I told you I was not computer savy...
What happened was...when I went to post my thread I noticed I had spelled saturday wrong
so I did not want everyone thinkin' I was a dumba## so I edited it and then i guess I posted it twice
So much for not looking like a DumbA##
Oh well we are so cool
we needed a double post right!
Well I went with the yoga then leg conditioning drills from KM and then punching and kicking combos from KPC. I love what Kb does for the body. Overall I felt like it was a good last workout for my recovery week. One thing I would not recommend though, is doing kicking combos after the leg conditioning drills. When I started the punching part I thought whoo I feel really tough today (bring it on Chuck Norris) then when I got to the kicking part I thought maybe 'Bring it on Betty White'
. But overall I got through it just not as graceful as I would have liked.
Kim-Thanks for letting me know you love hearing me ramble on about nothin'
I love catching up and chattin' up you girls! Sometimes it is the high light of my day.I hope the start of meso 3 went ok for you. Mine will start on Monday with cardio and tues with my first meso 3 workout.
That museum sleepover sounds super cool. I don't think they do things like that down here. Of course I don't have kids so I am not 100% but I am pretty sure. That sounds like a fun way to get the kids interested in history.
Julie-I giggled at the santa dress. I remember when I was little and I got a new coat or a new swim suit I would always sleep in it. I guess I thought if I let it out of my sight, it would not be there in the morning.
Jo-How did disc 30 go? I am looking so forward to getting started on this meso and seeing how much strength I have gained. I don't think I noticed a real noticable change between meso 1 and 2 as far as how my body looked but I feel alot leaner now. I think I can also contribute it to saying WWJD... What would Jo do?
Always before I eat something that might be harmful to my goals...Thanks Girl for keeping me staight!
Gayle-You amaze me. No wonder your body is amazing. You don't sit still
Everytime I start the thread I look at the clock and think, Gayle is probably doing this right now and rolling her eyes cause I still do not know how to tell if someone else is on at the same time
Thanks for putting up with me! I hope you have a great time with the kiddos these next few days.
Chrissy-I never really did abs as often as I should have either until I started STS. Now I really make a concious effort to do them 3 times a week. Sometimes I reallly don't want to but I do. Now that I have been pretty consistent I can really tell a difference in the strength in them. Which I have never had before, I think I have never concentrated on using my abs for abs...Do you know what I mean?
Mary-I have to second the high maintenance husband when it comes to anything medical...dentist included! With normal everyday stuff he is a pretty tough fella but when it comes to doctors and medical procedures he can be a big baby and take up every bit of my time. I think his mother did that to him
I hate that you scratched your eye! I have done this before when I had put a shirt on backwards and when I went to turn it around the tag cut right across my pupil. It was the worst thing ever. I had to go to the doctor and get this goop for my eye and light was unbearable for a few days. It was the most stupid injury I have ever inflicted on myself, I think
I hope yours is better.
OK guys I am off to prepare for the pool party. Have a great Saturday!