fast it gets hot where you are! It seems to me you only just got the camper and the kids wanted to be in it while it was snowing? And now it's so hot! I must be genetically similar to you, my stomach is always the last to go and while other people can eat and still have flat stomachs, even if I have worked down to having a flat belly in the morning, I can't eat and still have it flat...:( Why is that? I would think my abs are strong enough to hold the food in... I would think!

Gayle, below I have posted a couple of recipes you might like. I love just cooking cabbage with onions and ground turkey or beef and sweet potatoes, too, no recipe for that, just go by your gut.
For Zucchini I love to stuff them! Usually with lots of ground meat of some kind and mushrooms and onions and celery. I also julienne them and stirfry them with leeks and chicken, yummy too! Or I just do them as a side, sauteed with some onions.
I don't like to turn the air conditionner on either. My friends when they visit usually ask for me to turn it on because they are used to 65° F! I can't beleive anyone would want to pay for it to be that cold in summer!

Hi Mary, Hi Chrissy, Hi Julie, Hi Rachel, Hi Jo, did I miss anyone?

Spicy Cabbage Soup
The unusual combination of vegetables in this healthy soup are brought together beautifully with the spices. The Healthy Sauté cooking method makes it light and healthier without heating oils or compromising flavor.

Prep and Cook Time: 45 minutes

1 medium onion, quartered and sliced thin
3 medium cloves garlic, chopped
1-2 tsp minced fresh chili pepper (serrano, or jalapeno)
2 tsp ground coriander
1 TBS dry mustard
5 cups + 1 TBS chicken or vegetable broth
2 TBS fresh lemon juice
2 medium-sized red potatoes cut in ½-inch cubes (about two cups)
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes
3 cups thinly sliced Savoy or green cabbage
salt and black pepper to taste

Heat 1 TBS broth in a medium soup pot. Healthy Saute sliced onion over medium heat for about 5 minutes. Stir in garlic and minced chili pepper. Continue to saute for another minute.
Stir in dried coriander and mustard. Add broth and the rest of ingredients except the cabbage, salt, and pepper. Simmer for about 20 minutes, uncovered, or until potatoes are tender.
Add cabbage, and cook for another 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Serves 4
Healthy Cooking Tips:

Add more spices and chili pepper if you would like it spicier.

Let soup simmer for a little longer for a richer taste.

Sesame Braised Chicken & Cabbage
This highly nutritious chicken, cabbage, and kale dish is easily made and is very fresh tasting. It is a meal in one dish that is very satisfying and delicious with the chicken. By using our Healthy Sauté and stovetop braising techniques you get a healthier dish without heated oils that is still full of flavor.

Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch pieces
4 cups green cabbage, sliced thin
4 cups finely chopped kale, stems removed
1 medium-sized onion, cut in half and sliced thin
1 TBS minced fresh ginger
2 medium cloves garlic, minced
½ cup + 1 TBS chicken broth
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp ground coriander
1 15 oz can diced tomatoes, drained
2 TBS rice vinegar
1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
¼ cup chopped scallion tops
1 TBS sesame seeds
salt and white pepper to taste

Prepare ingredients as listed above.
Heat 1 TBS broth in a stainless steel wok or large skillet. Healthy Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until translucent. Add garlic and ginger and continue to sauté for another minute.
Add chicken pieces and cook for a couple of minutes. Add turmeric, coriander, and mix with chicken. Add kale. Sauté for another couple of minutes, stirring constantly.
Add ½ cup broth and bring to a boil on high heat. Reduce heat and simmer over low heat covered for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add cabbage, diced tomatoes, and vinegar and simmer for another 4 minutes. Remove from heat, toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Serve sprinkled with minced scallion tops and sesame seeds. Serves 4 Serving Suggestion: Serve with
Seaweed Rice
Healthy Cooking Tips:

Make sure the cabbage does not cook more than about 4 minutes. If it cooks beyond that it will start releasing liquid and dilute the flavor of your dish. By slicing it thin, it allows it to cook in a short amount of time, creating a fresh tasting dish with a lot of flavor.
Oh, Cendrine, you come thru again with yummy recipes! THANKS!

I've decided to take tomorrow as my rest day, as I usually do. For a few reasons. I haven't taken a rest day since the 16th and I think it's time. Also, Starting on Sunday, I will begin invorporating more runs during the week and a long run on the weekend (on Saturday). As much as I want to do CCPP tomorrow, I need to rest my legs in order to begin increasing my mileage. Ah.....yeah, I finally made a decision! LOL



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